Many people in this world have love and lost people but that is not the worst feeling it is when you lose someone before you get the chance to love them. A man named Thomas Rhett explains this through his song “Marry Me,” produced in 2017. It is a song about two friends who have been in each others lives forever and thought they might have a connection but might not find out the truth. Throughout the song “Marry Me,” the author Thomas Rhett uses pathos to show you can’t sit and wait for good things to come, you have to go out and make it happen. A good amount of people around the world seem to think that this song is about happy ending and love, well they’re wrong. Now don’t get mad it is about love, its just not in the way you would think.
Ta-Nehisi Coates primarily uses pathos within his text to convey his experiences and knowledge he has gained in his lifetime. In the book ‘Between the World and Me’, Ta-Nehisi Coates emphasized “This is your country, this is your world, this is your body, and you must find some way to live within all of it”. Coates explains the difficulties of living in his own body while having to fear against many different people. I agree with Coates’ statement for he provides several examples on cases where it is not so easy to live within a black body. I found Coates’ use of pathos was the most dominant and altered my perspective. Coates’ use of logos and ethos were practically nonexistent as an appeal compared to pathos. In Coates’ letter pathos appeals to the reader strongly through emotions while ethos and logos struggle to persuade the reader.
First, the song shows what love can actually do to you as a whole. It can make you feel like you lost a piece of yourself
Through the novel The Book Thief, the author Marcus Zusak conveys that words have a powerful effect which can be positive and negative. Towards the middle of the book, Liesel Meminger, an adopted girl living in Nazi Germany, and Ilsa Hermann, the lonely wife of a mayor, become friends over their love of books. Their relationship began when Liesel often read in Ilsa’s library while dropping off the laundry. Ilsa kept her house very cold and dark. As she grieved the loss of her son in World War I. Over time. LIesel was able to comfort Ilsa using her words and convince her to let go of her loss. Later on, after Liesel’s family died in a bombing, Ilsa Hermann returned the favor by taking Liesel, the lone survivor, in. This is just one of the many
This song tells a story about the struggles an immigrant deals with in America and I think ending with this lyric leaves a lasting stand on listeners to keep fighting for what they want and to not give up. I also like that he took a character from a book to show that community and the human spirit will get through bad
“Marry Me” By Thomas Rhett Thomas Rhett uses the question “what could have been” to capture the heartbreak story of “Marry Me.” In the song, Rhett tells a story about a man attending the wedding of the girl he loves, as a guest. Contemplating whether to tell the bride of his love for her. “Marry Me” uses a variety of literary devices to his advantage to explain the sad story to the listener.
Poor Mary Mae, Died this day, While Estella Myrtle went away, When we left We head to the west We finally found what was best, BOOM we have no more room, We’ll get there very soon, In the night, the moon was bright, It was a very beautiful sight, My head was in the past, My mind was running fast,
This song is a wakeup call for America to set a better example for the next generation. People are hurting other people. Some are paranoid of what will happen next. Life should not be scary, but there are people afraid to walk out and be among the chaos. Everybody is against one another, and they are not willing to compromise. “It’s time we stop” and look at what we are doing and what has become of us. There are wars for ignorant reasons, there are people hurting, there are innocent children watching, WAKE UP AMERICA! The riots and wars are not worth all of this pain and suffering.
As coined by the Father of His Country, “It is far better to be alone, than to be in bad company.” This is doubly appropriate as love is nothing more than a series of traumatic and disappointing events. Certain authors utilize their works to portray love from their perspective and/or experience. In “Love Song, with Two Goldfish” by Grace Chua, the author illustrates rejection in the most heartbreaking way possible. In the poem “What Love Isn’t” by Yrsa Daley-Ward, she depicts love as unbearable and somber rather than the joyful and wholesome experience consistently shown throughout pop culture. In the short story, “Was It a Dream?” by Guy de Maupassant, the narrator grieves the loss of his beloved only to have his feelings of woe amplified by betrayal. Through their illustrations, the authors show that love is an extraordinary experience that is often filled with pain, distrust, and despair.
Based off the lyrics, the song is all about how Beyonce truly feels deep down inside. The message behind
Paris by the Chainsmokers is a song that reflects on the happy side of a relationship that is rarely seen in break-ups. The song is essentially the writer remembering a relationship with fondness. It tells the tale of two young lovers on their own and in love who eventually break apart. It also touches on happy memories like the lyrics “We were staying in paris,/ to get away from your parents” (Chainsmokers, 1-2). By highlighting the highs instead of lows, it shows the listener that they should not be sad about their loss but happy that they ever got to experience the joy and happiness that most relationships provide. Almost no relationships end with happiness but this song shows that it is possible to think happily of a relationship that has ended. This song also uses higher pitched, electronic music to
Throughout my lifetime, there have been moments of laughter as well as grief. The first time I felt what it was truly like to lose the love of my life I ended up heartbroken and devastated. From that moment on my perception of love changed completely. The song by Christian Nodal- “Adios Amor” showed me how at times when the love fades between partners to the point where there is no love at all, you have to do your best to move on rather than spending time grieving the love that is lost. Therefore, the song “Adios Amor” taught me that some relationships are best to let go of if they don’t work as a young adult, and will continue to guide me throughout my life.
This very slow song, so in my opinion I think it reinforces a sense of bittersweet, because even though she mentions how she wants to be remembered for the good things that she did she also mentions death and regrets in her song.
Roughly 265 years ago a man rode horseback through a lightning storm with both a kite and a key in hand, in hopes to prove something questioned by many; Whether or not lightning is a form of electricity. The sight may be strange to see and even hear about, but in the name of science and proving that lightning is, in fact, a type of energy, Benjamin Franklin, a scientist at heart, would do anything to test his theory about lightning. Though he may not have wanted to use this knowledge to capture lightning and convert it into usable energy, he did want to protect people and buildings by creating a path of least resistance to the ground for the lightning to travel, most commonly known as the lightning rod. Despite being a genius, capturing lightning for energy may have been a bit far out of reach for Franklin, perhaps more attainable by another scientist. Nikola Tesla, like Benjamin Franklin, was also captivated by the phenomenon of lightning. Tesla, did not want to capture lightning, but create the electrical effects to the same scale as one of nature’s most beautiful occurrences. Tesla’s idea was to “transmit electrical power without wires at high altitudes,” the same way energy is transferred during a lightning storm (Uth, 2000). In the grand scheme, his idea was too futuristic according to the many who thought he was crazy, however with the right tools, Tesla could have made it work. Lightning, while intriguing and a seemingly large waste of energy, is not as easy to
"In a perfect world, when he's with her, he would be wishing he was with me; when he looked at her, he would be looking at me; when he smiled at her, his smile would be for me; when he thought about someone, he would be thinking about me. In a perfect world, he would realize that I'm the one he was supposed to be with & I would still be standing here waiting for him still when he finally knows this. But this isn't a perfect world and people do get hurt. Because how can you give your dreams to someone else, yet share your dreams with me? Sometimes the truest love is the love that can never be"
look and point at gay couples, it is human nature to feel singled out and targeted. This song states that We are beautiful no matter what they say/ Yes, words can't bring us down, oh no. It is trying to help the stereotypes understand that being beautiful is more than the image, it is the inner beauty. Gay people may become ashamed of there orientation because the socially acceptable way to be is straight. This is a double standard of the lyrics, because it states that even if people do act in rude and unkind manners, the gay people will still consider themselves beautiful. But this