
Participating In Occupations

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The Impact Participating in Occupations has on the Health and Well Being of the Terminally Ill Individuals that are terminally ill are still capable of engaging in life, resulting in the ability to live their lives to the greatest potential. Engaging in life requires engaging in occupation. Law, Steinwender, and Leclair (1998) define occupations as sets of activities that individuals employ in their daily lives that have value and meaning. Occupations range from activities of daily life (eating, bathing, toileting); other daily life activities such as pet, spousal, and child care; to spiritual activities such as attending church, praying, and volunteering. When an individual participates in occupations a resulting effect can be observed in the individual’s health and well being. …show more content…

Occupations of Terminally Ill Individuals Occupations that an individual chooses to engage in are often of high significance. Although occupations such as feeding oneself, bathing, walking a dog, and attending social events or church, are easy to delegate to someone else to complete for an individual; he or she has meaning in those occupations and when the occupation is lost, he/she loses part of him/herself. It is important for someone with a terminal diagnosis to continue to engage in as many of their usual occupations as possible. Engagement in occupations is engagement in life and engagement in life much better than disengagement from everything which can result in major depression. Participation in Occupations Occupations cannot benefit

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