
Party Press Era

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News reporting in the United States has moved and developed through several successive periods. It begins in the early stages of American history during the colonial period where news was not nearly as important as it is today. We have seen news reporting in the Party Press Era where politics heavily influenced newspaper content. News then reached a greater audience with the establishment of the Penny Press, which also created more relevant newspaper content. In the late 1800s, news reporting in the United States experienced over-dramatization and sensationalism during the Yellow Journalism period. And lastly, Interpretive reporting changed future journalistic style by incorporating more analysis. Each of these successive periods in the development …show more content…

The Party Press Era also known as the First Party System began in the 1780s and lasted until the 1830s. During this time period, editors would share a political party’s principles and would endorse their candidates in exchange for support for his newspaper. Editors would also receive government contracts for supporting a political party. The content of newspapers during this period relied heavily on political news and interpretation for the public. These newspapers contained no advertising content and were primarily focused on swaying public opinion on the favor of a certain political party. These topics were considered newsworthy because America was a developing political system and nation during this time period. Newspapers often wrote about first party systems such as Republicans vs. Federalists and Democrats vs. Whigs. Journalists during this period were obviously very biased based on the party they endorsed meaning they were not very objective and newspaper content focused on basic facts as well. As the nation moved into the 1830s they where met with the Penny …show more content…

Newspapers were being mass-produced after the shift to steam-powered printing, which allowed for less expensive publications and low prices of papers at just one cent as competitors were still selling papers at 6 cents a copy. This period took place during part of the industrial revolution, which would explain how mass-production of newspapers was possible. The low price of papers made them available to more people for the first time, as prior to this period only wealthy citizens were able to afford it. News and journalism gained popularity during the penny press as the reader range of these newspapers expanded. Editors soon realized that as their audience expanded that they had to incorporate different content into their papers that would interest the readers. So, newspapers began to focus on the public they served and wanted to create content to make their papers more appealing. They began to obtain crime statistics and information from criminal and divorce courts to fill their papers with content that interested their readers. Advertisements were heavily depended on for these newspapers and they made the lost cost possible. Changes that were made to the newspaper during this time period guided the way papers operate today as they continue to rely on advertisements that make the low costs possible. The journalists of this time period began to pay more attention to the

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