Patient B.C. is a 62 year-old heterosexual, Caucasian female. Patient is single, never married, and has no children. Per patients chart she is spiritual but reports no specific religion she identifies with. The patient is homeless, states that she is a long term resident of Union Station and is unemployed. The patient is a poor historian and there is no family medical history on chart. There is no family involved in her care. Patient is currently under conservatorship per the court due to her family in Houston not wanting to take part in her care.
History of Psychiatric Illness The patient is a poor historian and cannot recall the date or age when she was diagnosed with Schizophrenia disorder. The recent hospitalization occurred on January
Patient is a 80 year old Caucasian male living with his wife in their home. The patient is originally from Penniviana and moved to Ohio for 10 years. Patient was previous married, but wife passed away over 10 years ago. Patient and his current wife, Mary have been married for 10 years, but have known each other for 15 years. Pt was within the Navy doing subrmine duty for 27 years. Patient moved to Big River area back in 1990 and worked as a volunteer sheriff in Riverside County for eight years. The wife has been a RN for 35 years, but is retired now. Pt has four step-sons, mike, ken, Rick and Bob in San Diego, who contact him once a week. Pt has three sisters, but 2 sisters has passed. One sister lives in Pennivina. Pt ambulates well without
The following is a case study of a female client name “Verna Marie”. This section presents a brief patient assessment, including a case history of the client considered in the study. “Verna” is a beautiful thick proportioned Hawaiian who is about five feet ten inches tall. She is a sixty-year-old native Hawaiian who was born and raised on the island of Oahu in the state of Hawaii. She is a very humble and wise lady who has very strong family values. “Verna Marie” classifies herself as heterosexual. She has been happily married to her husband “Zane” for almost forty-two years. They were young and in love and tied the knot at eighteen years old. At the age of twenty, “Verna” had her first baby boy. Later down the road they had conceived three boys and two girls all who are within three years apart. Her six children and twenty-eight grandchildren all live in walking distance to her home.
Hi, Karen, I attempted to send the invite again for patient 326270. I checked our email server to see if it was delivered and it shows an immediate block on her side as rejecting this our invitation email. I understand that her coworker is using the same domain but each email setting(s) can be individual. The message we are getting back on our email servers when trying to send her an invite to this email address is:
This is 34 year old WF. Patient is a resident at the Lovelady Center. Patient stataes she had a baby 7 weeks ago. She is depressed and misses her bacy. She is to stay at the love lady for 90 days, but possibly for 9 to 12 months. The bay is well taking care of by her boyfriend (the baby's father). Patient denies thoughts of suicide or homicide. Wants to get through the program and get back to her baby. Patient denies chest pain, SOB, N/V/ D, or fever.
My patient’s name is Nicole Glover. She is a young adult in college, and had shown no previous signs of illness. Nicole’s symptoms make it very clear what our diagnosis should be: Schizophrenia. By speaking to her parents, Lynn and Dave Glover, we were able to determine that Dave had an aunt that was mentally ill. His aunt is the likely source of the disorder because it is a disease that is usually passed through genetics.
Client is a 29-year-old African American male, who was a chef at Melting Pot. He lives with his girlfriend and two daughters in their own house. Until recently, Client A was previously fully independent with all his daily activities and had no significant past medical history. Client had been diagnosis with cerebrovascular and paraplegia, and depression.
She reported spending the majority or her life trying to gain his approval. Her father is now deceased (cancer). She reports being close to her mother and her siblings, particularly her sister. Mrs. Hudson’s development was within average limits and she reached all developmental milestones at the appropriate age. She is bilingual (Creole/French derivative is her native language) and she learned English once she immigrated to the United States. While Mrs. Hudson considers English to be her primary language she has never applied for citizenship. Mrs. Hudson completed college and medical school and worked part time as a primary care doctor so that she could be home with her children. Mrs. Hudson was raised Catholic and attended mass regularly as a child. She has since rejected Catholicism and now attends a nondenominational Christian church. Mr. Hudson is a firefighter. She and her husband are physically healthy as is her older son. Her daughter was diagnosed with a severe heart condition at 14 months which required several surgeries to correct. Her daughter is still monitored regularly by her doctor (Case Study,2016).
This is an 89-year-old, was transferred here from Vidant Medical Center in Greenville, North Carolina on 01/21, for a multitude of problems including altered mental status. The patient can communicate but not well enough to really give a history. I have obtained all this history from her daughter Cynthia who works here at Mayview. I am told that Mamie was born in Edgecombe County right outside of Tarboro and she lived the majority of her life in those areas of Edgecombe County, Pitt County, and Martin County. She got married at the age of 19, and had 13 children. Three of the oldest children have died. Cynthia lives here in Raleigh and her sister Brenda works in Raleigh, but lives in Clayton. Mamie's husband died of some type of respiratory
I think that Canadian health care system can be used as guide in the U.S territories. The reason
Demographics: Patient is a 32-year-old, moderately built Caucasian female; separated once with 2 children. She lives with her children in her mother’s town house in the North-eastern part of the province. She is currently unemployed and receiving disability from the state from sustained back injury. She has Medicaid insurance; speaks English and practices the Baptist religion.
Mrs. Patterson is a 72 year old female who presented to the ED with complaints of ringing in ear and some sores in her nose. Per documentation Her son, however reported Mrs. Patterson has expressed repeated threats of suicidality and has said she is going to overdose on medication and has overdosed in the past. He reports she also threaten to walk into traffic. At the time of the assessment Mrs. Patterson denies suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, and symptoms of psychosis. She appeared 3X oriented. Mrs. Patterson memory appears recently impaired. She reports a history of 1 attempted suicide years ago. Mrs. Patterson states when asked suicidal attempt she responded, "Yeah,but I forgot what I done." Her son Jim was contacted for collateral information. Jim reports 6 months ago his mother overdosed and has done so multiple time, however he is unaware if it's intentional with the intent to harm or her memory effecting her actions. He states, "She makes jokes about it (referring to suicidal ideation)." Jim expressed his primary concern with his mother is her not managing medications effectively. Jim reports he has a plan to move his mother into his home and take care of her daily needs and also manage her medications. Additionally, Jim reports her going to Daymark recovery Services. He reports DSS came out to the home today to offer any additional aid to Mrs. Patterson. She reports a history
At some point in time, we all must have had a chance of sitting in a waiting room of a hospital. I had a chance to visit the doctor last week and it was horrible, I had to wait to meet the doctor for around 4 hours While I was dying of pain. That made me to curse the whole hospital system in Canada and that 's the main reason that lead me to prepare this essay . British Columbia health care system with emphasis on " Providing " patient-centred care". which is defined as "Shifting the culture of health care from being disease-centred and provider-focused to being patient centered". This represents a great polished political language which they use to make people feel content and confident by confusing without them knowing that they are being confused.
Social History: The patient widowed and lives in a house with her two daughters. Currently employed as a supervisor at Walmart and has health insurance through her work. Works full time and enjoy her work. She enjoys spending time with her family. She is sexually active. She is currently in an intimate relationship for the past one year after the death of her husband and used condoms occasionally when having sex. Highest level of education is bachelor’s degree
Patient lives with her husband of 10 years and 3 children in Denver, Colorado. Patient denies any spousal abuse. She also denies smoking, alcohol, or drug use during her pregnancy. Patient completed middle school, and currently works as a house wife. Patient is of low economic status.
Client (AM) is a 20-year-old heterosexual African American female, born in Durham, and currently still resides there. Her primary language is English. She lives with her 13 moth old child (NM) in a one-bedroom apartment. The client is unemployed and currently receives SSI benefits. AM resides in subsidized housing because of her social security income. Client did not finish high school and has no desire to do so.