
Parts Of Body On The Media Of 9 11 And 9 / 11

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New York City is known as the cultural and financial capital of not only the United States, but also the world. America’s most populous city is home to major producers in the entertainment industry, such as Broadway, and several sports teams. An attack on New York is an attack on the pillars of American society, and as a result, an attack on the industry charged with telling the American story—the news media. The events of the World Trade Center bombing in 1993 and the 9/11 attacks show the media’s shift in tone between a largely failed attack and one that caused previously unimaginable harm and destruction.

New York and its media were not strangers to terrorism in the city when Ramzi Yousef detonated a truck bomb below the World Trade Center’s North Tower. On July 5, 1914, the New York Times covered bombing carried by anarchists with the intent of destroying John Rockefeller's home. The article begins with a series of statements similar to bullet points to help quickly summarize the events, almost in the way tweets on Twitter are used today. The author of the article is unafraid to overtly share the gory details and immediately focus on the loss of human life, rather than just the structural and philosophical damage. One of the series of headline like statements reads, “Parts of Body on Church.” While the wording itself is not exactly a sensational example of gore, it still calls the reader’s attention to the extreme violence that had taken place and its human victims.

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