
Panera Bread Essay

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Fact 1: Out of the 2,000 stores that Panera has they are only located in the United States and Canada.

The more you expand you the more you lose control of your company. Panera Bread realizes this so they have a very strict when it comes to granting franchisees. “Panera Bread does not sell single-unit franchises, so it is not possible to open just one bakery-cafe. Rather, we have chosen to develop by selling market areas which require the franchise developer to open a number of units, typically 15 bakery-cafes in a period of 6 years” (Wheelen, Hunger, Hoffman, and Bamford pg.32-16). With that being said franchising is a big element of Panera’s growth. Expansion through franchise partners enables the company to grow. It’s pretty apparent that further growth outside of North America would be the next step. Panera Bread has a strong U.S. presence, but the company has an opportunity to expand internationally to improve sales and growth. The company should set up a store front in a very populated city in Europe to find out how people will react to the company. A …show more content…

When eating the establishment, you will spend around an average of $8.50 for lunch, which isn’t far off from their competitors in the fast food market. Simple things like listening to your customers will and can go a long way. To further their connection with their customer they took a survey that showed that 82% of consumers would prefer freshly cooked eggs in their breakfast sandwiches and Panera took the initiative to give the people what they wanted. “’To compete in this business, we believe we need to have offerings that are worth getting out of your car for,’ said Panera’s Chief Concept Officer, Scott Davis” (Wheelen pg.32-14). This type of mentality will concert people into loyal customers, and once a customer is loyal to your company you have them for

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