
Park & Rec Basketball Research Paper

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To achieve a goal a team has to work together. I was mad when Liam had to move away from Carter, his best friend, and cousin. I was sad when I moved out my old house that my parents brought me home to when I was born. This has changed me because I used to be jealous of people when they had something I wanted but I have changed. One of many ways this changed me is that I have learned to never give up. Sports are my life and I don’t think I could live without them. I was discouraged for Liam when he struck out in the Little League World Series and his team lost. I can remember that one time we were at a basketball tournament in another town and we were down by 2 with about 5 minutes left to play and I felt the two free throws that I missed was the reason we …show more content…

This has changed because I make mistakes a lot in my life and I learn to make less of them as I mature. I can remember at a Park & Rec basketball scrimmage I had so many fouls that the coach said every time I would foul he was gonna take me out of the game. Brothers and sisters will always look out for you in those tough hard times. It was funny when the Driscoll twins fought over the last cookie before their game. Almost every time my sister and I are in room together we will fight over the TV or almost anything else. This has changed me because I have learned to not fight with my sister every time someone yells at us. This book has changed me in many ways because of how I used to think of girls playing baseball and doubting them in many ways. I was very sad for Liam when he struck out in the Little League World Series. I can remember one time in a Park & Rec baseball game when I was pitching and I did not do my best so I felt like I let my team down. The character Liam has changed me because when he lost a tough game he was mad and I do the exact same some

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