
Parables In The Gospel Of Luke

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The gospel of Luke was written from the eyewitness accounts from a second or third generation Christian, traditionally known as Luke. In Luke, he displays Jesus as a great prophet, the Lord of all nations and the Savior of the poor. An example of this would be the parable of the good Samaritan, only found in the Gospel of Luke. Through this parable, Jesus encourages Christians to treat others with compassion and mercy. The literary style of Luke’s gospel illustrates many parables that Christians learn from and begin to put into action in their daily lives. Such parables emphasize that the wealthy should leave everything to follow Jesus, to share with the poor, and accept everyone. Luke’s literary style starts with the prologue, which is different from the other two gospels. Luke wrote this gospel from the eyewitness’s point of view. Luke talks about how he writes this gospel in a very orderly fashion starting with the infancy narrative and ending with Jesus’ resurrection. Writing the gospel and incorporating everything to fit in a sequential order is important and helps the reader understand the historical aspect of the story better (Luke 1:1-4). This part of the gospel also dedicates itself to Theophilus, which means a friend of God. Another interesting characteristic of Luke’s gospel …show more content…

Then throughout the first two chapters in Luke 1:15 and 2:25-27, people are filled and inspired by the Spirit. This is important because we begin to understand that we do everything through the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and that the Holy Spirit is always with Christians. In Luke 24:49, Jesus promises the disciples to wait in the city until they will be “clothed with power from on high”, which is both the promise of the Father, but also the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps guide Christians in their walk with

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