Panyee football club Football. Probably the most popular sport in america, no no no your thinking of american football,i'm thinking of soccer. One day a group of kids living on an small island on water in panyee Thailand, was watching football and they had an idea… to make there own football group. But everyone thought they were crazy. The truth was they were right. The had no room, no supplies and they could not practice anyware. But they were not going to believe the village, and they still pushed on. They pushed on by building their own pitch out of old wood. It was Unstable and had a lot of Nails sticking out of it. lots of people laughed at the boys while they were playing on their pitch because they thought they would never become
In America, football is one of the most popular sport. For example, the Super bowl is on of the most celebrated game of the year.
Every country has a sport that they find most interesting. Due to the nationwide involvement, this sport will result in a great amount of revenue, and a common form of entertainment. In America, it is evident that this sport is football. No other sport pulls in the same amount of revenue, media and nationwide attention than football does. It is popular in all age groups, and is the staple of sporting events to attend while students are in high school and college. Football is the greatest sport in America because of the business it has created, and the national draw that has developed from it.
In the United States, there are 12 major sports that we as Americans follow. Some would say that Major League Baseball would hold the top spot as our favorite sport as the National Pastime. However, the top two spots that Americans follow are the National Football League and College Football.
[Transition: Football is America’s most popular sport. Some 2.5 million kids play the game. College football brings in more than 3 billion a year; the NFL rakes in more than 9 billion (Shotz).]
American football originated with its earlier form of play that derived from a variation of
In the U.S soccer or football hasn't caught on quite just yet. Even though the American people have had recent success like in the 2002 World Cup and the 2009 Confederations Cup. Though extremely popular in European countries, soccer took a long time to gain momentum in the United States because Americans put more money and attention into other sports like baseball, football, and basketball. Soccer eventually became popular in the 1970s, but then lost popularity again when the National League went bankrupt.
There are many sports out in the world but I find the two that are the most interesting is Football and Basketball. Both basketball and football have a lot of similarities that tie them together but they have a lot of differences as well. These are both great and they both require a lot of physical and mental strength they are also both on television for the world to see and these sports are for people that are competitive and the way of winning and how the conditions are for each of these sports.
My favorite sport is association football, best known as soccer, is the most popular sport in the world that requires few elements to be played and is highly acclaimed. It is played around the world in a lot of countries and has big amounts of fans. It consists of eleven players on each side of the field, trying to get the ball to the opposing goal by crossing through the counter team by maneuvering the ball or performing a series of passes to get to the goal and score. Famous teams and players are widely recognized all over the world and most of them face in tournaments, which the best are the FIFA world cup for national teams and the UEFA champions league for club leagues. Soccer in United States is not very popular, and recently was
Being the most popular sport in the United States did not happen overnight. Football derived from the combination of soccer and rugby. Soccer is a sport that can be dated back as far as the third century. Soccer used to be a military exercise known as Tsu’ Chu, which means football. Tsu’ can be further translated into ‘kicking the ball with the feet’. Chu is further translated into ‘a ball made of leather and stuffed’. The Tsu’Chu exercise consisted of passing a leather ball through a small opening. The concept of the exercise was for the player to only use their shoulder, back, chest, and feet to pass the ball, while the other players try to block the small, one-foot-wide opening. This exercise was part of the physical education program in
In the two countries this sport is practiced, in United States the football is called soccer and it is one of the most played games in this country, however, "it is not among the 4 most popular sports" ( «Rivalidad EE.UU. - México I», 2012). Most people who practice this sport has a young age, the largest football organizations are: Female "National Women's Soccer League" and male "Major League Soccer". In the Ecuador this sport was adopted from England and it had great acceptance of people, the first association was founded on 23 April 1899 and was called "Guayaquil Sport Club", peo today is called National Sport Federation of Ecuador.
This map represents the most popular sports around the world. The map shows that the world's most popular sport is football which in this case is soccer. Football is the most popular sport in all of Africa, most of South America, the only two countries in South America that have other popular sports are Ven and Guyana, as well as almost all of Europe such as France and almost all of Asia such as Russia and China. In Canada, the most popular sport is ice hockey. The United States of America has three most popular sports. Those sports are American football, basketball, and baseball. The continent of Australia Has two most popular sports, cricket, and rugby. I chose this map because I play and enjoy sports.
One of America’s most popular sport is Football. In football there is 10 player on each team. Each player has to pass a fitness test in order to play. Each team member has a different color shirt, with different logos and color. Further football is played on a 100 yard grass field. On each end of the grass field there is 20 yard grass area called the end zone. If they player catches the ball in the end zone or runs with the ball into the zone the team receives 7 points. However if a team is too far away from the end zone, and they kick a field goal the team receives 3 points. Football has many rules and regulations that coordinates the game.
One of the greatest sports in America’s past time is professional football. The National Football League is the organization that is in control of professional football in America. The team that is considered the greatest franchise in all of football is the Pittsburgh Steelers. The history of the Steelers is fascinating and has helped it become a powerful NFL franchise.
compete in a game of soccer. its played by 250 million players in over 150 countries, making it the world's most popular sport. and Because its fans and players are so devoted, the sport continues to grow.
The most popular sport in my country is cricket. People are crazy for cricket. Whenever, there is any match, whole country is involved in it.