This student is often disengaged from the instruction, but I was able to keep him engaged most of the times by having an interaction with the student. This student was somewhat familiar with the scientific terms, therefore, I have defined the scientific words with the student. In addition, I was able to keep him engaged throughout the lesson with the hands-on activity. This student is very shy, so I became his partner for the pair-share. This was very effective because I was able to get a correct answer from this student. After I got him to talk during the pair-share, he gained some confidence and he began to contribute his ideas to his group.
I elicited and built upon student’s response to promote thinking and develop understanding of science concepts through questioning to get student think critically about what they did at each station and how it fit together what we see happen outside the classroom. it can be seen in the video clip 2 lesson 4 minute , it can been seen in the video that students are actively engaged in answering questions and are willing to give their insight into situation. In video clip 1 The students watch a video about the chemistry of carbon. and while the students watched the video there were a list of the question that each students need to answer it, and one of these questions was asking about “what the protein are made off “This provided students
Additionally, Paula struggles staying focused and on-task during class instruction. Paula frequently gets lost and distracted with the material in front of her, but Paula makes up for it with her dedication to answer the question correctly. Frequently, Paula observes her peers respond during whole class discussions and also answers some of the questions asked during these discussions. The teacher uses these opportunities as a learning opportunity to highlight the correct answer or guide the students into saying the correct answer. It is great that Paula wants to participate in classroom discussions because she remains fully engaged and frequently offered the opportunity to state his own understandings about the concept or skill he is being taught. Drawing on this observation and the use of intervention work, the teacher can plan future opportunities to allow the students to not only communicate their understandings about the content they are being taught, but to also further drive in the content he is being
| Some learners may not feel confident contributing – good ice-breaker required Other learners may dominate discussion – teacher facilitation important Easy to digress from topic – ground rules and teacher facilitation important
As the weeks went on the student seemed to pick up on and begin to grasp the topics I worked with him on. Specifically the student improved on their identification of when to use the plural form and when to use the singular form.
When they were doing the activity I was watching them how to do the activity. Sometimes I asked them some questions to make sure that they understood completely. I observed all pupils in my group loved to play with the colourful shapes and they separated them in the right circle. This activity was very simple but through that the pupils can recognise the all type of shapes. When we finished Miss B suggested each group should check other group work and they should find if there is any mistake. While my group were checking other groups work I was with them and supported them with explaining more.
This way I can be a source of knowledge rather than a teacher who fills the students head with knowledge. This technique should also be able to direct students’ enquiries as well as allow them to ask their own questions and follow what directions their enquiries about Science might take them. My next key learning element would be the value of group work and the peer collaboration between students to enable better understanding about the topic being investigated or the experiment being conducted. My other key learning experience that was gained from this lesson was the determination of what prior learning had the students done on a particular subject so that their constructs can be added to or modified to achieve better scientific results. My thoughts are that, even more careful planning has to go into a design and make (discovery learning) lesson than into a mere investigation through books and the internet. These tasks increase student motivation and the willingness to accept Science as practical, necessary and important in today’s modern
There are a couple of limitations that are effecting the students over all learning in Ms. Lister’s classroom. The students have showed that they are not motivated or engaged when given a task to complete. Therefore, Ms. Lister needs to figure out different tactics to motivate her students. Ms. Lister should attempt to implement a variety of options to her student so they feel they have a choice in what they do and how they learn. Other methods that could be combined is attempting a positive feeling tone and recognizing accomplishments, giving encouragements and believing in the students. Her students crave to be recognized for their accomplishments and thrive on positive talk. By their teacher expressing the importance to their accomplishments
Day two the first 6th grade class they get a study guide for their test on Tuesday. The class comes in very loud yet again. They can work on their study guide individually or in a group, the groups are relatively quite. They can get of topic, but today it was still science related just not their main topic. The teacher implements the retrieve and review method here. They repeatedly ask the same questions, but she does a good job in helping them look for the answer and not just giving it to them. You can really tell that some of these kids have a real love for science and that is what I want as a
What effect did your teaching strategies have in terms of promoting student learning and keeping your students meaningfully engaged? (APS 5.A–C)
Focus Student 2’s strengths are that they learn new material and processes it quickly. The challenge in this scenario is the student wants to work quickly to complete the work, however, they leave out several details. The student shares the details with the teacher, however, forgets to transfer them to the paper. Modification that will need to be made for this student is the ability to verbalize and check what they are working on. I will be applying this to the lesson through think-pair-share. The student will need to think of the problem, pair up with a partner and compare ideas, then share work to check for missing details. This student was selected to show contrast with the other focus student. While focus student 2 works at a faster
Everyone is likely to experience some form of discrimination or prejudice; as is anyone capable of acting prejudiced towards others. On April 5th, 1968, a teacher in Riceville, Iowa named Jane Elliot conducted an experiment with her third grade class that dealt with the concept of discrimination; and was documented in Peters’ 1985 ‘A Class Divided’. The exercise originally took place the day after Martin Luther King was assassinated. The documentary is an eye opener to the world of racism and discrimination. Bucher (2010) describes racism as “discrimination based on the belief that one race is superior to another” (97). According to Bucher (2010) “discrimination is defined as the
The instructor-student treatment have huge impacts on the educational progress and honesty. The more encouragement I offer results in an increased trust and responsibility by students. Both increase their feel of worthy, both show that students can and will learn and achieve. I influence them until their inner feeling of “I want/need to master this subject” escalate. For instance, once a while I share a story of my own. Why I am learning and teaching and how I am still looking for more knowledge. There are couple of sayings that I use to encourage more learning and reading; the first one says, “Aim for higher expectations and if not met you won’t be far from your target”. The second says,” No one was born a scientist, everyone learns”.
Engaging students in the classroom can be a difficult task. Understanding the process of how students learn can help a teacher adapt the lesson to meet the needs of all students. I will encounter students that are not intrinsically motivated so I will need to find different ways to motivate each and every student. Understanding how my students learn can provide me with insights as to how to help each student learn which will minimize classroom management problems.
Keeping students engaged and on task can be, at times, the most difficult part of being a teacher. You have to come up with new ways to engage them and keep them focused on learning, especially at the end of the day when all they can think about is going home.
My observations has taught me the importance of engaging students. I am now able to recognize when a student is not engaged. They seem distracted and are not paying attention to what the teacher is saying. Whereas an engaged student is alert, discussing the material, and asking questions