
Parenting Styles Paper

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Children get into trouble! As parents, we know our kids get into mischief, and it is important how we handle the situation. A household needs to have structure and a type of leadership or parenting style. Parents can manage the situation in a manner that the child recognizes they did wrong and is sorry it occurred, and parents can mishandle the situation and cause more damage than good. The type of parenting in the family household will determine how the parent handles the incident. The style of parenting in a home has a significant effect on a child and their development. As children grow, the style of parenting will impact their development. Young Danny is only seven years old, and while playing ball, he accidentally breaks one of the windows of his house. How are Danny’s parents going to react? Over the course of this paper, I will discuss four different types of parents and their style in handling Danny breaking …show more content…

Authoritative parents are supportive of their children and this style is deemed the most beneficial and effective parenting style used today (“Pros and Cons”, n.d.). The style creates a healthy environment for children and this style helps foster a productive relationship between children and their parents. Children with authoritative parents tend to have a high self-esteem. Furthermore, communication between parties is excellent, and that is what makes it a popular style for parents. The authoritative parenting style creates clear rules, but there is leeway and exceptions within the rules. There are no obvious negatives with this parenting style. However, a mischievous child may try to take advantages of his parents that use this style. Danny’s parents would talk to him about how the ball broke the window, and they would suggest that next time he plays in another area of the yard. The authoritative style is the most preferred style in society

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