
Parkinson's Medication Error Essay

Decent Essays

Medication Errors: The Role of the Nurse in an Interdisciplinary Home Visit Program for Advanced Parkinson's Disease Patients Background For Patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), adherence to a PD medication schedule is crucial for achieving optimal symptom control. Parkinson's disease (PD) medication errors involving late, extra, or missed doses are common, however rarely published. These errors often reduce medication effectiveness as well as quality of life of people with PD. Studies have shown that many patients take medications in ways that deviate from the prescribed medication regimen. Additionally, medication discrepancies may have clinically significant consequences, especially in the elderly population. Obtaining an accurate, up-to-date medication list is vital to ensuring …show more content…

23 subjects have completed visit 2, 18 subjects have completed visit 3, and 11 subjects have completed visit 4. In total, 33 errors were detected in total across 78 visits. At visit 1, 38.5% of patients had at least 1 medication error of any type. The least number of medication errors occurred at visit 2, with 26.09% of patients having at least 1 error. The most errors occurred at visit 3, with 72.22% of patients having at least one error. At visit 4, 36.36% of patients had at least 1 error of any type. The most common types of errors at visit 1 were errors of frequency (23%), followed by errors of omission (8%). At visit 2, frequency errors were the most common (17%), followed by dose errors (4%), errors of omission (4%), and errors of commission (4%). At visit 3, errors of omission were the most common (39%), and errors of commission were the next most common (29%), followed by dose errors (28%), and frequency errors (17%). At visit 4, frequency errors and errors of commission were present in 18% of patients. No strength errors have been identified as of

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