
Paleo Diet Research Paper

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What Is The Paleo Diet?

The Paleo Diet - caveman diet, paleolithic diet, stone age diet, or hunter-gatherer diet - is the popular diet of today which is basically eating foods that a caveman would eat so when people ask you "What is the Paleo Diet?", think of the word paleo from the paleolithic period what cavemen eat. Cavemen don't eat bags of crisps, hotdogs or candy.This means that all of the processed foods, and most processed dairy products, nuts, oils, grains, and sugars (possibly chocolate) are recommended out of the menu for the Paleo Diet. If someone asks you "What is the Paleo Diet?" just reply "It's a caveman diet." All meat, fruits and vegetables only. That perfectly sums up what the Paleo Diet is. If the person asks "What is the Paleo Diet" again then whack him with a club! …show more content…

The word "processed" typically means anything that has went through a process. This means anything that has went through the factory, the blender, or the adding of different ingredients before it reaches your home so to speak.

This does not mean that you should not eat slaughtered animals because they have gone through the process of killing and cleaning. You are 100% allowed to have them in the Paleo Diet. Processed animal meat means that they have went through factories to grind the meat down to a hull and package them after having put preservatives other than salt.

Processed foods include hotdogs, sausages, nuggets, canned foods, and the like since they do not come out as "simply cooked meat" but instead come with preservatives, breadcrumbs, flavourings, and oils.

What else can I think of besides a "caveman"?
One tip I have known is that you can think of what a monkey or an ape eats - then just add fresh meat. This will simplify the whole thought of the Paleo Diet what a caveman eats since you might think of what a temperate (cold weather) caveman would eat instead of what a tropical (hot weather) caveman would

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