Children get into trouble! As parents, we know our kids get into mischief, and it is important how we handle the situation. A household needs to have structure and a type of leadership or parenting style. Parents can manage the situation in a manner that the child recognizes they did wrong and is sorry it occurred, and parents can mishandle the situation and cause more damage than good. The type of parenting in the family household will determine how the parent handles the incident. The style of parenting in a home has a significant effect on a child and their development. As children grow, the style of parenting will impact their development. Young Danny is only seven years old, and while playing ball, he accidentally breaks one of the windows of his house. How are Danny’s parents going to react? Over the course of this paper, I will discuss four different types of parents and their style in handling Danny breaking …show more content…
Authoritative parents are supportive of their children and this style is deemed the most beneficial and effective parenting style used today (“Pros and Cons”, n.d.). The style creates a healthy environment for children and this style helps foster a productive relationship between children and their parents. Children with authoritative parents tend to have a high self-esteem. Furthermore, communication between parties is excellent, and that is what makes it a popular style for parents. The authoritative parenting style creates clear rules, but there is leeway and exceptions within the rules. There are no obvious negatives with this parenting style. However, a mischievous child may try to take advantages of his parents that use this style. Danny’s parents would talk to him about how the ball broke the window, and they would suggest that next time he plays in another area of the yard. The authoritative style is the most preferred style in society
Is there a parenting class for divorce AZ and why should I take it? Am I required to take parenting classes? Will any parenting class do or do I have to go to a specific class? Why do I need to go to a parenting class if I’m a great parent? Does getting divorced suddenly make me a bad parent? What is parent education class and why does Arizona state law require that parents take it when they get divorced?
The authoritative parenting style is the “In between,” of both the authoritarian and permissive parenting styles, and has a “Give and take approach.” Authoritative parents are very involved in their children’s lives: children help around the home and in decision-making processes, and homework is supervised. This approach to parenting raises children who are responsible, well behaved in school, have a high self-esteem, and good problem solving skills along with decision making skills. The authoritative approach to parenting has very positive effects on children’s lives presently, and in the future. (Marsiglia, C.,Walczyk, J., Buboltz, W., Ross, D. 2007).
The front door squeaks close. One’s child arrived home at 1:00 AM, but was instructed to be home at 10:00 PM. That child came home with his parents waiting on the stairs with hands on their waists. His parents yelled at the boy for twenty minutes and had all electronic devices taken away from him, but the parents needed to first understand what their children did, and how he could have solved the problem. Families shouldn't feel upset and ignore their children because they broke a rule; they should sit down with their child and listen to what they have to say. It’s important for a child to recognize what they did and give them options on how they want to resolve them. Throughout this unit, many parenting styles were presented, including Baumrind's
The authoritative parenting is the healthiest and most effective parenting style to help children doing well in academic, social emotion, and behaviors. These parents have high expectations on their children. Meanwhile, they have high standards on their own behaviors, such as be calm, kind, and patient to their children (Lloyd, 2016).
There is a vast amount of research using the Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory in order to assess risk factors for child maltreatment. Although, past research has focused on risk factors of child abuse using the Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory and ways to increase protective factors; literature has seemed to have left out Child Protective Service’s involvement as a protective factor for child maltreatment. It is unclear if this gap in the research is due to lack of evidence based research to confirm the hypothesis that Child Protective Service is in fact a protective factor. However, this is why this research is so important to the field of social work, as well as, other helping professions. It is hypothesized that families with a history
Many psychologists throughout history have indulged in studies related to parenting behavior and how children are affected from such behavior. The work of Diana Baumrind, which is considered to be one of the most influential and well-studied theories of parenting behavior, was the first to identify three styles of parenting (Sclafani 44). These styles of parenting are called authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. This paper will further explain descriptions of these styles and the typical behaviors of children as a result of each style. This paper will also provide insight on the parenting style I was raised on along with my thoughts on types of discipline I might use in the
Mr. and Mrs. HarshHeart believe in the importance of stern discipline and impose strict rules
This study explored the relationships of authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles college students received during childhood, love-oriented rewards, object-oriented rewards, and the student’s academic success. The statistical analysis that will be used to preform this study is a two by three; within subjects two-tailed ANOVA to determine the significance between groups. The question at hand, does different parenting styles (authoritative and authoritarian) associated with reward (love-oriented and object-oriented) affect academic success, will show a significant affect. Authoritative parenting style is predicted to show a high response rate to a love-orientated reward while authoritarian parenting style is predicted to show a high response
With over three hundred million Americans and over six billion people worldwide parenting skills are essential to maintain a healthy society. Parenting involves many aspects and requires many skills. It is a time to nurture, instruct, and correct to develop fundamental skills children will need to be mature, responsible, and contributing adults to a society. There are four commonly identified parenting styles; authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved parenting. Of the four parenting styles, two remain on opposite ends of the parenting spectrum. These two styles; authoritarian, and permissive both have deleterious results that are often visible throughout different developmental stages, such as rebellious behavior. As well
“Baumrind (1967, 1971) identified three main styles of parenting”, explains Swartz, de la Rey, Duncan and Townsend (2011:65). The three main styles of parenting are authoritarian parenting, authoritative parenting and permissive parenting. Furthermore, each one of these parenting styles is associated with certain outcomes based on the behaviour of the child, the type of relationship that the child has with the parent and even the child’s self-esteem. However, according to a psychological expert Cherry (2015) “developmental psychologists have long been interested in how parents impact child development”. In brief, this might mean that, parents’ actions and behaviour have a huge impact on their child, which may cause the child to adopt the behaviour and make it a habit as they grow to be parents. So, as a parent you should always keep in mind that “your kids watch you for a living. It’s their job, it’s what they do. That’s why it’s so important to try your best to be a good role model”, declares Lehman (n.d.). I will now discuss the authoritarian
The group will be designed for Parenting Class. Married parents, single parents, and foster parents are welcome to join the parenting group. Any family member is welcome to join the class; members do not need to be parents to participate in the group. Any adults working with children can also join such as teachers, teacher aids, principals, therapist etc. Parents that are mandated by court are also welcome to join the parenting group.
The family system and parents are generally regarded as one of the most powerful forces in shaping adolescents. Parents have a great influence in the development of adolescents. The relationship of the parents largely effect the development of adolescents and is an important factor when looking at development. Well-adjusted adolescents tend to have intact families that are supportive and create a warm and loving environment with constant monitoring of behavior. The review examines the current research on adolescent development and how it is effected by parenting styles. Taking into account the changes that occur over time to parents this review shows the fluidity of parenting styles and the stressors that cause those changes.
Parenting styles are as diverse as parents themselves. Parenting is one of the most challenging and difficult responsibilities a person can face. The way a family is structured is called the parenting style. Parenting styles are collections of parental attitudes, practices, and non-verbal expressions that characterize the nature of parent-child relationships. Because individuals learn how to parent from many different examples including their own parents, role models, society and life experiences. Parenting techniques can vary greatly from household to household, however, experts believe that parenting styles can be broken down into four main categories which include permissive,authoritarian,authoritative,and
Diane Baumrind’s typology has two major dimensions. The first dimension is responsiveness. In the text it mentions that responsiveness “refers to the extent in which parents respond to and meet the needs of their children.” (Knox 364). This is when parents support, encourage, and foster their children’s needs. The second dimension is demandingness which is “the matter in which parents place demands on children in regard to expectations and discipline.” (Knox 364). This is about how strict a parent is and how much control these use on their children.
Thesis: The authoritative parenting style is the most effective style for producing children that have desirable traits, such as good morals, obedience, compassion and responsibility.