
Patient Information System

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1.0 introduction 2.1 Background of the study 2.2 Statement of objectives 2.3.1 general Objective 2.3.2 specific objective 2.3 Significant of the study 2.4 Scope and limitation 2.0 Methodology of the study 3.0 Data gathering Process and output 4.0 The existing system 5.5 company background 5.6 description of the system 5.7 Problem areas 5.0 The propose system 6.8 System Overview 6.9 Process specification 6.10.3 Data flow diagram 6.10 data specification 6.11.4 Entity relationship diagram 6.11.5 Tables/files Layout

1.0 Introduction

We are all familiar with what a computer is …show more content…

Computers are considered to be one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th Century. As time goes on, computers have become more and more important in our lives. We use computers at school, at home, and at work and most of us can’t imagine life without them. One of the many uses of computers is used in communicating within the country or even around the world where there is Internet access.

Now a day it is preferable for the company to have an information system to lesser time to store data and retrieving it without the patient waits long.

2.2 Statement of Objectives

The difficulty to keep personal information and even locating files of the patient has been repetitive or monotonous task. While some problems discovered by proponents, it has to be solve to the fallowing objectives according to what kind of problems there are.

2.3.1 General Objectives

The study aims to develop a automated patient information system which is badly needed by the clinic because of the time consuming using a manual process. So the study is to lessen time expend in storing, receiving and retrieving the patient’s personal information, to properly store the patient’s data.

2.3.2 Specific Objectives

This study aims to secured module that could keep the patient information and medical records. To retrieve patient’s data in real time update. To make the system that can easily dispense an accurate and

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