Devin, As one of my nursing instructors would say, “you acted as a prudent nurse would have acted”. You displayed critical thinking skills, nursing judgement, courage, and strength. Great job! I agree, the whole care team should claim accountability in patient care. With the changes in health care, perhaps the team concept will strengthen, and patient care ability will soar. The ability to care for patients today requires more than one responsible party. Most patients are suffering from multiple medical conditions, requiring in-depth care and multiple specialties. A few team plans that I researched, included the patient and outlined what the patient is responsible for, “an optimized care team will provide the expertise and resources (tools
This response will describe my answers to the question: “If you are a doctor, what will you say to a patient who refuses vaccines like the patient Ofri encounters? Will there be any difference in what you say depending on whether the patient is an adult, or an adult refusing for their child?”. In Ofri’s article, she described her encounter with an adult patient who refused to receive an annual flu shot. She narrated the conversation between her and her patient and included her attempt to correct misconceptions the patient had concerning vaccinations while also respecting the patient’s view and ending with the claim that the most she could ask for is for the patient to walk away and think about the vaccine.
Hello I am a medical case manager from the Health Emergency Helpline program (HELP). We assist individuals living with HIV/AIDS. We have a client recently homeless which has no furniture and wishes for a couch. He has no funds to purchase this item. Could you give me a call back at 313-832-3393 ext. 13 or my Work cell 313-930-7052. Thank you Kristy
Al has been diagnosed with a mild to profound sensorineural hearing loss. As a result, he is seriously limited in functioning in the area of Communication.
Patient is a 35 year old female who presented to the ED with suicidal ideation with a plan to cut herself.The patient is from Elizabeth city. She road the bus to Greensboro and caught a cab to Asheboro to see a guy friend. The patient expressed that her friend and her were not able to find a place send some time together, so she came to the Hospital. During the assessment the patient reports feelings of depression and that she has been practicing cutting behaviors with a razor on her left arm. There were no visible cut on either arm at the time of assessment. The patient reports having really bad thoughts about harming herself and contacted the friend she was visiting and husband, which told her to go to the hospital. The patient reports a
It was so good to see you last week. I have a CNO at All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg FL is looking for a client who has Cerner that a Children’s Hospital. She has a meeting in a few weeks with all CNO’s of Children Hospital and would like to meet with the two to talk about how they are using Cerner specifically the patient tracking portals boards. Let me know if you have any questions.
Just want to bring to your attention, some patient complaints that I’ve been getting about Dr. Beaulieu over the last two days.
The scenario presented describes a situation in which a 55-year-old female with memory problems, altered level of consciousness, and a recent fall has been admitted to the hospital. The patient is described as being depressed since the death of her daughter and is currently taking an antidepressant and an antianxiety medication. This essay will describe the nurse’s role in assisting patients in maintaining psychosocial integrity and provide a plan of care for the scenario. Nurses’ play a unique role in providing for patients psychosocial needs. Psychosocial care involves providing holistic care that addresses patients’ psychological, spiritual, and social needs in a culturally sensitive manner (Legg, 2010).
During this session, we discussed what I would do in certain nursing scenarios. The scenarios helped me to see the situation more clearly. I need to take a moment and assess what is going on and what outcomes should occur. During each day at work, my self-confidence is building. I’m realizing that I do know more than I thought. I was a little apprehensive, in applying the knowledge.
The three important points addressed and enlisted in this video was first the beginning process of greet a patient, set up a Patient agenda, and Patient Centered skills. Secondly the, (Doctor – Centered Skills). Followed, lastly the Physical Exam & Education process. The Beginning portion, Mr. DRRs. Fortin exclaims that the physicians will greet the patient and take full analysis of patient record and history background and also question the patient status on the symptom of the patient’s diseases. Consequently speaking, the physician will try to build rapport with the patient and sympathies with the patient illness of disease and will care for patient by shows feelings of compassion and consideration towards patient’s health. Moreover the
Each member of a health care team has an important role. All members of the team must work as a cohesive unit to provide the best possible health care to patients.
My journey began with the death of a loved one-my grandmother. At the tender age of 15, I held her hand as she breathed her last. That one memory has influenced all that I have endeavored for.
In this scenario I would have to enlist the help of my client’s health care providers. Her case is based on a form of emotional attachment as well as many other mental health concerns. This client has a long history of dependency problems. My suggestions to the hospice agency would be to confer with this client’s health care providers as well and to keep me updated on their concerns and plans.
The survey results were very interesting and fascinating. I expected scores relating to practices that put patient safety at risk to be much lesser than I originally thought. I was very surprised to see the survey results of coworkers in the healthcare setting taking shortcuts and jeopardizing patient’s safety. In this 21st century where EBP awareness has been created and instilled in every department in healthcare organizations, unsafe practices that involve taking shortcuts in any medical procedure should not happen. Healthcare workers should diligently adhere to these evidence based practices in order for the best patient outcome. This result makes me question the reasons for these unsafe practices by some healthcare workers. One situation
Maggie Solis (approaching both Officer Myers and Officer Ramirez): Both children seem to be Ok, but we’ll need to transport them to the Hospital for a full medical evaluation. Will Child Protective Service be at the Hospital?
Standards are important to Patient care delivery because it promote and guide clinical practice. It provides patient with clinical proficiency and safety. Healthcare Professional standards are also used to provide a framework for developing clinical competency checklists or proficiency evaluations for a specific clinical unit or employer. They may be used as a comparison tool to evaluate a professional care if the employer suspects the employee has developed unsafe work habits or isn't adhering to established organizational policies or widely accepted guidelines established by state and federal laws or leading healthcare organizations. The federal government place several laws to governed and ensure that the proper patient care delivery