
Parent Involvement: Article Analysis

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This side of parent involvement is important to understand the parent because if steps are not taken to understand the parent, we create a barrier, which does not allow for full parent involvement. However, if we understand the difficulties and make changes to benefit and support ESL parents then they can have a voice in their student’s education they might not have had. This also gives the parent more control in choosing what they believe is best for their student. I feel the focus of this article was specific to early childhood educators, and the information being brought forward from others’ research lays out significant findings and ways to apply them no matter the grade level being …show more content…

However, we have talked about creating meaningful connections that engage students in their learning. We can use the idea from this article and use background knowledge to create a bridge that will help build stronger parent communication and involvement. In the same way we might scaffold for students we could scaffold for parents to help communication. This could be beneficial for parents who are trying to be involved but might be trying to learn a whole new cultural perspective of a schooling system. To help relieve some of the pressure that comes from listening we could use repetition, especially if we are trying to explain something, which has teacher …show more content…

The authors work did a good job of applying others findings to solve a biases based problem. Yan Gu’s took a common question that some teachers have which is surrounding why parents are not involved and do not show up. The author was able to explain beyond the surface and allow teachers to critically look at what could cause a parent to lack involvement and even not show up. The author did an eloquent job explaining the issue and pairing findings that show five major reasons for lack of involvement. Then Gu took this issue and applied strategies that could effectively help this issue.
In this class we have not discussed parent involvement. However, we have somewhat covered looking beyond lessons and what hidden curriculum could be found. This is in regard to the "Precious Knowledge" documentary we watched. In the same way we can look beyond the surface of the parents lack of involvement and realize the barriers that keep them from being involved. By finding the barrier by getting to know the parent we can establish communication a way to support them in becoming involved in the education system, which might be culturally different from their own background

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