
Paraphillias: Causes And Behavioral Theory

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Sexual variations refer to the sexual desire and behaviors outside what is considered to be a normal range. It can be defined as a condition in which a person’s sexual gratification is dependent on an unusual sexual experience revolving around particular sex objects. For example, people who get turned on by a certain desire like bondage, toys, submission, and more. It is when someone has a desire more than the average person does for a sexual response. It is also referred to as paraphillias, many researchers have theorized as to why and how it develops. Scientist are unsure how paraphillias is cause but there are multiple theories. Behavioral theory is one and it suggests that if someone has a sexual arousal by a nonsexual object (like a shoe), they may react in a sexual way. A lot of people who have paraphillias have personality disorders or severe anxiety. Some tend to be substance users, anger problems, or have no self-confidence. Also having a bad childhood may also cause someone to have paraphillias or develop some type of it. Biological theories have found a number of conditions can initiate paraphilic behavior, such as an illness, disturbance in the brain structure along with the brain chemistry. Causes of paraphillias …show more content…

Exhibitionism is the more common one that occurs in men 40 years or older and it is when a person exposes their own genitals to an unsuspecting person. Voyeurism is when a person is watching someone change, engaging in sexual activity, or just nude and those people have no idea that they are being watched. Frotteurisim is when a person is touching someone who has not given them consent to be touched. Sexual sadism is the physical or emotional suffering of another person. Paedophilia involves intense sexual urges and sexual activity with prepubescent children who are usually 13 years old or

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