Parenting is one of the most difficult and challenging responsibility a person can have. It takes a lot of things to be a good parent. Such as patients, family support, and a piece of mind. For first time parents parenting can be even worse. I say this because you are not use to a baby being around all the time crying, and waking up in the middle of the nights. Especially teenage parents who are still in school. Most parenting classes are required for a divorce. Parenting classes should be required for all first time parents not just for low income reasons, divorces, or because the child has a birth defect. All new coming parents should be required to take parenting classes before they have their baby. I say this because
Should parenting classes be required? If you think about it that’s not really a bad idea. Right now it’s just an elective, but by the time that high school kids want it or need it it’s too late. That is a well needed life skill. Students complain about not learning anything about life when they could it’s just not required. Also if a student took a parenting class they might realize how much work it is to take care of a kid and be more careful. Which in turn would bring the teen pregnancy rate. The reasons a parenting class should be state required is because too many teens get pregnant every year, most parents have been imprisoned at least one in their life, and some kids go to foster care because the parent doesn’t know how to take care of them.
Picture this, she is sixteen, overjoyed and excited. That time has come, kicking, screaming, shouting, and crying. Nurses in and out of the room, monitors going off, family standing there as their support system. This describes a typical labor process for most women. What most people do not know is that they are not typically prepared for the worst, or prepared at all. Having a baby is an enormous responsibility that people should be prepared for and educated about. The debate about having these classes in high school has its merits, but ultimately, these classes are too important to discontinue. For several reasons, students should be required to take a parenting class in high school.
Interviewing the parent of a child diagnosed with learning disability can be intimidating. It is difficult to gauge how much a parent wants to reveal about their child. Also, it is not unusual to discover that one parent is at a different place of acceptance than the other parent. Each family member’s journey is different; for example, it is not rare for a father to work out the emotional difficulty of a special needs diagnosis differently than a mother.
The amount of care a newborn child needs is immense, in some cases this is like a full-time job. Parents who are not able to give this nurturing to their child negatively affect the overall well-being of the child. Most emotional and psychological problems arise from the way a child was taken care of from birth all the way through adolescence. However, not every pregnant woman is able to provide for her child due to finances, relationship stability, age, living conditions or
Parenting can be defined in many ways and for a lot of reasons. Becoming a mother or father for the first time is about getting the chance to discover their own self through their son
Webster’s dictionary defines parenting as the process of raising and educating a child from birth until adulthood. As someone who parented four biological children, and earned the title of grandma, I can offer a lot of personal insight into the subject of parenting, and my first pearl of wisdom is that parenting is harder than one would think. Children do not come with an operation manual and it usually only takes new parents only a few days before they realize how blissfully delusional they were. Naturally, well meaning parents who understand the implications of their influence on shaping their child into happy, healthy, and successful adults, are naturally humbled with the awesome responsibility, and seek to develop a parenting strategy with positive empirical results.
As a provider, it is imperative to understand that this may be the first time a parent
To be a parent is a passionate business and it consists of anger as well as love. Parenting is a long-term affair. It is much longer than the majority of relationships in child care settings. Parents provide the continuity through the child’s life. Child care providers and teachers come and go in a child’s life, but parents provide the continuity that is needed.
Would America want the next generation raised in an inexperienced way? Our society is full of troubled youth that are involved in gang activity, dropping out of school and have no potential for their lives. However, children do not find their lack of motivation at random, there must be reason for the troubled childhood. Today, there will be proof as to why parenting classes will create more experienced parents and children that come from better homes.
Every year, thousands of families welcome a new baby into their home. New parents today only want what is best for their children. The upcoming years are spent watching Disney movies, going to parks, taking vacations, and taking countless photographs of the new infant. As the child grows older, parents begin to develop their own style of parenting. Almost all those children brought into the world get to experience what it is to have a loving family, but for a small percentage, life is not so easy. While every parent’s intentions are the same, the parenting style they develop can have a great impact on their child. Parents with a more controlling parenting style often raise children with less confidence in themselves, a fear to express
Parenting class would be benefiting parents that are new and don’t know how to take care of a child. "Given that the gap is widening between the white, middle-class population of children and children belonging to the growing low-income and Latino populations, examining the relative impact of parenting education programs across these diverse populations is essential," Finders said. "We think parenting education can have the greatest impact by adapting existing curricula to be culturally relevant and sensitive to diverse children and families' needs." ( Gale Contributor, Parenting class benefits all especially low income families). “Researchers examined a sample of more than 2,300 mothers and fathers who participated in parenting education series in the Pacific Northwest between 2010 and 2012. The series, designed to support parents of children up to 6 years old, typically lasted nine to 12 weeks and consisted of one one-hour session per week led by a parent education facilitator. There was no fee for participants.” ( Gale Contributor, Parenting class benefits all especially low income
After analyzing the argument presented in the two guest columns, “Parenting Education should be mandatory” by Kai Fernandez and “Leave new parent alone,” by Sophie Thomas, Ms. Fernandez’s point of view makes the best argument that parenting education for new parents is necessary.
Parenting class is one of the programs which introduced by National Population and Family Development. The parenting classes play an important role in creating a harmony family and it cannot be neglected by those new parents. Parenting classes are the courses to educate parents to learn about how to take care of their child (Legal Dictionary, 2016). There are various benefits by practicing parenting classes as a compulsory for every new parent. The benefits are reducing parental stress, depression and anxiety, enhance parenting quality, reducing the cases of abuse and neglect of children and socialize with other parents to exchange ideas. However, parenting class are not perfect enough. There is a weakness on parenting classes where the
Raising a child is probably the most important thing a person will ever do in life. Yet we constantly hear stories of child abuse and neglect. What makes a good parent? Is it the money you earn? How about fancy schools? In liberal societies many people decide whether or not they wish to become parents. One of the key questions in making this decision is, what kind of parent will I be? Parenting skills range from excellent all the way to nonexistent. Do you think people with low parenting skills have the right to have children? This has been
Parenting is like taking on a jobof its own, it's a job like no other where u have to offer everything from silly giggles and heart-warming smiles to harsh attitudes and angry tears. Yet not everyone is cut out to be a parent and take on such a responsibility, some people are still stuck in a habit of only thinking of themselves.