The story Paper Menagerie by Ken Liu is about the life of Jack, a boy of mixed race, trying to blend in to the society. The author shows that the theme of this story is about always going back to your roots, by stating “Without looking I asked for her help in tracing out the character for ai on the paper below Mom’s letter”. This quote is showing that Jack is accepting his Chinese heritage, after years of ignorance, by writing love in Chinese. After Jack’s experience with Mark, he tried to shun out all of his differences from the other kids. He would ignore his Asian mother, and play with American toys. But, years after his mother’s death, Jack realized that the world wasn’t just about himself, and re-embraced his heritage. He even traced
Without Ian’s perseverance to dissuade Jack, he may have never been able to put his life back on track and start a fresh life in the west coast of USA.
Due to details from the text, Louisa May Alcott was anxious to participate, in some way, in the Civil War. First, in paragraph 2 it states, "I’ve often longed to see a war, and now I have my wish. " This shows that Alcott wants to participate in the war because she "longed" to see the war, and when she is able to be a nurse in the war, she says she has her wish. Also in paragraph 4 it states, "I like the stir in the air, and long for battle like a warhorse when he smells powder." From this, I can infer that Alcott is anxious to participate in the war because when she describes the war, she describes it as something that makes her feel confident/happy.
Jillian Armenante is a prominent American television and film actress. She is best-known for playing the role of Donna Kozlowski on the TV shows Judging Amy.
It's been four months, the doctors don't know what else they can do. You don't want to accept it but, she tells you to. Your daughter, your own flesh and blood, pride and joy, is begging you to stop the pain and suffering with her big cloudy doll eyes. In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, one of the main characters, George, had come upon an unthinkable situation, where he best friend, Lennie, murders the wife of Curley. George faces the decision to weather let Lennie live, and suffer from Curley's vengeance, or to end Lennie's life permanently, and save him from suffering. The novel makes it clear that mercy killing, the act of putting an animal or human down painlessly without suffering, is a human way to show compassion towards
Have you ever heard of a man named Theodor Seuss Geisel? He was a famous children’s author who went by the name of Dr. Seuss. He was an awe inspiring man who worked his way up from being the editor of a college newspaper. He wrote several different inspiring quotes such as, “Be who you are and say what you feel. Because those who don’t mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
Carol Emshwiller didn’t start her writing until she was thirty, a mother, and married. Emshwiller, “was just learning the lessons of feminism on the front lines of domestic lines” (539). In Carol Emshwiller’s short story during the 1980’s “Abominable”, Emshwiller shows how men, in their sexual confusion, ethnic inexperience, and self-disasters, are not capable of understanding women and their needs, anger, and bitterness. The unnamed and self-styled man in the story shows his stereotypical, phallocentric attitudes to understand women becomes more humorous, rather than angry. From transforming the battle of sexes into the man’s search for an misleading species akin to
But Jack cannot change the past. Rather, he must reflect on it as it really happened, allowing those reflections to guide his future conduct and to enrich his relationships with those whom he has helped or hurt. By the end of the story, instead of running from his past, Jack has begun to make restoration for its mistakes by finally marrying his beloved Anne and opening his home to Elliot Burden, the man he long believed to be his father. Jack’s contemplation of the past leads him not to despair, but to a deeper understanding of and compassion for the human race.
Jack lead a life that would not make most envy him. He suffered from many traumatic events, most of these can
Jack not only changes the people around him and makes them see that there is a brighter day, but he also rebuilds their morals and confidence. He does this in various scenes of the movie. For instance, when Jack asked Dedmon to challenge the NCAA and all Dedmon was getting back was rejection letters. Jack asked him if he was
This causes Jack to be driven off the edge in hatred, which also causes his family to be in danger of abuse yet again.
The tale “American Born Chinese” by Gene Luch Wang depicts the story of three characters, Monkey, Jin, and Danny. They all have the problem of fitting into their new environments. Jin Wang has to deal with Asian stereotypes. Danny has to deal with embarrassment of his cousin. Lastly, Monkey has to deal with the fact that there is no position for him in the heavenly ranks. However, over time, these characters have to come together to fit in. Yet the question remains: what exactly about fitting in is the problem? Although Jin Wang takes the form of Danny to reject his Chinese roots, the embarrassment of Chin-Knee shows he cannot hide behind a false American identity, thereby delineating that race is the source of his problem.
Amy Tan’s short story “Two Kinds” describes a Chinese immigrant family who hope of finding success and an overall betterment of life in America. After losing everything in China, Jing-mei’s mother, Mrs. Woo, tries as a minority house maid in the 1960s to provide all the opportunities she can for her last daughter. This short story revolves around the interactions between the Jing-mei, who desires a ordinary life, and Mrs. Woo, who seeks only the best from her daughter. The values of these two characters are in constant conflict of which creates a lasting segregation between parent and child. Through Mrs. Woo’s death, Jing-mei questions her childhood upbringing and her mother’s true intentions that were masked by pure immigrant ambition.
shows how increasingly comfortable Jack’s tribe is becoming with hunting and savagery. As soon as Jack creates his own tribe, he
In the story “Two Kinds”, author Amy Tan, who is a Chinese-American, describes the conflicts in the relationship of a mother and daughter living in California. The protagonist in this story Jing-mei Woo’s mother is born and raised in China, and immigrates to the United States to escape from the Chinese Civil War. For many years she maintained complete Chinese traditional values, and has been abided by it deliberately. This kind of traditional Chinese culture has also affected her daughter profoundly. However, Jing-mei is born and raised in the United States. Despite she has a Chinese mother; she is unfamiliar and uncomfortable with Chinese
Jack’s predicament with finding himself being stuck between his original lifestyle and new desire to fit in was cleverly established in the story, drawing my sympathy, as I have also personally experienced this struggle. In the middle of the story when Jack began to realize that his Chinese life was different from others’, he narrated, “Mom learned to cook American style. I played video games and studied French” (4). These succinct sentences stood out, as the surrounding