Are Participation Trophies Harming our Children? You've been working so hard all season long, and everything is leading up to this one tournament. The first game was awful with a loss of twelve to zero. The whole team is very sad and goes into the second game with a negative attitude. Because of that, you loose the second game as well and get knocked of the tournament. You think about how all your hard work just went to waste, but you sigh and remember that you’ll still earn a medal anyways just for participating. Lots of people in the media have been debating this topic recently, and the sides are pretty much split right in half. Lots of people think that participation trophies are a huge mistake, but others believe that those awards can …show more content…
The first reason is that the awards are given completely out of pity for the losing team or person. says that most of the participation awards are given out because they want the athletes to feel better about themselves(Website #1). Another claim that supports my side of the debate is that if children never fail, they will not be able to learn that you have to get back up and work hard for what you want. When the children of this time grow up and try to get a job, they will possibly get turned down several times and the kids are not going to know how pick themselves back up again. Participation trophies shown nt be given out because we need to teach children at a young age how to work hard for what they want to get to. The last reason participation trophies shouldn’t be handed out to kids is because kids are going to settle where they are and not try harder to get better, and eventually this will lead to children losing their passion for whatever sport they might be enrolled in. The general thought is that if kids don’t have anything to work towards then it will lead to many bad things in the long …show more content…
This side of the argument believes that if children don’t get any award or recognition they will loose their passion for the sport, but my side thinks the opposite. If the child is one of the only people without a trophy they will comeback stronger than ever because they would have something to fight for. According to psychology today, many of the children that are constantly winning the awards and trophies over and over again are becoming more and more selfish about the awards (Website #2). Although, if every person in the competition are earning an award then that is way more selfish kids, oppose to just one or two
Participation trophies send a dangerous message. I have many trophies,but i worked hard for these trophies. Everyone on my team deserves my team. For the people who think giving out the same award at the end of the year to all the children; i am sorry to inform you that your hurting the child more than not giving the child the trophy at all. Children need to know the importance of working hard than someone else. In life you do not make the same amount as your boss makes just because you show up on time everyday. Why would the kids who just show up to practice everyday vs the kids the more elite kids get the same reward. Life does not work like that.
Imagine being on a baseball, soccer, ect. Team and getting a trophy for just being there. Say you practiced non stop to be really good at that sport but when it is time to get rewarded everyone gets a trophy, even the kids who never practice or hit the ball. How would that make you feel? It would probably make you upset because you put your time and effort into practice. Recently people have been arguing over if kids should or should not get trophies for just showing up. There are multiple reasons I do not think kids should get trophies for just showing up.
One reason kids should not get trophies is because some kids. Some times dont play on the field. “If kids keep getting trophies then the trophies can lose their meaning.” Only the kids that actually work for trophies should receive them. “Trophies are not an effective way to motivate players.” this explains that kids need a place on the field. This shows that kids should have a place on the field and not get trophies for nothing.
Athletes get trophies and there is a debate over whether athletes should get trophies for participation or for winning. All trophies do is sit there and collect dust. Participation trophies just remind people of how terrible they did that year or season. Participation trophies are stupid because the professional sports committee agrees, because of how it makes kids want to only play for the trophies and because they are unnecessary and pointless.
Is giving kids participation trophies beneficial to children, or motivation killers? Many people all around the U.S. have their opinions for both sides of the discussion. James Harrison, linebacker for the Pittsburgh Steelers, has weighed in on this topic. In many people’s eyes, his beliefs make a lot of sense, they understand where he’s coming from and what he is speaking about. Carol Dweck also made a statement to NPR about her belief’s on the topic. There are millions of important facts that need to be talked about with this epidemic: an estimated fifty-seven percent said “only winners” should receive a trophy for participation in kids sports, giving out participation trophies is tantamount to giving kids the wrong kind of praise, and this
Do you remember what it was once like to win a trophy? Those huge, golden statues that resembled an accomplishment that you completed? How happy you were when you received your very own trophy too? Everyone should be able to recall when you were once rewarded for any outstanding achievement that they've done. What if I told you, however, that the trophy you received when you were a child wasn't so special? That it was, in fact, a participation trophy, and every other child got one. Would it be so special now? That's the problem that kids are facing now with participation trophy's, due to its lack of being "one of a kind". I believe that because of its lack of being unique, a participation trophy shouldn't be required to be given out at our
In an age where everyone is expected to be recognized, there must be an understanding that the world does not progress by congratulating the “average.” I believe that giving participation trophies makes people stop competing; especially if the trophies are given at a very early age. For example, a team of small children have a terrible baseball season, but it’s okay! Because the coach gives out trophies to everyone. This in turn only teaches the child that no matter how bad life gets, they will always be rewarded. Participation trophies create future generations of entitled adults as seen by today’s generation. We need to reward kids that work hard for what they do for the sake of risk and reward. That is simply how progress is made in society. Yet I agree with one point made by the opposing side. I believe that participation should be recognized sometimes. Participation can teach kids that teamwork matters in every little aspect of society. Participation trophies should be eliminated but participation should still merely just be recognized with a pat on the back as said by Betty Berdan, a high school junior from Connecticut. Participation trophies overall hinder the growing and learning process of kids; whether it is through sports, or any other competitive involvement.
Should everyone get a trophy? I do not think that youth sports athletes should receive participation trophies at all. Many people believe it is worth a buck to give a child a smile but, I do not. I do not think everyone should receive a trophy because it waste good money from the organization. If children just receive trophies for trying their hardest they are not going to try any harder the next year and their best may not be good enough. On the other hand coaches and parents believe that youth athletes should be rewarded for their hard work. Participation trophies are unnecessary because youth athletes play to win not just to receive a trophy they didn’t earn.
Participation trophies can vary from sports to clubs to activities of any type. Many people believe these standard awards provide many benefits for children and their childhood growth. However, children today have become accustomed to receiving an item or prize regardless the outcome of their effort, which could potentially send an unhealthy message about achievement and diminish the value of the award.
All across America, you see the topic of “Should children be receiving participation trophies” being brought up. The idea that all kids should get some reward for being a part of the game and helping it grow. To some, it seems like an excellent idea, but to others not as much. For example, NFL linebacker James Harrison took his children 's participation trophies and gave them back to their coaches saying "EARN a real trophy." Other parents believe that their children deserve to be praised and want them to feel good for doing something they have worked hard. So which side is correct? Should we give our kids these trophies or not?
Should everyone get a trophy? shouldn't get participation trophies because they need to be earned.the more trophies we give out, the less each one means. Some people believe that trophies should only be given out only to the best. However, participation trophies may encourage kids to keep playing. Participation trophies need to be taken out of the system because they don't boast the kids moral and they should only give trophies to the best.
Participation trophies are the worst things that ever happened to society! Most sports are rewarding undeserving trophies that are giving a false hope to the “winners”. The sports that are giving out participation trophies are teaching the athletes who don’t try that it’s fine, and is making them think that everyone owes them something. Children who don’t try and don’t care about the sport they are playing don’t deserve a trophy. In an interview with Stanford psychology professor Carol Dweck, she comments that kids should not be given trophies simply for participating, “Her daughter rarely showed up for her soccer team.
Participation trophies have been causing an uproar here recently, are participation trophies a good thing, or a bad thing? My opinion on participation trophies is quite simple, I believe that if they are children I don’t see any real harm in giving participations to a certain extent. I don’t even know who it is even a question if adults should get participation trophies. If grown adults got participation trophies for certain things that they did I think that that would very much have harmful effects on people’s motivation to do things. I think sometimes participation trophies are okay in young children, for instants sports. I think it could be good because it would encourage young children to get involved in sports that could be beneficial
You get last place in your tournament. The coach walks up to you looking disappointed and hands you a trophy. You look down at the trophy confused on how you go it and notice that it reads “participation”, but why hand out a trophy if you didn’t really earn it? A popular issue today is whether or not participation trophies should be given out to young athletes. There isn’t a right or wrong answer to this debate, however I believe that it is wrong for these no good trophies to be handed out. Here are some of the reasons on why I believe this.
Of course, participation trophies take away from the true meaning of receiving an award and enjoying the sport. “ ‘Her daughter rarely showed up for her soccer team. She had a terrible attitude,’ Dweck says. In spite of that, ‘at the end she got a giant trophy and would have been devastated had she not’ ” (Turner). Children who put no effort into the sport or activity they have joined still receive an award for being a part of it. This is extremely unfair to those who actually worked hard to make their team successful because it rewards the kids who were barely even engaged in the sport. “We need look no further than the 2011 World Series for the value of earning trophies