Lastly, a priority of Park Middle School is to provide each student the most support and assistance on a daily basis. A major goal of counseling and administrators is to keep the teacher-student ratio as low as possible so that students receive immediate feedback and help through a class (see Appendix P, Table P1). At the same time, not only is important to have a low student to teacher ratio, it is vital to hire and develop highly qualified staff. When evaluating the staff throughout the Scotch Plains’ district, 316 teachers were scored as effective and 103 as highly effective resulting in only 4 teachers scoring below those marks (see Appendix Q, Table Q1). A priority of the district is to provide their constituents with the tools and knowledge
Gulf Shores Middle School- On January 13th, the students of Coach Cobb’s eighth grade classes did an experiment to see how far a barbie doll would drop based on the amount of rubber bands placed on its legs. The students were to bring barbies in, the Coach Cobb gave every group of students a barbie doll to use. Then the students were to tie a rubber band around its legs to keep them still, then tie more around that until there was a group of bands from two to six. After that the students were to put the last band on a ruler and drop the barbie, in the same way every time, off of their desks to see how far in meters the barbie would fall. Then on the next day the students dropped one barbie off of a (FIGURE OUT WHAT HAPPENS)
If I was the principle of Metro High School I would use the four types of reinforcements to motivate the students to improve performance and attendance.* This change of policies would realisticly take place over long period of time with a good system of data collection and other types of control functions. It is also very important to have the parents of the children involve as much as possible.
The Carl Hayden Community High School was established at Phoenix in Arizona in 1957. It was well regarded and the provided of an off-site equestrian program. In fact, the number of the ethnicity students that attended to the Carl Hayden Community High School was the Caucasians are more than Hispanics students. However, this school got the report of ethnicity number of the students had changed by an increase the 92 percent of the Hispanic students. Moreover, the neighborhood is a nearby the school had abandoned and the some of the roads had an unpaved dirty. On the other hand, this school building had described was the mostly drab in the late of 1960s boxes. Furthermore, this school had a dress code for the females and males students. The females
The participants selected for this study will consist of both male and females 18 years or older. Specific ethic background is not a criterion in participant selection, therefore will not play a role in participant recruitment. Only individuals who have worked in or with the informal class reassignment program at Carmack Elementary will be selected to participate in this study. Carmack Elementary is a public elementary school, which is part of the San Bernardino City Unified School District. The San Bernardino City Unified School District is identified as a large public school district and is located within Southern California. Participants selected for this study will consist of special education teachers and special education school personnel.
Park Middle is located in Scotch Plains, New Jersey and is one of two middle schools within the town. On average there are 930 students enrolled at Park over the past three years (See Appendix A, Table A1). Additionally, Scotch Plains’ population consists of 77.4% White citizens, but is also composed of 11.1% of African Americans, 7.7% Asian, and 6.7% Hispanic citizens (see Appendix B, Table B1). The town’s population is largely representative of the school’s demographics (see Appendix C, Graph C1). When referencing the school’s performance on district benchmarks and state testing, Park Middle School has met most of their established targets. However, even with most established targets met, certain subgroups are in need of further attention
Last year, at Kingsland High School’s Graduation Ceremony, Josie Hinze not only receiveed her High School Diploma, but also her Associates of Arts Degree before even attending any college or university. Fast-forward to one year later, and seven Kingsland students will be graduating high school with both their High School Diploma and AA Degree thanks to the collaboration of Riverland Community College and Kingsland High School for allowing high school students to take college-level courses in high school and receive college credit for them. Not only that, but there are several others who will be graduating Kingsland High School with transferrable college credit so their first few semesters might
On Wednesday, April 12, 2017, I, Officer McDaniel #147, while at James Coble Middle School, located at 1200 Ballweg Rd, Arlington, TX, I was approached by Assistant Principal Myers, Laura, W/F, DOB 02/16/1968, in reference to a cell phone screen that was broke by another student.
Memo two contributes a profile of Boronda Meadows Elementary School. Furthermore, it provides a profile of the community of Salinas, California. The profile of the school and the community could assist me with economic, social, environmental, demographic, and educational data.
Saegertown has a new sheriff in town, and his name is Mr. Brian Lipps. On Friday, Dec. 16, Mr. Lipps was announced as the new Dean of Students for Saegertown High School, and his first day was Monday, Dec 19. It is expected that Mr. Lipps will officially be announced at the next board meeting on Jan.12. Most students have already noticed his presence. “It’s different. They [students] are more aware they can get into trouble and have to follow the rules more so they will behave,” said freshman Meadow Campbell.
In the hypothetical case, the Rockshire High School official had reasonable cause to search Britney Sullivan’s cell phone for evidence that she and other students cheated on their AP History exam. The administrator suspects Britney because (1) the students scored extremely high on the AP History test (2) Britney has been in trouble in the past and is in the AP History class and (3) a teacher received a reliable tip from another student describing how the students cheated using social media. According to the Supreme Court case (New Jersey v. TLO, 469 U.S. 325 (1985).) the school administrator had the right to search the contents of the student's cell phone, since the administrator had reasonable cause to suspect the student of school policy infractions. The court’s decision in this case is that the student officials do not hold the same accountability of the police under search and seizure. Police are held to the strict accountability of probable cause while school officials according to the Supreme Court have only to prove reasonable cause. In this hypothetical case the supreme court would support the decision of the Rockshire High School administration to search a student's cell phone as evidence for cheating based on the fact that the administrator had evidence to support reasonable cause. The Supreme Court states, “reasonable grounds
In the fall of 1980, the Congregation of Calvery Community Church, led by Pastor Dr. Carl Godwin, founded Parkview Christian School. Under the leadership of Bob Winebarger, the school began as a Kindergarten through eighth grade school. “Those were glorious days, Winebarger relates, “as we saw God’s hand moving to provide a Christian School to the residents of North Lincoln. Within two years of opening, the school expanded and began to offer a K-12 academic program. Continuing to expand to minister to families in Lincoln, a preschool and daycare were opened in the fall of 1991. Parkview Christian Schools now operates three separate locations for preschool and daycare for young children. A few years ago, Parkview Christian School stepped out from the umbrella of the church and became a separate non-profit entity.
Sherwood Middle School’s students as well as parents were shocked at the news that Sherwood Middle School was hiring a new vice principal in place of Kevin McIntosh. The new vice principal’s name is Marc Jolley. The reason Mr.Jolley is here is because recently, Mr.McIntosh had made the choice to leave the Sherwood school district. While many students are untroubled and rather pleased with the new change, others are wondering if it was the right decision to hire Mr.Jolley.
Well it was January and teachers were ready for Spring 2008. The area superintendent was first on the morning agenda to share that Principal Mrs. C would no longer be a part of Creek Middle School, as she had decided to leave the district and seek employment elsewhere. The area superintendent was also there to introduce the interim principal that would be leading the campus until further notice. As Principal Mrs. D was being introduced teachers were whispering to one another about what was taking place at Creek Middle School. Principal Mrs. D took the floor and shared with staff about her experience as a teacher and principal. Mrs. D had actually retired after 35 years in education, and was a part of the district interim program where retirees
Madison began the Commack Middle School in the 6th Grade. She continued to receive integrated co-teaching services daily. She also received a special skills class daily for 40 minutes, individual counseling services twice a month for 30 minutes, special seating arrangements, refocusing and redirection, check for understanding, copy of class notes, and extended time. Vision consultation services were provided in the classroom once a month for 45 minutes. In 2014, Madison’s parents considered moving her to a non-integrated class, however she continued to have this support in the 7th Grade. During 7th grade, Madison made improvements with her visual-spatial skills by using open space more effectively; however it was noted on her IEP that providing her lines to write on offered her the best support.
My idea for this project in EAST would be to get a Therapy Dog for our school, Greenbrier Middle School. Mrs. Buchanan and possibly Mrs. Wilcox would be the handlers for this dog, since we think it would be a good fit to definitely have one in the counselor’s office, and then one with Mrs. Wilcox, since she has special Ed classes.