
Pair Of Tickets

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It is unquestionable that numerous short stories in present-day include topics discussing the importance of family values and acknowledgement of culture. The main factor that sets the two stories “A Pair of Tickets” and “Flight Patterns” apart from countless is the fact that the two central characters are remarkably unique yet strikingly relatable. In the story “Flight Patterns” the main character William, is a Spokane Indian who embraces his culture and heritage. On the other hand, in “A Pair of Tickets” the central character, Jing-Mei, is a woman who genuinely did not regard herself as Chinese for a majority of her life. The values of family and importance of heritage are both exemplified in “A Pair of Tickets” and “Flight Patterns” however, …show more content…

The motif of family importance is strongly present in both novels. In “Flight Patterns” the main character, William, travels frequently due to his job and often times it is painful for William to leave his family. With that being said, William demonstrates this pain by comparing leaving his daughter to hunting animals “During these mornings, he felt generic and violent, like some caveman leaving the fire to hunt animals in the cold and dark. Maybe his hands were smooth and clean but they felt bloody.” (Alexie p 57). Similarly, in “A Pair of Tickets” the principle of family is also predominating. With that being said, Jing-Mei, openly speaks about her uncertainties and hesitations towards meeting her twin half sisters. The acceptance Jing-Mei longs for by her sisters is overwhelming as she states “When they see it’s just me, they’ll hate me.” (Tan p 305) This statement exemplifies just how desperate Jing-Mei is for her sister’s acceptance towards her. Another theme that is established in both stories is the acknowledgment and appreciation of culture. With this specific theme, the principles meaning is drastically different between William and Jing-Mei. In “Flight Patterns” William, embraces his heritage as a Spokane Indian and speaks fondly of his culture. For example, when William is asked about his heritage he responds by stating “I’m that kind of Indian, but much smarter, I am Spokane Indian. We’re salmon people.” Throughout the story, William gives off the sentiment that he is proud to be apart of his heritage. In “A Pair of Tickets” it is evident that from the beginning of the story Jing-Mei feels disconnected and almost incongruous in her Chinese heritage as she states “Even without makeup, I could never pass for true Chinese.” (Tan p 305). In addition, Jing-Mei does not express her

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