
Paint It Black Song Meaning

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Paint it Black From rap to rock people always can find a deeper meaning in music. Whether it is taking out an inspirational message or consolation there always seems to be more. So it came as no surprise to people when the war came, it was found in almost every song. People fell in love with the relatable lyrics and even began to idolize the people that sang them, but is it enough for people to change political views? Music is such a powerful form of protest because it can change people’s mind with lyrics in a subtle way. An example would be in the song “Paint it Black” when it says “I see a line of cars and they’re all painted black. With flowers and my love both never to come back”. This is a prime example of propaganda and protest because he is bringing out the horrors of war, referring to a funeral session, and the sorrow of losing a loved one. Also the use of rhyme makes it more appealing and catchy. According to “Jonny Spielt Auf" from “An Introduction to Entartete Musik, Courtesy of Decca Classics.” Music propaganda has been used as early as the holocaust. …show more content…

A major topic of the song is death and depression, which is something that is still every real in modern times. Also in the song it says, “I see my red door and must have it painted black. Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts”. This is referring to soldiers that come back from war and are faced with PTSD. They feel like they are drained of color and do not want to remember the realities of war. According to “William Hudenko, PhD, Beeta Homaifar, PhD, and Hal Wortzel, MD” suicide rates from soldiers who have PTSD have increased since Vietnam showing it is still a major

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