Can fame and fortune make you happy? Many celebrities will tell you it does not. Celebrities have no privacy. The paparazzi also causes them stress. While celebrities do get fame and money, I would say it is not worth the stress and attention. Celebrities have no privacy. On page 15 of the Scope Magazine, Beyonce' said, " Stepping out of my front door gives me anxiety." No privacy has also turned celebs like Shia LaBeouf, and Justin Bieber to go crazy. Privacy also causes celebrities not to have good relationships with friends. The paparazzi causes celebrities stress. On page 14 of Scope Magazine, it states, " Justin Bieber was drunk driving and vandalizing." Shia LaBeouf has also had effects of stress. She has had drinking and drug problems, just like Justin Bieber. These are just a few of the examples of what stress can do to you. …show more content…
Some would disagree, but for me it is too much to handle. Can fame and fortune make you happy? As you can see from the facts I have provided, fame and fortune would not make me happy. Celebrities have no privacy. The paparazzi causes a dangerous amount of stress. Celebrities, on many occasions, have turned into bad people from no privacy, and continuous stress, like Justin Bieber and Shia
Happiness is an emotion that can be very easily obtained however it can be very hard to get that intense of joy sometimes. The emotional state of being content is one of the most amazing feelings in the world. Although there is always that clique question, “Does money create happiness?” To answer that no it does not and there is various ways to prove it. Money is just a piece of paper that controls most of your life ,but happiness is not one of them.
	In Richard Cory we stumble upon a different outlook of people in society. Some feel that the glamour and wealth of a person determines how happy with life they are. This is not always true. Just because a person has the money to flaunt does not mean that they are happy. This can be compared to how people look up to actors, actresses and other famous people. Some look at these people with such admiration and why? They seem to have not one worry in the world. Does money, looks, or any other materialistic thing make a person really happy? Not many people stop to think that these people are normal as the average Joe. They
Finally, an article written by Jessica Krampe entitled Does Money Really Make People Happier? says that happiness comes from making the right choices and acting on your passions. According to Krampe, the purpose of having wealth is to use it enhance the lives of the people you care about. Leaving a mark that represents your passion and values is what truly makes you happy. Furthermore, Krampe tells us that there are several ways on how to find happiness. First, you need to reflect on what you enjoy most about your life. It could either be a hobby or a talent that you love to do during your free time. Next, you should share your goals with those who are supportive of your dreams. Lastly, make the right choices and pursue the choice that will
Money, riches, power, and fame are not true happiness. During a certain time in my life I learned that true happiness cannot be bought with money and riches. Furthermore I understood that, true happiness creates a caring and loving person. I figure out these things from learned viewing the lives of certain celebrities, also from viewing people that I know. By viewing the lives of these certain people you can predict or tell why they are not happy with their lives. Because they are not have happy they have low self-esteem which can also lead to depression which studies have shown that it can sometimes leads to suicide.
People will go to great lengths to be close to the stars of Hollywood. It drives some people insane. That drive for fame and power leaves a lasting impression on the landscape and on lives for decades.
Money and Happiness Why most of rich people are not happy with what they have? Happiness is the feeling which people feel it when they are satisfied with what they have even though these people are poor or rich. Money is the way that people use it to bring things which they can buy it by money. Sharon Begley in her article “Why Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness” states that sometimes there are relationship between money and happiness because people always try to spend less money when they want to buy somethings.
Today’s society lives in a world that would cause much confusion to others in the past. The people who are “known” are not necessarily people who are loved. Many so called celebrities have just as many haters and they do fans, but that does not stop them from becoming a household name. For example, the Kardashians are a household name across the world. Many people love them, but just as many people love to hate them. Even though, people do not like them it does not stop the family from being one of the most known families in the world. Even if someone has a strong hatred for the family, it does not mean that their name won’t ever come out of their mouth. The love hate relationship society has with the Kardashians reflect how in this society
Today, those who acquire abundant talent recurrently attract a lot of attention, and those who are lucky enough, become famous for their talent. The once humble person, after acquiring fame, begins to become very popular, and their whole life changes. That person’s personality begins to alter, changing them into arrogant monsters, and their desire for more fame grows exponentially. Soon, the quest for fame leads to destruction by unintentionally chasing pride, the fame monster. This is evident in the epic poem Beowulf, and in the articles “The Fame Motive” and “A Phenomenology of Fame.”
Can anyone be truly happy? A economist name Richard A. Easterlin once said “...Although richer people were happier than poorer people in the same country, people in weather countries were not necessarily happier than those in poorer ones.” Which means that wealth doesn’t bring people happiness, it it how people spend their lives that bring them so much happiness. When people look back at the past the ones that help others are more happier than the ones that try and help themselves.
The value that privacy holds is crucial not only applies to everyday people, but for celebrities as well. For instance, in history, a famous woman named Princess Diana was killed in a car crash just because of paparazzi chasing her to mercilessly steal bits of pieces about her relationship with Prince Charles. Her bodyguards had to protect her and maintain her privacy so they drove at a really high speed to get away from the photographers. Similarly, O.J Simpson had to steer his kids away from social media during his case and had to suffer the loss of not having the opportunity of appropriately visiting his children for the last time and saying their last goodbyes to each other. Think about it for a moment, without
Stress is described as a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. Pressures of Hollywood are one of the main causes celebs turn to substances and or self harm, for them, stress is inescapable and some don't know how to handle it, that is when they cave. Stress is one of the most common factors that go into disorders in celebrities, this is because the pressures of hollywood are incredibly hard to stop and hard to control which is why a lot of celebrities fall into the stresses of fame. Puente shows us an example of one of the most famous celebrities that has dealt with the stresses of the spotlight. Actress/writer Carrie Fisher, 55, was addicted to drugs and drink almost from the time she became a star playing Princess Leia in Star Wars. Was
Many people have a thought in their minds that wealth is the factor that makes an individual Joyful;however,this is not a real statement.What actually makes a person happy is one’s health and love.
What defines success? Is it making a lot of money? Is it getting a good education? Is it becoming world famous? Most people today define success as being these three things. Nowadays the majority of young adults are strongly encouraged to make a commitment to getting good grades, going to university and getting a high paying job. They are made to believe that is the only way they’ll ever be happy. But will that really make them happy? Not necessarily. There’s an old saying that says “Money can’t buy happiness” and it still holds true today. The Narcissism Epidemic a book written by two Psychology Professors reads “On average, materialistic people are less happy and more depressed. Even people who simply aspire to have more money suffer from poor mental health; they also report more physical health problems such as sore throats, backaches, and headaches and were more likely to drink too much alcohol and use illegal drugs. Striving for financial success, apparently, makes people miserable.”
Celebrities have a right to have their own privacy, and the paparazzi had better not be allowed to restrict their lives. Furthermore, photographers and journalists must not be permitted to make news that can influence celebrities' success adversely. The rights of celebrities for privacy have always been abused, so they need to defend their rights, despite their profession. Though they are public figures, this does not mean that the publish of every detail of their private lives is justifiable. It is legitimate to take pictures when they are at the stage or on the red carpet, yet most cases they must be left alone. However, the media always inclines to release both sensational and negative news to public. The latest pattern is the Chris Brown and Rihanna domestic abuse scandal ("Chris Brown and Rihanna: A Dangerous Relationship" 1). This really influenced Chris
Genuine happiness is not brought by wealth and power, it is brought by family or pets.“Some people think that ambitious people are selfish and are never satisfied because they always want more.” Despite the fact that ambitious people may have the best car, or the greatest house in the neighborhood, this does not guarantee true happiness in life. Materialistic items are only temporary, the happiness you get from a new Audi A3 Sedan is only for a brief time. The happiness you get from marrying the love of your life is until the end of time.