The possibility of the world ending is something that is in the back of many people’s minds. It is the ultimate death. It is the end of not only yourself, but the end of humanity as a whole. There are many ways that this could happen, ranging from Asteroids colliding with our planet, to alien invasion, and even self annihilation via war. I am focusing on something that is very improbable, but just might lead to the demise of humanity. Alien invasion. Most people think of alien invasions as a giant war with another spacefaring, sentient race, however, it can come as a more subtle, possibly even more deadly way. An alien pandemic has multiple ways of killing our race, from the infection itself, to self annihilation. The possibility of the world …show more content…
“Panspermia is a Greek word that translates literally as "seeds everywhere" ( Panspermia theory is that “seeds” of life exist throughout the universe, propagated via cosmic scale expansion and explosions. “More mechanisms for panspermia include the deflection of interstellar dust by solar radiation pressure and extremophile microorganisms traveling through space within an asteroid, meteorite or comet.” ( These seeds can be any form of microorganism, and can range from carbon life forms (Like humans and all living organisms we know so far) to life based on other …show more content…
It is entirely possible for a microorganism to be made up without amino acids, or DNA, and still be deadly to humans. It can have a different chemical backbone, it can be extremely heat or cold resistant, resistant to radiation, UV light, and in the case of an intentional invasion, and it could be made so that all modern treatments are ineffective. The possibility of the world ending due to spacefaring, or alien bacteria entering our atmosphere and destroying the human race is a great possibility. Death by pandemic is scary, as is every apocalypse theory. Though Death by a spacefaring race of bacteria is entirely possible and might lead to humanities demise it is statistically improbable, and is something that should not be thought of on a daily
American journalist and author James Thurber once said, “Man is flying too fast for a world that is round. Soon he will catch up with himself in a great rear end collision.” In both the film I Am Legend(2007) and Ray Bradbury’s The Martian Chronicles the world has come to an end due to the destruction caused by mankind. In I Am Legend, Earth has been destroyed and mankind has been wiped out to extinction by a deadly man made virus that was meant to cure cancer.
There are many ideas on how the world will end. Some say with the rapture, or a zombie apocalypse, or a super-virus. William Golding, author of Lord of the flies, believed that the world was doomed. He expresses this idea through his book when he shows that hope ultimately fails us, when he gives the boys pure things and they tarnish them, and when he has evil triumph good.
Nowadays there are many speculations out there as to how the world will end. An asteroid hitting the Earth is the most logical of them all. With so many asteroids shooting past the Earth on a daily basis one is bound to hit us and will end the world as you knew it. This is the type of disaster that would be hard for society to prepare for. With asteroids shooting through space one will ultimately end the world as we knew it. You would think that with all of the technology everywhere that there would be a way for someone to stop an asteroid from ending all existence. When an asteroid comes our way there will be no way to stop it, and it will ultimately end the world as you know it.
It seems that every year someone comes out with a wild conspiracy theory regarding Earth's final days. After a while, one might learn to tune these whack jobs out but this time, it might be for real. Conspiracy theorists say that Planet X is going to set off an apocalyptic scenario this year. Furthermore, the elite like Donald Trump and Bill Gates know about it. Stock up on canned food everyone.
The world will most likely be destroyed by people. Living in a world full of hate and resentment towards other human beings can and probably destroy all of us in the end. But just talking about it isn’t going to do anything for anyone. It’s not going to change until people make an effort to change it. Why sit back and watch the world fall apart if you could stand up and do something about it and try to help yourself and others. Fire and Ice is a great example of the way people
Do you believe in end-of-the-world prophecies? End-of-the-world prophecies are assumptions of when and how our world would end.
In my opinion one of the best implications of the apocalypse scenario happens in Neon Genies Evangelion. Hideaki Anno was the creator of the original series had a brilliant vision of a word in which the world was ending but humanity did its best to continue living. Neon genesis Evangelion follows the story of a young boy named Shinji Ikari who is pretty much forced into piloting a giant robot called an EVA in accordance with his father’s wishes. Using Eva unit one Shinji and two other pilots are tasked in keeping the world safe from the threat of the angels. Angels are alien like creatures that attempt to, what seems like destroy the world. If I was in the scenario I would be much more worried about the state of the world seeing as how 3 teenage
The plague that happened in the seventeenth century later demonstrated the work of panopticism. Everything was chaotic in the beginning until things started being regulated. Quarantine was needed for the best of the community and to be able to take control of the situation. Since things were extremely chaotic, people’s freedom were taken away for the sake of others. Of course they didn’t want the virus to spread so they had to keep everyone on track and observe them. This then displayed disciplinary mechanisms. When Foucault talked about the plague, he tried to emphasize on what it took to restore order back to the community. He tried to emphasize on what it took to regain
If not by nuclear war, than humanity could perish in dozens of other manners: pollution could choke our food supply or kill the plants that produce our oxygen, or we could use up all our resources and be left with billions of people and the infrastructure to support less than one thousandth of that number, or we could destroy our atmosphere and let natural radiation kill us. A madman or a terrorist might engineer a virus to kill all homo sapiens, or one might be loosed on accident by a well-meaning brilliant fool. And how impossible really is a nuclear holocaust? It is not just the large superpowers that are building up arsenals now, but every little country with delsions of grandeur; the more nukes around, the more chance that someone will use one. The most colossal insult to man's pride in our "New World Order", in our interpretation of relative calm as true peace, in our belief in the farce of being on the verge of true and lasting security, is that the end could come by an accident: a careless mistake, a deadly misunderstanding, a fatal lack of communication, a failure to act when the ability to prevent a calamitous disaster would be within our grasp. In our arrogance we do not see the thin tightrope that we walk, and so we continue blithely with our everyday affairs, building our lives of luxury and our castles in the air. Until one day our mistakes cause everything our race has ever
Have you ever imagined the end of the Earth? Let’s take the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 for example, and look at how the explosion affected some parts of the world. Large areas were affected by the Chernobyl explosion. Many things and properties were destroyed because of this. People, animals, and plants were affected by the explosion and it made many suffer. It took many people to begin cleaning up the mess, and they got sick. There is still a lot of damage there. It’s very scary to know that an accident like this could occur again.
There are just too many possible ways that the world can end. For example, a deadly virus could spread around the world and wipe out the human species. Another example could be that the earth will have a great, natural catastrophe that will bring the end to all life. And one last example could be that the world will end from a nuclear war caused by World War Three. These are just three examples in hundreds, if not thousands, of ways the earth could end, for the world could end today, weeks, months, or in many years in the future. Nobody knows exactly when or how the world will end, however, the most likely way the world will end is the lack of resources. The world needs to focus on the future, because the world’s important resources, such as water, trees, and power supply are increasingly dwindling. Without these resources, the world will, without a will die sooner than most people think. Because if one of these three resources disappears never to return there will be no future. Because without one of the three resources such as water no person on this earth could possible survive.
There has been many theories of the world ending, such as the theory made by the mayas that the december 21 of 2012, the Earth will destroy. We know that did not happen. Floods, earthquakes and deadly plagues will finish all humanity and the civilized world as we know it. The horrifying forecast is being made by some Christian groups who predict the “rapture” phenomenon will bring about a global apocalypse before 2021. Other theories are that in 3.5 billion years the sun will attract the first 3 planets and will destroy them, and some scientists predict that we will move to mars.Humans adapt to everything that the nature give to them. The only thing that will be a problem if we move out is the inequality between races and social classes. That’s why I think we need to unite as a group to accept each others differences. The trips to the outer space should be
They may be present in active volcanoes, sulphur springs, thousands of feet under the sea level, in acid springs, ice and glaciers etc. They are present on and inside living organisms as well as non living things. Microorganisms also have the ability to reproduce both sexually as well as asexually.
Is he world really going to end? Is the third world war going to happen? These are the questions going through people minds nowadays. Terrorist attacks one after another and killing of innocent people has slowly convinced us that something really bad in a form of war is going to happen sooner than we think. They are targeting, attacking and killing civilians all over the world. They are also threatening to do more and more. Their main target is to grow fear in us and also drag countries in a war and so far they are getting success at some extent.
Earthquakes, famines, diseases, and the rise of Islamic terrorism were recorded as our future history a long time ago. This is the time that Jesus referred to as the "beginning of sorrows," (Matthew 24:8 KJV). It is a future history that was spelled out before any of us were ever born. However, it is the frequency of all of the earthquakes, the natural disasters, and the occurrence of worldwide unrest that we must pay attention to, in order to better understand the travail of a changing world, and what that means to us right now, and in very real time. Jesus said, "All these things must come to pass, but it is not the end," Matt 24:6 KJV. The Earth is presently in an effacement stage, and it is ready to enter into a period of