Parenting Styles and Their Influences on Our Children The Community College of Philadelphia By: Maria Maldonado November 22nd, 2016 The Introduction Thesis- It is my belief that in order to provide a framework of parenting that would allow for the best probable outcome for a child’s development it is important to take a stance in which we provide reasonable demands from our children while providing equal responsiveness to their needs. Majority of us are born with two arms, two legs, a head and a torso, physically we grow and grow until we can no longer grown vertically with very little intervention, yet many of us are born into similar circumstances and often times we are provided with very different outcomes. We are able to observe it at a young age, for myself I was pressed with the expectation of delivering good grades, completing homework as well as daily home chores, while I observed some friends and classmates disregard those very same expectations with little regard. I would view my mother as an authoritarian even till this they, I use to think it wasn’t fair that I had to do more than my peers, it felt like my mother was punishing me at times with the expectations they bestowed upon me, while sometimes I wished my mother would have shown me a little more love and care. There are many different ways our parents could choose to raise us, four of which I will be addressing in this paper and at the end concluding which I believe is the best way for me to parent
Children need guidance to become successful in life. One exceptional man wrote about the wrong type of parenting that causes children to be unproductive. In this article, he talks about how these styles can ruin a child’s life, because they are not being taught to be survive everyday life. Throughout this piece, the audience begins to understand his argument, because he uses many examples and rhetorical questions to persuade the readers. During the reading, he also brings up that severe parents are overprotective, since they think they are helping their children become wise, but they are actually afraid of teaching them about the necessities of the world. Furthermore, he supports his idea by saying things such as the wrong type of parenting
Poor and working-class parents were found to hold to an “accomplishment of natural growth” parental philosophy. Natural growth promotes a clear separation between children and adults, employs the use of directives, places little emphasis on the importance of verbal communication and eye contact, allows children greater independence, and promotes deference and submissiveness to adults. Inspiring and positive qualities can be found in children raised in homes exercising this perspective, qualities such
Parenting involves a lot more than just fathering or mothering a child. Often times, genetics don’t play a role in parenting at all anymore. Someone who parents is merely a person who takes on the responsibility of raising a child from a young age to adulthood. This can be through birth, adoption or foster care. Due to the large scale shift in society and offspring over time, I will be using the term “caregiver” to signify any person who consistently cares for a child throughout the rest of this paper. Regardless of the title used, each person ultimately performs the same duties involved with parenting and it is no task easily achieved.
These two styles of parenting are both ineffective in fostering the talent and passions of their children at early ages. One unable to maintain a stable, healthy relationship during early childhood years and the other being too overbearing over the child's decisions in life caused the children to both undergo an avoidable difficult childhood. The result of each mother’s parenting is the opposite of what the mother’s had hoped their parental
Authoritarian parents normally do not interact with their children in positive ways and usually install fear into the child. Punishment is usually harsh and given without explanation. Children with authoritarian parents are often anxiety- ridden. Studies have shown that these children have lower self- esteem, show high aggressiveness and typically do less well in school. Permissive parenting consists of high nurture and acceptance, but these parents lack structure and control. These parents look at their children as “free spirits” who need space to learn and grow. Permissive parents are usually inconsistent with discipline. Children with permissive parents normally are impulsive and irresponsible. These children also lack any self- control since none was expected (Sclafani 47).
Mr. and Mrs. HarshHeart believe in the importance of stern discipline and impose strict rules
From infancy to adult, people are making decisions all day long. How long to study for the upcoming test? What sport to play? What college to attend? As choices are made, often goals are set to ensure maximum potential is achieved. This process of decision-making and goal setting is overbearing shadowed by the authoritarian style of parenting.
There are many different types of parents with diverse parenting styles in the world. Some are efficient in their ways, while others struggle to wonder why their child did not turn out to be everything they hoped. The controversial topic of whether the parent knows what is best for their child hangs over the reader’s head in Amy Chua’s article.
Parenting styles are the strategies that parents use to raise their children. Moreover, these styles are strictly correlated with a child’s mental, physical, social and emotional development. Again, “the parenting styles refer to the manner in which parents raise their children”, explains ADLER University (1998). Every parent have their own ways of raising their children but, some parents raise their children according to their traditions or religions. Consequently, the strategies used by parents can affect a child’s well-being, either positively or negatively. Therefore, styles of parenting play a very important role in the life of a child. Again, styles of parenting correlates with the kind of relationship a parent
The family system and parents are generally regarded as one of the most powerful forces in shaping adolescents. Parents have a great influence in the development of adolescents. The relationship of the parents largely effect the development of adolescents and is an important factor when looking at development. Well-adjusted adolescents tend to have intact families that are supportive and create a warm and loving environment with constant monitoring of behavior. The review examines the current research on adolescent development and how it is effected by parenting styles. Taking into account the changes that occur over time to parents this review shows the fluidity of parenting styles and the stressors that cause those changes.
Parenting styles are as diverse as parents themselves. Parenting is one of the most challenging and difficult responsibilities a person can face. The way a family is structured is called the parenting style. Parenting styles are collections of parental attitudes, practices, and non-verbal expressions that characterize the nature of parent-child relationships. Because individuals learn how to parent from many different examples including their own parents, role models, society and life experiences. Parenting techniques can vary greatly from household to household, however, experts believe that parenting styles can be broken down into four main categories which include permissive,authoritarian,authoritative,and
Would you have come out different if your parents used a different parenting style? If you are considered “cool” now could you have come out a nerd if your parents would have used a different parenting style? “Parenting style is one of the primary determinants of your child’s outcome whether he succeeds, achieves, meets the challenges, flounders, gives up, or runs from or fails in handling life.” (6) The purpose of this paper is to describe the outcomes, processes, labor, and techniques of parenting in a psychological point of view. Parenting styles are defined as the “manner in which parents express their beliefs on how to be a good or bad parent.” (4) Each parenting style has its weaknesses and
Parenting a child from infant to the adult stage is a full-time responsibility that every parent takes on. The type of style used to socialize their children to conform adequately to the expected standards of conduct to function successfully in their society is the option that is decided by each parent. Since there are different ways of parenting a child, it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the child’s behavior is sufficient to live in society let alone act compliant in it as well. It is interesting to observe the different methods that a variety of parents demonstrate in order to make sure that the children of that society will be considered ‘acceptable’ by the environment itself and of course by the parenting
How a parent raises their child can affect the child later on in life. There are four parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and neglectful (uninvolved). Each of these parenting styles can affect a child in some way. Some parenting styles have more negative outcomes than others. Some have both positive and negative outcomes.
There are several parenting styles which guide children throughout their life. These parenting styles can be either good or bad and this will have an effect on the child; either a positive or a negative one. This essay investigates the parenting styles from which emerge questions about the role of the mother and the father. It also focuses on the ways that either too much mothering or too much fathering might have an effect on the child’s identity later on in its life.