Sources of Power One of the sources of power that I have is connections power. I am a very open-minded, friendly, and sociable person. I can easily carry on a conversation with someone I have never met before and find it easy to form new relationships. As a social worker, I think it is important for me to network and connect with others, whether it is peers, patients, employers, staff members, or community resources. Without getting to understand others, it would be impossible to provide patients with information with a company I know nothing about! I think forming alliances makes it so much easier when providing resources to patients. For example, I kept in touch with an oncology massage therapist, who was a former patient in my oncology clinic. A year later, I was able to reach out to her and she came in to one of my Breast Cancer Support Groups to demonstrated how massages work for patients who have been or are diagnosed with cancer, being careful of how to correctly massage without causing more damage to the lymph nodes. She came …show more content…
My passion, commitment, goals, and ethical values as a social worker are what drives me and inspire me to change the lives of others. Ever since I was little, I knew that I was good at helping people. Not just doing simple things such as donating clothes to a charity or volunteering at a soup kitchen for the homeless, but connecting with others and really making a difference in the lives of others. I was an only child until I was thirteen years old, then my little brother, Matthew, was born. Before Matthew, I admit, I was selfish. I was a little brat, demanding every toy and game that existed. As I grew up, I began to take on two roles: one as an older sister, and two, as a role model for my brother. I sort of took in a half-parent/half-sister role with our age gaps, and began learning to be grateful for the things I do have, and help other to gain what they
Social work is a profession which has the objective to improve the quality of life of other individuals. The NASW code of ethics is used as a guideline for social workers and the interaction they have with their clients. In addition, within the code of ethics, there are six values, which include service, social justice, dignity and worth of a person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence. Therefore, going into the social work field it is important to understand that your
Explain how you became interested in social work and why you chose social work as a major.
A career in Social Work requires conviction to personal values that reflect and uphold the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics. Professional ethics are the foundation of social work, as the trade has an innate obligation to endorse ethical principles and basic values to advocate for the wellness of others. The core values adopted by all social workers, as distinguished by NASW, are service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence. As a Clinical Social Worker, I will honor the NASW Code of Ethics in addition to my personal values of respect, self determination, responsibility, motivation, and wisdom. My personal values complement the NASW Code of Ethics and will resonate in my work as a social worker.
For as long as I can remember, I always had the passion to assist others. I find joy in helping others because I enjoy seeing others happy. In my earlier years as a child I would see other children just like myself but some were not exactly like me. They were unable to do things on their own, unable to walk, or maybe just a little different. I was not the type of person even as a child to look at others any different than myself because I realized everyone was still human. Everyday throughout my middle school years I would go to school happy, because I found joy in first finishing my work then maybe helping others who needed help.
In the National Association for Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics, there are many standards a social worker should uphold in order to promote a healthy and helpful relationship with the client. One such aptitude is Cultural Competence and Social Diversity, which is in section 1.05 of the NASW code of ethics (National Association of Social Workers, 2008). There are three sections associated with this competency “Social workers should understand culture and its function in human behavior and society, recognizing the strengths in all cultures”. It is assumed that “social workers should have a knowledge base of their clients’ cultures and be able to demonstrate competence in the provision of services that are sensitive to clients”. As a
As a social worker many problems may arise because of the constant grey area of either letting your personal values interfere with your professional opinion. It is essential to provide your client with information and tools to help them succeed and overcome their problems. Following the core values is essential to being a resourceful, competent social worker. In some cases, core values are in conflict. In a situation where more than one core value is in conflict it is considered an ethical dilemma (Hick, 2009). It’s not guaranteed that a perfect solution will arise, therefore one of the core values is subsided because the other has more of an impact on the client.
There are many ways in which social workers can avoid ethical dilemmas. In regards to the Jones case I will explain five ethical dilemmas. I will explain what 3 core values could have benefitted the Jones family and I will give three strategies I will use to practice ethical behavior in my field of social work in the future.
Eventually, my values which influence my practice as a Social worker include my personal value my personal values, my value of self-determination, equality, equity, social justice, connectedness,& coming from a non-judgmental perspective, from a profession position, I value the AASW Code of Ethics and reflection of myself. (AASW, 2010)
According to the Preamble of the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers, “the primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human wellbeing and help meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty.” National Association of Social Workers. (approved 1996, revised 1999, 2008). Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers. Washington, DC: Author. The ethical considerations of the Bruff Case as presented by Hermann and Herlihy (2006), are clearly defined and set forth Code of Ethics; additionally, the Code provides guidance to counselors on dealing with issues which might give rise
Iruonagbe, Chiazor, & Ajayi (2013) beautifully described the sentiments of my heart regarding family making mention it is not only the oldest social institution, but indeed the most important. The responsibilities of families are great ranging from guidance, to support, and more importantly it gives the individual a sense of belonging and commitment. My personal value as a social worker is family is a bond that is not to be broken. When one of us is made weak, the other steps in and pick up the pieces. We are guided by love respect and sacrifice. I come from a strong background of caregivers. I have watched my mother care for her elderly mother until she took her last breath, or family unable to care for their child and most assuredly another member will raise that child. In like manner of Mrs. Vishnick being a widow myself I bore the responsibility of my children and applaud her for doing the same. I understand she is 87 years of age, and her adult daughter has a mental disability, still I am empathic to her situation. In my culture, it is expected other members will step in as no one is a throw away. Mrs. Vishnick should not have to carry the burden alone. Family must be able to depend on each other, as we are one another’s protective factor. God and our faith in him will see us through.
My understanding of the social work profession and its core values is that social workers are caregivers, they provide assistance to people in need, and they address social problems. The social worker goal is the improvement of society to ameliorate the lives of individuals in need. The social work profession mission is to enhance the well-being of people and to assist them in meeting their basic needs, with particular emphasis on the needs of the poor, and the vulnerable individual. The Social Work profession has six core values. These core values are the foundation of the social work profession. The social worker incorporates these core values into his daily practices. Service to others is one of the fundamental values of social work. Social workers goal is serving others and putting the needs of their clients ahead of their own. Social justice is another core value of social work. Social workers aim at improving the lives of the disadvantaged, vulnerable people who are less fortunate or unable to advocate for themselves. Social workers understand the essential value of every human life, regardless of ethnic background, cultural differences or religious beliefs. Their goal is to respect the dignity and worth of every person. Another key value of social work is integrity. The social workers conduct themselves in a trustworthy, honest, and responsible manner at all times. Competence is another important core value of the social work profession. The
These sources of power I use daily. The power of an Achievement oriented person tends to focus on achieving their goals that they believe are important and have an influence on their environment. As a full time worker and a student I have illustrated that it is possible to do both and still manage to not lose your sanity. I have influence many of my co-workers to pursue their academic goals. I exert this power in my daily life with my co-workers and peers. My second source of power which is interpersonally influential; communicates well and is able to build rapport with many different kinds of people. This is another source
I was in grade 10 when I thought of becoming a social worker. As social worker practitioner the fields that interest me to work in is domestic violence and child abuse because I want to make change to the society. Also Mahatma Gandhi was my major inspiration through this quote “Be the change that you wish to see in the world”. Than an idea came to me, why not involve my contribution to the wide variety of communities. My communication with school counsellors and social workers has impacted my choice of desiring to study social work. I realised that if I have had a chance of seeing a social worker when I was young, things would have been much easier and less stressful. I want to provide opportunities that I did not encounter to other people. This essay will reflect my past experience, motivation and why I want to be a social worker, values, beliefs and theory of practice.
The CSWE ensures that social workers are educated and competent in the field of social work. It serves as a guideline for social work educators. The (CSWE) uses the Educational Policy Act Standards (EPAS) to accredit baccalaureate and master’s level social work programs. EPAS supports academic excellence by establishing thresholds for professional competence (CSWE, 2015).
Improving the lives of individuals is the objective of the social work profession. There is six values within National Association of Social work Code of Ethics (NASW): Service, Social Justice, Dignity, and Self-worth of the person, Importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence. These values are for social workers and their work with the client(s). Regardless of one’s race, religious belief, sex or sexual orientation each value benefits all individuals. Social workers should always practice professional values. Clients suffer from when the social worker does not uphold values. Code of Ethics is established for all social workers to obey and follow them. In this this paper, I will discuss the how “Importance of Human Relationship” will be the easiest to uphold and how “Social Justice” will challenge me as a social worker working with future clients, community and organizations.