To achieve a goal a team has to work together. I was mad when Liam had to move away from Carter, his best friend, and cousin. I was sad when I moved out my old house that my parents brought me home to when I was born. This has changed me because I used to be jealous of people when they had something I wanted but I have changed. One of many ways this changed me is that I have learned to never give up. Sports are my life and I don’t think I could live without them. I was discouraged for Liam when he struck out in the Little League World Series and his team lost. I can remember that one time we were at a basketball tournament in another town and we were down by 2 with about 5 minutes left to play and I felt the two free throws that I missed was the reason we …show more content…
This has changed because I make mistakes a lot in my life and I learn to make less of them as I mature. I can remember at a Park & Rec basketball scrimmage I had so many fouls that the coach said every time I would foul he was gonna take me out of the game. Brothers and sisters will always look out for you in those tough hard times. It was funny when the Driscoll twins fought over the last cookie before their game. Almost every time my sister and I are in room together we will fight over the TV or almost anything else. This has changed me because I have learned to not fight with my sister every time someone yells at us. This book has changed me in many ways because of how I used to think of girls playing baseball and doubting them in many ways. I was very sad for Liam when he struck out in the Little League World Series. I can remember one time in a Park & Rec baseball game when I was pitching and I did not do my best so I felt like I let my team down. The character Liam has changed me because when he lost a tough game he was mad and I do the exact same some
Basketball is one of the world's most loved sports. Thousands of people gather from all over the world to watch it. The National Basketball Association or NBA is the whole reason people are able to play the sport professionally. Although the NBA is a huge company now it wasn’t always like this. Before the NBA there was the Basketball Association of America. (BAA) Many of the rules the NBA has today didn’t exist back then.
There are so many people out there who will tell you that you can’t. What you’ve got to do is turn around and say “watch me” by unknown author. This is exactly what the Willow Creek basketball team did. They looked their adversary’s right in the face after they were slapped by defeat and turned the other cheek. ☺ Instead of completely giving up when every fact and statistic went against them winning. They got right back up for the rebound life gave them and made a slam dunk of being the underdogs. Willow Creeks basketball team only has six players. But every one of there players has enough courage and grittiness that equals more than one player from the teams they have faced. If they want to vanquish their final dragon of defeat they will
Sports have been a huge part of my life ever since I was about five years old. It has impacted my life so much. The biggest challenge that I faced was with my injuries during basketball and soccer season. I recently had to quit soccer and basketball, which was difficult for me.
There was this one worst experience where I was playing a sport. It was during basketball tryouts for the high school team. It was the day of tryouts. When I went, I went with a lot of confidence. Although, I made some mistakes which were my layups, turnovers, and drills.
High School sports are a big part in the high school experience. Many kids participate in high school sports each year. Some kids do many more sports than others and kids get injured during them. Playing a sport in high school is difficult because you have to worry about school work and family & friends. Also, many people do not make some of the sports team they will try out for and be embarrassed of themselves. Schools should not continue to fund sports because of school work, injuries, and embarrassment.
My family was born to play basketball, both of my brothers had the size and athleticism to play professionally, and my dad towered over others standing at 6’6”. At a young age I was expected to follow in their footsteps. However, I did not have the size that the rest of my family did, and struggled to compete due to my small stature. In the seventh grade I tried out for my middle school basketball team and was promptly told I wasn’t good enough to play. I came home crying feeling that I disappointed my family. The next year, during the eighth grade try-outs, the coach said the same thing and broke my heart for the second year in a row. Dissatisfied with these results, I promised that I would make a change before entering high school.
College sports isn't what everyone makes it out to be. Some people relate college sports to High School sports only to the extent of: it's a level harder. Many feel that college sports isn't that big of a deal. What little people know is being a collegiate athlete is a job. The life ou hae is set out for you on the court. Most of the free time off the court is spent doing homework. There's hardly any time for a social life, and or time for your family. Being a collegiate athlete isn't just about playing sports anymore, this is your job.
Students, Brian Harpin and Brent Nelson at Kankakee Kays High School [Illinois], enjoy playing soccer for the their high school team. They like being part of a team and feel they do not need to be the best players. "You have to play the game, give it your best shot, and not give up," says Nelson. Some of Nelson’s teammates let the competition acquire the best of them. "Sometimes when they missed the ball, they took out their anger on other people," he says. Other teammates told them to just play the game and have fun. All students must play competitive sports in school to make sure that they do not become obese, and so they can stay in shape.
It is a known fact that sports are a significant factor into the way of life for Americans. Families will sacrifice much of their lives to see one of the children become a professional athlete. One of those sacrifices is money. Money for some families, seems almost unlimited while for the majority of families, money is something difficult to come by. Depending on which family a child belongs to, their chances of playing college or professional ball is drastically different. The world of high school sports is becoming more financially demanding than ever because camp prices are rising at an overwhelming rate, families are acquiring debt in hope that their kid is successful, and student athletes of lower class families are not getting the head starts of upper class family athletes.
As I started my senior year of highschool, I was approached by my head basketball coach. He approached me to tell me that he wanted me to help coach middle school basketball. At first I was a little skeptical because I already was incredibly busy. Because I did not want to disappoint my coach, I decided that I was going to go ahead and do it. I missed the first four days of practice because I had cross country practice after school. On a Friday, I was able to go to a practice. We went over our plays and scrimmaged each other. I was a little flustered because I had no idea the name of most of the kids. Practice ended and the head coach told me that I was coaching the B team on my own the next day. I was surprised to hear him say that. I couldn’t believe that I was going to be coaching a whole team on my
I have always loved sports ever since I was a little kid. Some of my earliest memories are of playing soccer with my friends on a wet, cold spring day or hitting a ball off of a tee and feeling like it went a mile, when in reality it only went about fifty feet. Even to this day I still can never get enough of sports. I get about four weeks off out of the entire year where I’m not technically in a sport, but I’m still always practicing and trying to get better because that’s the only way I know. I love everything about sports: the friendships, the competition, the passion, the atmosphere, the unity. Sports are one of my true loves and they consume my life. It is this strong desire that I have for sports that has driven me to want to pursue a
My career is being a Basketball player. I am plan to do this goal in high school or doing college and hope to make it to the NBA. I like to be in Florida or in New York to be in basketball. And I choose this career because it is a very good job it also pay very well and I always want to become a basketball player I dream about become one and I think I be better in it then football and some of my family member. I should be play a sport and I choose basketball. And it is a very good entertaining sport. And I to be playing a sport in high school and college. Basketball player make about$ 79,460 a game. That is about $38.20 hourly.
High school sports are a good pass time for high school kids, it keeps some out of trouble or gets kids out of the house. On the other hand high school sports have gotten very serious, instead of just having fun. It’s turned into if you don’t win then what’s the point, it not for the fun. It’s been drilled into everyone heads that they have to be a really good player and their only way they’re getting into college is through sports. Everyone dream is to play for a division I team, which that’s not a bad goal to have but in reality not every athlete can go division I. High school athletes have this mentality that they have to win all the time or be the best they put a lot of pressure on themselves. Not in all cases but, if someone wants to
“What’s in the Name of High School Football,” “Are High School Sports Good for Kids,” and “a video Kids and Sports” all include writing about if school sports are good, harmful to students, or affect education purposes. “What’s in the Name of High School Football” talked about how sports programs took over the school newspaper, morning announcements, and all of the money. Money and fairness were not distributed well between sports and other programs. “Are High School Sports Good for Kids” talked about if sports were hurting some students education and what other people were doing to benefit that. The video talked about how sports were helping the kids that had trouble making friends or just weren’t social at all. All three resources have good facts and opinions about school sports, however, I feel all schools should keep funding school sports. I think this because sports help social life, takes stress off kids, and it gets everyone involved.
Less than half. Less than half of those who never participated in sports in school, will go on to get a college degree. On the flip side almost ⅔ of student athletes, nationwide, will get a 4 year college degree. These numbers come from a poll done by the Harris Poll, a Nielsen company, that surveyed thousands of people in the U.S. From the poll, researchers found that former student athletes more regularly graduate college and have a higher average income than those that don’t. However, there is much controversy over these activities because of a recent rise in injuries among athletes. High school sports have been becoming more and more popular as of late and rate of sports related injuries has gone up with it. While we can’t ignore the dangers