
Partiontion Interaction And Different Types Of An Endion Reaction

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What is an elimination reaction? Unlike substitution reactions where an element is replaced by another one, elimination reactions are the opposite and lose an element with the help of another reactant. The loss of an element results in the formation of a double bond. This means that a pi bond is being formed during the reactions. These reactions could also be called dehydrohalogenation reactions because it is the removal of a hydrogen and halogen atom. There are two different kinds of elimination reactions. The first reaction is a unimolecular elimination reaction. The second is a bimolecular elimination reaction.

In order for any elimination reaction to occur, there must be an alkyl halide and a base that will extract a proton. Depending on whether or not the base is strong, will determine which elimination reaction it will undergo. First, the leaving group must be identified. The leaving group is an alkyl halide. The carbon that the alkyl halide is attached to is called the alpha carbon. The next carbon connected to the alpha carbon is the beta carbon. The beta carbon will have beta hydrogens attached to it. The leaving group must first leave. Then the base of the reaction will extract one of the beta hydrogens. When the hydrogen is removed, it leaves the carbon with two valence electrons because of heterolysis. Heterolysis is when both elections from a bond cleavage remain with the bigger, more electronegative atom (Pillai, 26). Since the carbon has two valence

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