A similar theme that can be found in both texts can be, "Patience pays off." In the passage, “Boy’s Life,” it is about an impatient boy who can’t wait for school to end, and the first day of summer to begin. The young boy grows more and more impatient because his teacher wants to keep the students as long as possible. Towards the end of the story, he starts to understand why his teacher is holding on to them as long as she can. Maybe she doesn’t have anyone to go home to. Maybe outside of school she is just lonely. The boy grows more patient since he understands his teacher and soon it pays off.
I feel that the theme “Patience pays off applies to this story. For example, the passage "Boy's Life" says, "The world was out there, waiting beyond
The father makes the children go to school because he feels that everyone should learn the basics of academics such as reading and writing to help them survive is the world. At first they are scared and don’t want to go because they have never been and feel they are too young. As they continue to grow they start to show improvements and gain confidence in their ability to perform in the classroom. They fear for the teacher being run off because the older kids don’t like him and some of the parents don’t appreciate his teaching methods. The main character and his sister hope he stays so they will continue to learn.
Family relationships and society play fundamental roles in how a child grows and makes their own choices. How they are seen and treated by society can influence how the child acts. From how they are raised, to what values and morals they are taught will determine the child’s reactions to obstacles that come up in life. I will be discussing some major events in the book that stood out to me as to why two men who basically grew up on the same block, ended up on very different paths.
(Beginning sentence).In the passage, it says“And the cat and -Old Billy-ah but the world was a lonely thing. So wide so empty.And so bare, so bitter bare”. This shows that the boy thought the world was so bare and so lonely. Also, it states,“A harsher shriller not struck in as if many other ruder voices; above it flew first sweet music that made him creep closer”. This explains how he was interested in the different types of music. Lastly, it states “Hoarse staccato cries and peals of laughter shook the old hut, and as the boy stood there peering through the black trees, abruptly the door
Other than to maybe get herself out of trouble, but these things would not make sense to happening somewhere else. See now these things happening in a grade school would make more sense, but the alter ego, I've never heard of any student ever doing this myself and why to refrain from people yelling at you for doing things that were wrong. See you see why the setting is important in this in this story as it would make no sense whatsoever out in the everyday world. The text states “We had a little trouble adjusting , the first week or so, she said primly, but now he’s a fine little helper. With occasional lapses, of course.”
In both "Boy's Life" and "Emancipation: A Life Fable" Both stories support that The characters have to wait patiently to be freed from the prison they were being stored in. Even though the risk that both the characters were taking was extraordinarily different, they both made their way on their journey. Even though the animal in "Emancipation: A Life Fable" was sprinting away from his cage for his life while Cory in "Boy's Life" was waiting for freedom, they were both waiting to be set
The aspects of growing up that are described in the poems “Hanging Fire” and “Translating Grandfather’s House” are almost exactly alike. In the poem “Hanging Fire” she shows the aspects of growing up by saying in the text, “I am fourteen and my skin has betrayed me.” This means that she is growing up and she is coming to that age where there is more things to be responsible with. This matters because if she doesn’t grow up and doesn’t learn responsibility then she really won't understand what to do when she is older and living alone or with kids. In the poem, “Translating Grandfather’s House”, he shows the aspects of growing up by his actions.
It also shows a shift from the present situation to a future one then back to the present. In the beginning of the poem the son is currently waiting for his father to tell him a story and has a sense of eagerness to him while the father has a sense of tiredness to him. This scene is depicted as the father being “in a room full of books in a world of stories,” (6-7) yet the father has difficult trying to come up with a story to tell despite how many are around home. The room that they are in is described as having books of stories inside of it and outside of the room is the whole world that is full of stories to tell. At this point the problem is that the father cannot think of a story to tell his son who asked him to tell him a new story which, according to the father, seems to be the beginning of the end. The father believes that since he is not able to tell stories as quickly and easily as he could before then one day soon, “the boy will give up on his father,” (8-9). These thoughts help to prepare and give background to the glimpse into the future when the boy is getting ready to leave his father by packing his clothes and having his keys ready to go. Since the father saw the day he would lose his son to manhood, once the day actually came the father seemed very upset at the boy but not for leaving but more so for the reasons that he is. The father yells at the son, “Are you a god...that I sit mute before you? Am I a god that I should never disappoint,” (16-18). It seems that the father and son have had an argument or disagreement and the son did not want to deal with all the problems that had grown to be too much for him so he chooses to not say anything to his father at all as he is getting ready to leave. The father calls him out on this and claims that he is imperfect and will disappoint
This little girl is so innocent. She is sweet, and clueless of the horrible world. The fact that she is the narrator gives us a perspective of a reason the mother is so tentative about the little girl going to school. But for the mother there is a desire for lost dreams that overcomes the worried emotions for her daughter’s innocence. She wants her to be smart.
School is now part of the boy that completely separate him from his family and society. The boy does not have enough friends to play with after school. This shows how lonely the boy felt and he does not realize that. Education is good, but at the same time cannot forget your roots. Knowing your family background is very important because you are able to understand and question why your parents are acting some type of way or why your parents what you to do something that you do not want to do. With that knowledge, you are then able to connect with them.
This lesson enables her to resolve her issues and compromise with reality instead of using force,
In the narrative “Why We Can’t Wait” by Martin Luther King Jr. discusses what African Americans had to go through to receive equal rights. Martin Luther King Jr. describes every event in great detail. There are two major themes that stand in this narrative. The first theme is the city of Birmingham. Birmingham, AL is where King and others planned for all of the events to occur. Birmingham was the biggest steel city at the time and never listened to the federal government. The second theme is nonviolent fighting. King did not believe in hurting others when fighting for equality instead he believe in taking a stand and not harming anyone. Nonviolent actions and the city of Birmingham are the two major
The pressure the parents impose upon their child is what makes them happy because the child grows up to be what the parents pressured him into being, whether the child likes it or not. This made the parents so happy that the parents shows so much love to their child to the point that “only a hero could deserve so much love.” This shows how the pressure the parents intense amount of pressure leads to the parents being happier. On the contrary, in The boat the parents happiness is lesser than those in the average. In the average the son has less pressure put on himself then the son in The Average. This then leads to the son taking a life path different than what his mother would prefer unlike in the average the average where the son followed the path his parents pushed towards. This happens because in The Boat the son was given choice between the life of the boat, or the city life, unlike in The Average where the son was given no choice. Due to this choice, the son ends up teaching at a “great Midwestern university.” The then makes the mom in the story less happy because her son chose “useless books over the parents that gave him life.” This choice leads to the mom being so sad that “she did not really care [for her son], for he is not of her people and he were not of her sea.” Had the mom put more pressure on her son to be a sealer, then the son would have become a
The impact this short story brings to the reader is one we all can relate to. We have all been that little child who wants something different then what our mother is trying to buy for us. Parents are always there to help us out with what we need before the things we want. The attitude and behavior of the child in the short story should impact the students to make them see and understand why
Marie developed an independent personality early on and rarely relied on her family for help. She was accustomed to collecting her school records from one school and enrolling her-self in the next school. A particular principle stands out in her memory, by looking at her records, which were from Texas, he told her that he was going to hold her back a year as the Texas school system was behind the Pennsylvania school system. This made Marie very angry because she sure didn’t want anyone to think she had failed. So she bargained with the principle, asking him to let her be in the grade she should be in and if she couldn’t do the work
Early on in the novel, the reader begins to learn that the The Man and The Boy have a very close and intimate bond. Rather than causing a strain on the their relationship, the isolation that constantly follows the pair on The Road actually made their bond as father and son stronger . Traveling along The Road by themselves causes The Man and The Boy’s relationship to become extremely codependent. The Boy relies on The Man like any child would rely on their father. The Boy completely counts on The Man for everything, including food, shelter, clothes, and everything else that is needed to survive on The Road. The Man keeps them safe from the “bad guys” and keeps them alive and as healthy as he can. The Boy’s needs are always put before The Man’s needs. However, The Man depends upon The Boy just as much as The Boy depends on him. If it weren’t for The Boy, The Man would have been dead a long time ago. The only reason that he has survived this long is because of The Boy. Making sure The Boy survives is the only meaning that The Man has to his life. The Boy’s continued existence is the most influential motivation