
Parkinson 's No Longer Happens But Is Inherited

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Parkinson’s no longer happens but is inherited An autosomal recessive is how one inherits a trait, disorder, or disease that is passed or shared through families. Whether it is albinism or red hair (also referred to as day walkers or ginger) height or heath both parent carry the autosomal trait that is passed to the child. An autosomal recessive disorder means that two copies of an abnormal gene must be present in order for the disease or trait to develop. A mutation in a gene on one of the first 22 non-sex chromosomes can lead to an autosomal disorder like Down syndrome or cystic fibrosis, which many commonly hear when expecting. When one has a genetic disorder that is recessive, the gene was inherited because both parents were carriers. …show more content…

However, a small proportion of cases are due to known genetic factors. Until recently, the relations and diagnosis of the disease and family was unknown, with studies and advancements there has been a discovered inheritance between Parkinson disease and related disorders. Parkinson 's disease, like Alzheimer’s is more common in later ages but is affecting youth and young adults. It is the second most common neurological degenerative disorder, and has been found to affect 6 million people worldwide. The disease is a progressive motor syndrome that impairs the heart, muscles, and central nervous system. Intracellular inclusions, Lewy bodies, and dopaminergic neuronal loss effect Parkinson’s disease. In 5–10% of Parkinson’s cases, they are familial and transmitted in either an autosomal-dominant or an autosomal-recessive fashion. (Gandhi, 2010) Mutations, Abnormalities, and Effects. Genes such as PARK2, PARK, PARK7 and PARK9, are the mutated genes that cause the development of autosomal-recessive Parkinson’s. The name given to distinguish between the recessive, dominant, and idiopathic forms is Juvenile Parkinson’s in the recessive inheritance due to the early onset. It shares many of the same symptoms as the others such as, • Bradykinesia extreme slowness of movements and reflexes • Dystonia a state of disordered tonicity of tissues • Gait disturbance is a deviation from normal walking (gait). • Hyperreflexia over activity of physiological reflexes •

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