
Part Time Indian Analysis

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Have you ever lost someone or something like a privilege; become hurt or angry and refused to let anyone help you? Well, you may want to think that over. Junior and Teo From The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian and from The Lightning Queen have both suffered losses. Junior, is an indian living on a reservation. Education from him was not great, and he let one of the teachers know it when he got a textbook with his mother’s name in it. In maybe not the calmest manner, he throws the book at his teacher. But that teacher stayed by his side and encouraged him to go to the white school so he could get a better education. So, he went. And it turned out better for him then he would have ever expected. Teo, lost his sister to a storm. His …show more content…

In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Junior is already at a loss when he is born. He is indian and lives on a reservation. Nothing there is great, especially education. But Junior is smart, so he left the reservation to go to a white school; where the education would be able to live up to his abilities. When he goes, it worked out better than expected. He found friends, and of course a better education; which was his goal and more. He learned a lot from that school; Including that he was “Smarter than most of those white kids” (Alexie 84). In The Lightning Queen, Teo suffers from the loss of his sister, which changes him. He comes more of a pessimist and forgets the good things in life. He is always in a low gloomy mood. But, he is able to find hope in other people, places and things. Finding that hope helped him out of the blue, and back to his happy self. Just being surrounded by happy people made him better. They showed him how to be happy and look at the glass like it is half full. The question is where do you find such …show more content…

Teo was scared at first. For instance Esma had Teo scream to get everything out. He thought it was crazy, what if someone hears? But, after stepping out of his comfort zone to try it; he say how freeing it really was. Even was Esma was no longer there, he did it. But that is is just one of many things that Esma showed him. He was just generally afraid. He wanted to be happy, but he did not know how, and he did not want to try. He was more comfortable just being sad then trying to be happy. What if it got worse? What if it made him more sad? It was stepping out of his comfort zone for sure. But, with a little help he was able to try it. It turned out better than he ever could have wished. With Junior, going to a white school was WAY out of his comfort zone. He could get made fun of by the whites, for he was poor and indian and they were white and rich; and what about the people on the res? They might feel betrayed and not like him anymore, not except him anymore. When Mr.P told him this, he even said to himself “I did not know what he was talking about. Or maybe I did not want to know” (Alexie 42). He was admitting to himself that he knew going to the white school was for the better. But he did not want to. He wished there was a way not so far out of his comfort zone. But he trusted his teacher, and went; and look how it turned out for him. He got the education he needed, and made friends. At

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