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Are Participation Trophies Harming our Children? You've been working so hard all season long, and everything is leading up to this one tournament. The first game was awful with a loss of twelve to zero. The whole team is very sad and goes into the second game with a negative attitude. Because of that, you loose the second game as well and get knocked of the tournament. You think about how all your hard work just went to waste, but you sigh and remember that you’ll still earn a medal anyways just for participating. Lots of people in the media have been debating this topic recently, and the sides are pretty much split right in half. Lots of people think that participation trophies are a huge mistake, but others believe that those awards can …show more content…

The first reason is that the awards are given completely out of pity for the losing team or person. says that most of the participation awards are given out because they want the athletes to feel better about themselves(Website #1). Another claim that supports my side of the debate is that if children never fail, they will not be able to learn that you have to get back up and work hard for what you want. When the children of this time grow up and try to get a job, they will possibly get turned down several times and the kids are not going to know how pick themselves back up again. Participation trophies shown nt be given out because we need to teach children at a young age how to work hard for what they want to get to. The last reason participation trophies shouldn’t be handed out to kids is because kids are going to settle where they are and not try harder to get better, and eventually this will lead to children losing their passion for whatever sport they might be enrolled in. The general thought is that if kids don’t have anything to work towards then it will lead to many bad things in the long …show more content…

This side of the argument believes that if children don’t get any award or recognition they will loose their passion for the sport, but my side thinks the opposite. If the child is one of the only people without a trophy they will comeback stronger than ever because they would have something to fight for. According to psychology today, many of the children that are constantly winning the awards and trophies over and over again are becoming more and more selfish about the awards (Website #2). Although, if every person in the competition are earning an award then that is way more selfish kids, oppose to just one or two

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