The gospel of Luke was written from the eyewitness accounts from a second or third generation Christian, traditionally known as Luke. In Luke, he displays Jesus as a great prophet, the Lord of all nations and the Savior of the poor. An example of this would be the parable of the good Samaritan, only found in the Gospel of Luke. Through this parable, Jesus encourages Christians to treat others with compassion and mercy. The literary style of Luke’s gospel illustrates many parables that Christians learn from and begin to put into action in their daily lives. Such parables emphasize that the wealthy should leave everything to follow Jesus, to share with the poor, and accept everyone. Luke’s literary style starts with the prologue, which is different from the other two gospels. Luke wrote this gospel from the eyewitness’s point of view. Luke talks about how he writes this gospel in a very orderly fashion starting with the infancy narrative and ending with Jesus’ resurrection. Writing the gospel and incorporating everything to fit in a sequential order is important and helps the reader understand the historical aspect of the story better (Luke 1:1-4). This part of the gospel also dedicates itself to Theophilus, which means a friend of God. Another interesting characteristic of Luke’s gospel …show more content…
Then throughout the first two chapters in Luke 1:15 and 2:25-27, people are filled and inspired by the Spirit. This is important because we begin to understand that we do everything through the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and that the Holy Spirit is always with Christians. In Luke 24:49, Jesus promises the disciples to wait in the city until they will be “clothed with power from on high”, which is both the promise of the Father, but also the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps guide Christians in their walk with
Luke presents the human/natural man of Jesus. Luke used a longer description of Jesus birth, and childhood. Luke was written after Mark and in all probability Matthew also. The book of Luke focuses primarily on Jesus' humanity. The deliberation in the church was not over rather Jesus was God (that was acknowledged by
Luke was a medical doctor, a missionary, and evangelist, a historian, a researcher, and the writer of the third Gospel. The book of Luke was written in a formal literacy introduction noting his purpose in writing, his methodology, and the attempts others had made in such writing. Luke is the author of the book and it was written in AD 60 in Caesarea. According to Hindson and Elmer Luke’s purpose is to give “an orderly sequence” of the events about Christ’s birth, life, and sacrificial death followed by his resurrection and ascension back to heaven. The occasion calling for Luke to write his Gospel was that Theophilus, and other new believers like him, needed a clear account of the life and ministry of Jesus as an aid to confirm his faith
Written in what is believed to be around 80 C.E., the gospel of Luke was third in line of the gospels that made the cut into the new testament. Which means that the author of this gospel was a disciple of Jesus or worked extremely close to a disciple of Jesus, being that is how canon at that time was selected by the early church. The author of Luke is virtually unknown; however, it is believed that they had worked closely with the Apostle Paul, and did some writing in the Acts of the Apostles as well in the new testament. The Author is also been presupposed as Greek instead of Jewish which supports the claim that he worked closely with the Apostle Paul, who was known as the apostle of the Gentiles. The Gospel of Luke is usually grouped with
Readers of the Gospel of Luke often try to identify Luke’s intended audience. Understanding Luke’s intended audience can provide insight into how Luke used current culture to strategically spread the word of God. Specifically, we can look at the period of Hellenization, along passages, to interpret Luke’s Gospel as intended for a Greco-Roman audience.
Although there are many fascinating things about the Christian bible, there are many similarities and differences as well. John and Luke have a variety of similarities and differences that made them unique. Not only were they talented in their works, but they used their talent towards narrating it out in the Christian Bible to remind us about our father and long live stories about other individuals. These authors showed a variety of writing styles such as historical narrative, poetry, prophecy, and proverbial/wisdom literature to show remembrance of the beginning of the world.
Based on the readings and video presentations, I believe that the writings of Luke were for a distinctive audience (Theophilus). With him being aware of the gospels that were written before him, his focus was finding new information and sources that others had not found or talk about and brought them into existence. He did not only interview some of the key characters in the Bible, moreover he gathers some important information from them. Theophilus (lover of God), was a primary first reader of the gospel, as well as a patron who was crucial for Luke.
He is mentioned to by Paul as "Luke the beloved physician" (Col. 4:14). Luke fixed forth the humanity of the Son of Man and cites it in chronological order the life of Christ. Being a physician, he is more precise when using language. For example, when he indicates a leper he uses the identical medical term to describe the circumstance, for example "full of leprosy" (Luke 5:12). Luke’s gospel is particularly focused towards an individual named Theophilus and is focused on the complete story and past events of Jesus Christ from his birth and ministry to his crucifixion and resurrection. A major theme in Luke’s gospel shows how important the poor were to Jesus and how we should not neglect the poor. Examples of this are seen when the book talks about the distinctive beatitudes “blessed you are poor…hunger now...weep now...” and the distinctive woes “woes to you that are rich...that are full...that laugh now…” which overall say, money and power will tend to bring judgement upon you. In addition, the gospel of Luke refers to certain parables like the Rich man and Lazarus. This sends a message to warn the rich who tend to trust in their riches more than in God, wealth tends to pull us away from God and that if we neglect the poor and prioritize our riches more we will go to hell. Asking oneself- is your existence a blessing for the
Each of the four Gospels describes Jesus in a slightly different way. The Gospel of Luke describes Jesus in a way that focusses on the humanity, wisdom and compassion Jesus shows for the people of society. Luke unlike any of the other Gospels describes Jesus throughout the time when he was young whereas Matthew, Mark and John do not mention Jesus as a young boy at all. The Gospel of Luke is also different in the way that it has many unique parables which are only found in the Gospel of Luke, some of which include the Lost Sheep, and the Good Samaritan. The Gospel of Luke is also very different from the other three Gospels because it includes a lot of women throughout it as well as some of their stories. In the Gospel of Luke he also does not leave out that some women followed Jesus from the court to the Cross. Unlike the other Gospels Luke doesn’t leave women out during the time of Jesus to the poor people and the outcasts during Jesus’ time. For all of these reasons the Gospel of Luke in very unique and different from the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and John which in the end makes the Gospel of Luke even more interesting.
The Gospel according to Luke exhibits several differences from the other Synoptic Gospels. Unlike Matthew and Mark who record Jesus saying: "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" Luke states "Father, into your hands, I commend my Spirit."
In the gospel of Luke, stories are often told with a context in order to better understand Jesus’ teachings. For example in Luke 16, Jesus uses a parable in order to explain why it is hard to be faithful when one is rich. He tells the story of a man who was very rich and a poor beggar named Laz’arus, who would lay outside the rich man’s house and ask for scraps from the rich man’s table. However, both die one day; Laz’arus goes to heaven while the rich man goes to hell. Abraham, who is also in heaven, then explains to the rich man why he is in hell; “Remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and Laz’arus in like manner evil things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish” (Luke 16:25).
The Gospel of Luke focuses on the conception and the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus. It also provides the histories of Elizabeth and Zachariah. It also describes Angel Gabriel’s announcement to Zachariah and the Virgin Mary.
I chose to read The Gospel of Luke for my project. It is said that The Gospel of Luke was written somewhere between 80 CE - 90 CE. The Gospel of Luke was written for Theophilus, who was called “Friend of God”. But The Gospel was also written for a wider audience, including converts and potential converts.
Jesus is portrayed as a compassionate healer and teacher in Luke's gospel. Luke also portrays Jesus as a saviour in the image of a divine man. Like was a well educated jew that was struggling with the christians new faith. Luke is one of the synoptic gospels in the New Testament whose audience appears to be gentiles. Luke portrays Jesus as a person who reaches out to the poor and brings Justice to all. In Luke 10:38-42 Jesus visited Martha and Mary. Martha was disrespectful to Jesus as she put cleaning before Jesus, where as Mary sat down at Jesus’ foot and stayed with him. Jesus then says “Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things” Jesus is showing compassion and love even though Martha was showing disrespect towards Jesus. Overall,
The Gospel of Luke thoroughly illustrates the themes of mercy and compassion in his use of literary devices such as symbols, stories and parables. Luke urges how significant it is to feel and deliver the ready willingness to help anyone in need in our society. The Gospel offers a model to live out these virtues through Jesus’ actions and his parables.
In the Bible, the four Gospels push different ideologies, views, lessons and different stories that center around the central figure of Jesus. The Gospel of Luke main themes center on Universalism, social justice, compassion for outcasts, the role of woman and the Holy Spirit.(Hauer and Young) These parables are able to connect to the context of when Luke was able bring these stories together in 85 CE. The Gospel was most likely written in Greek speaking area located in the Roman empire.(Coogan et al.) This time of stability allowed for the proliferation of Christianity and Gospels such as Luke. The passages that will be discussed will mainly focus on compassion for outcast seen in Luke 16:19–31 and warning against greed in Luke 12:13-34. Luke 13:6-9 focuses on a fig tree talks of the opportunities people and if they use them properly. Finally, the last parable is 7:11-17, which focuses on holy spirit and the possibilities for miracles and the importance of life. These parables in Luke are able to give a social justice commentary that can make a person feel compassionate for the poor and the reckoning they would receive in the afterlife if they didn’t follow Jesus’s teachings. As, well the story is able to push across a message that will everlasting importance to people. This has led to the Gospels of Luke becoming one of the main 4 Gospels and one of the most highly regarded of the Gospels. (Hauer and Young)