
Parent Writing Contest Analysis

Decent Essays

Parent Writing Contest
In completing this essay I was provided an opportunity to share the academic, social, and emotional success of my child Jamya Horton. Initially when I was informed of the contest I was not eager to participate. However, after reflecting on her growth I realized, not sharing her testimony would be a disservice of the developmental tools Michigan Math and Science Academy has provided to her.
In 2014, I made an executive decision to transfer her to MMSA due her prior school failing her. During middle school Jamya taught herself how to complete class assignments and homework via textbooks and YouTube. Once accepted at MMSA was placed into 9B classes. She took the initiative to meet with her counselor to see what steps she could take in order to be promoted into 9A honor classes. After meeting with her counselor, she wholeheartly put an effort into studying which …show more content…

Despite being labeled as a statistic, she has overcome barriers that many minority, single parent raised, low income children are held hostage to. Jamya was taught at a young age that the sky is the limit and if she puts her mind to it, she could accomplish anything. She has a strong desire to become a civil rights attorney due to the countless reports of social injustices she hears about in today’s current events. The beauty of her charter school is they provide her the proper tools to be successful in life.
Presently Jamya is currently an 11th grade 4.0 honor roll student. She stays up past midnight on the daily basis to maintain her goal to academically excel in her studies. Her drive and dedication has inspired me to enroll into school to pursue my graduate degree. Together we have study sessions and she teaches me advanced techniques and tools of learning. Jamya also periodically hosts study groups with her classmates being she sees and values the importance of education amongst her

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