
Patient Care: A Case Study

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In reciting of her journey, Michelle made it evident that it was both professional and unprofessional behaviors which impacted her experiences with triple positive breast cancer. The key components of Patient care relationships are built up on integration, decision making, communication, and collaboration. (Nicoloro-Santabarbara, J., Rosenthal, L., Auerbach, M. V., Kocis, C., Busso, C., & Lobel, M. (2017). In the code of conduct, section 2.3 ‘Shared decision- making’ signifies that making decisions based on healthcare is the ultimate responsibility between practitioner and patient who may wish to involve their family. (Medical Radiations Practice Board of Australia, 2014). Cancer triggers psychological difficulties in responding to the treatment …show more content…

Communication portrays as a strengthening factor for patient car and families as it strengthens them to have hope and motivation to fight the disease. (Glińska, J., Adamska, E., Lewandowska, M., & Kobos, J. (2012)) Furthermore, section 3.9 ‘Relatives, carers and partners’ states that good practice involve being considerate to carers. In relation to Michelle’s cancer journey it was evident that she wasn’t provided the opportunity to have her partner as a support during treatments. It was assumed she is not family therefore there was no information provided in terms of how the appointment went. This added emotional distress on Michelle and her partner having to deal with things on her own as they were not able to fully support each other in regards to the treatment provided. In section 3.3 ‘Effective Communication’ the code states that practitioners should listen and ask the patients about the views on their healthcare. In relation to Michelle, practioners didn’t follow this code as Michelle stated during her treatment “six people there all were having a chat about we do this and that. Use the picket fence to keep my breasts in

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