Different parenting styles, which include: permissive, uninvolved, authoritarian and authoritative, have different effects on children’s development and their future success and outcomes. Many parents do not realize how crucial parenting styles are on their child’s development and future. Some parents tend to seek alternative methods such as listening to music, and staying active during pregnancy in efforts of changing their child’s development and intelligence. However, after birth and during adolescence are the times when parents play a huge and crucial role in shaping their child’s development and intelligence. According to Turner, Chandler, and Heffer (2009), parenting styles have consistently been related to youth psychopathology, behavior …show more content…
He hypothesized that the relation between parenting styles and academic achievement is mediated by students’ motivation, self-efficacy and self-regulation. In order to test the hypothesis, 1173 studies from different regions of the world were identified through electronic databases. The studies were screened and 308 studies were included in the meta-analysis. The results showed that parental responsiveness, behavioral control, autonomy granting and authoritative parenting styles were associated with better academic performance. It also showed that lower academic performance was associated with harsh control, psychological control, neglectful, authoritarian and permissive parenting styles with very small effect …show more content…
Farris, Lefever, Bukowski, and Whitman (2013) conducted a study to investigate the influence of maternal cognitive readiness to parents and children’s self-esteem on children’s academic achievement and behavioral adjustment in the classroom at age 10. They hypothesized that children whose mothers had higher levels of prenatal cognitive readiness to parent would be more likely to have higher levels of achievement and lower levels of behavior problems at age 10. The study involved 153 teen mothers and their firstborn children. Researchers assessed the mothers’ maternal cognitive readiness to parent, IQ, and demographic variable during the last trimester of pregnancy. At age 3, researchers assessed baseline child functioning via IQ testing and maternal reports of children’s behaviors. Then they measured self-esteem at age 8 and academic achievement and classroom adjustments at age 10. In addition to that, mothers and children provided self-report information on cognitive readiness, self-esteem and demographic variables. They were also assessed for academic achievement through individual standardized testing. After analyzing the data, the researchers noted that mothers with higher maternal cognitive readiness and children with higher self-esteem had better academic achievements and adjustments. They also reported
A parent’s parenting styles are as diverse as the world we live in today. Nowadays, parents only want what is best for their children and their parenting styles plays a crucial role in the development of children which will in the long run, not only effect the child’s childhood years, but later prolong into their adult life as well.
Around the globe, there are various studies regarding the relationship between parenting styles and academic achievement. In the report, two common parenting approaches shall be reviewed. Moreover, an ideal approach would be introduced.
Many psychologists throughout history have indulged in studies related to parenting behavior and how children are affected from such behavior. The work of Diana Baumrind, which is considered to be one of the most influential and well-studied theories of parenting behavior, was the first to identify three styles of parenting (Sclafani 44). These styles of parenting are called authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. This paper will further explain descriptions of these styles and the typical behaviors of children as a result of each style. This paper will also provide insight on the parenting style I was raised on along with my thoughts on types of discipline I might use in the
Children get into trouble! As parents, we know our kids get into mischief, and it is important how we handle the situation. A household needs to have structure and a type of leadership or parenting style. Parents can manage the situation in a manner that the child recognizes they did wrong and is sorry it occurred, and parents can mishandle the situation and cause more damage than good. The type of parenting in the family household will determine how the parent handles the incident. The style of parenting in a home has a significant effect on a child and their development. As children grow, the style of parenting will impact their development. Young Danny is only seven years old, and while playing ball, he accidentally breaks one of the windows of his house. How are Danny’s parents going to react? Over the course of this paper, I will discuss four different types of parents and their style in handling Danny breaking
Mr. and Mrs. HarshHeart believe in the importance of stern discipline and impose strict rules
Research in parenting styles has found a large amount of correlation between parenting behavior and certain long-term outcomes for children. Specifically, parenting styles have been shown to correlate to a child’s obedience level, school competence, delinquency, violence, sexual activity, antisocial behavior, alcohol and substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and self-perception. The members of your family are the most prevalent relationships you will have in your life. Therefore, they will have the most influence in your future behavior. This paper examines the similarities and differences among authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and neglecting parenting styles and the effects on a child’s development and the resulting adolescent’s behavior.
With over three hundred million Americans and over six billion people worldwide parenting skills are essential to maintain a healthy society. Parenting involves many aspects and requires many skills. It is a time to nurture, instruct, and correct to develop fundamental skills children will need to be mature, responsible, and contributing adults to a society. There are four commonly identified parenting styles; authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved parenting. Of the four parenting styles, two remain on opposite ends of the parenting spectrum. These two styles; authoritarian, and permissive both have deleterious results that are often visible throughout different developmental stages, such as rebellious behavior. As well
Parenting styles have been widely defined by Baumrind into three categories, authoritative, authoritarian and permissive. Parenting styles can be defined as a pattern of attitudes in how parents choose to express and communicate with their children. These styles are categorized based on the level of nurturance, parental control and level of responsiveness (Dwairy, 2004). Authoritative style exhibits high levels of demand, responsiveness and nurturance; authoritarian style exhibits high levels of demand but low levels of responsiveness, permissive style exhibits low levels of demand but high in responsiveness and nurturance (Dwairy, 2004). These parenting styles have been proposed to have a significant impact on a child’s
It is apparent throughout research parents have a high impact on the outcomes of adolescent emotional regulations and the behavior during adolescents (Feldman, 2011; Jabeen, Haque, & Riaz, 2013; Millings et al., 2012). Jabeen et al. (2013) states "parents play a crucial role in the social and emotional development of children" (pg.85). This part parent's play can be effected as stated above and the fluidity of parenting styles and their effects on adolescents should be observed. Through research looking at performance in school by Areepattamannil (2010), finds that supportive parenting yields higher achievement in school and is nearly as close in relationship to socioeconomic status.
Would you have come out different if your parents used a different parenting style? If you are considered “cool” now could you have come out a nerd if your parents would have used a different parenting style? “Parenting style is one of the primary determinants of your child’s outcome whether he succeeds, achieves, meets the challenges, flounders, gives up, or runs from or fails in handling life.” (6) The purpose of this paper is to describe the outcomes, processes, labor, and techniques of parenting in a psychological point of view. Parenting styles are defined as the “manner in which parents express their beliefs on how to be a good or bad parent.” (4) Each parenting style has its weaknesses and
Excellent students come from authoritative parents, these students achieve academically and follow directions well. As a result of this students from authoritative parents rarely get themselves into trouble in school. Authoritative parents motivate their children, show high responsiveness to them, and meet all of the needs of their children. Everything that a child of authoritative parents needs in order to achieve in school is provided for them by their parents. For a student to do well in school it is a huge help for their parents to give the child what they need like school supplies, help with homework, discipline at home, and high expectations for the success of their child. Children need to receive positive response when they do something
All parenting styles associate with the area of a child’s social skills, educational capability, psychosocial growth, and also the negative actions of a child. Parenting is extremely important in a child’s life in order to have a happy and successful life without dealing with unnecessary negative issues that can arise. This portion of the proposal describes literature relevant to the proposed study of this topic. It is organized into four sections: (1) the two aspects on how the parenting styles were based, (2) the four main types of parenting styles, (3) the effects that can result from the parenting styles, and (4) evaluation for results of previous research. The detail of effects on a child’s behavior will be further discussed in the methods section of the proposed study.
Diane Baumrind’s typology has two major dimensions. The first dimension is responsiveness. In the text it mentions that responsiveness “refers to the extent in which parents respond to and meet the needs of their children.” (Knox 364). This is when parents support, encourage, and foster their children’s needs. The second dimension is demandingness which is “the matter in which parents place demands on children in regard to expectations and discipline.” (Knox 364). This is about how strict a parent is and how much control these use on their children.
During early childhood development a key factor that influences our aspects of behavior is the type of parenting styles our parents used. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of parenting styles and college students academic achievement. Also to find out if parenting style would a valid predictor of children’s success. Thus, three types of parenting styles were measured those being authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. These parenting styles were identified by using four dimension of parenting as identified by the college students, disciplinary strategies, warmth and nurturance, communication styles, and expectation of maturity and control. Academic success was measure using grade point average (GPA) of the college students. Analysis revealed that only authoritative parenting style had a correlation with students and high GPA. (Huey, Sayler, and Rinn, 2013)
This literature review was completed as an assignment for an Introduction to Counseling class at The College of New Jersey under Dr. Atsuko Seto. The use of correct APA format in both citations and general formatting, although has been evaluated prior to being turned in for grading, is not guaranteed. I would like to thank Dr. Seto and the entire Counselor Education Program at The College of New Jersey for being patient, informative, and overall very effective instructors.