
Pair Of Jordan Personal Narrative

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First Pair Of Jordan’s I was in California and it was during Christmas vacation. I was really confused on what I wanted for Christmas, so every day I would go online looking for things to buy. When the days progressed, I started seeing people with lavish shoes and clothes. I really wasn’t a big shoe person but something about shoes I saw caught my attention. My mom would ask here and there what I would like for Christmas, but I would answer with a shrug of my shoulders. My brother would give me suggestions on gifts but I would eventually turn them down. But as time went by, I would go walking around shops until I stood in front of a store named Flight Club. The doors were opened and the music was blasting from their speaker that you could probably hear from a mile away. I was intrigued to find out what was in that store, and find out all the shoes or products that they …show more content…

Maybe I will think about it, but thanks for suggesting that mom.”, I replied quietly

When we got home, I got on my Uncle’s computer and started to research on those shoes and other retail prices that maybe were cheaper. I really wanted those shoes but just thinking of many other things I could get with that kind of money made me doubt my choice. While I was typing my mom came into my room and sat next to me. " You know I can tell when you are lying. I know you want those shoes, I can tell when you picked that pair up and looked at it.", she said " I do want it, but the price is really expensive and I could buy other things with that money," I replied She sighed and told me that she was willing to buy it for me and that was my only gift. I went quiet and finally smiled to an agreement. I was so happy that I was getting my first pair of Jordan's, and couldn't wait when I go back to Flight

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