
Patinet Autonmy Right

Satisfactory Essays

Yeas, the consent is very well written and includes the autonmy right of the individual, the risk, benefits of the treatment; it also contains how long the procedure is going to be take, the locations and other options of the treatments. Informing the patinet is respecting one of the patinet autonmy right and it helps the patinet to make his own decision. will help the patinet to know what is happening and and how is the treatment is given. The caregiver institution has an obligation to inform the patinet what they are doing in a way the patinet can understand. For a patient to make his decision he/she must able to read the consent and understand it before making any decision. The great thing about the consent form are that they are written …show more content…

It is very important to inform the patinet in a way that the patinet can understand. Make sure to read a patient’s body gesture and facial reactions when you are going over the information. It is very common for people to make unusual facial expression when they hear something new and word they don’t understand. It is also very great point to pass on to patinet that they are in charge of making a decision about their own treatment. Decision should come from a place of knowledge not a place of fear. Make sure when you are explaining the contest to let the patinet know that they have a full autonmy right to say yes or no to the treatment. You can inform the patinet he/she has the right to stop you and ask you in any time while explaining the consent. If the patinet knows he/she is responsible for making this kind of hard decision, they will give more attention to what is going to be said. They are also feel free to ask a question whenever they want too. Do not assume that the patinet got all the point you have made, just give them another chance and ask them if they understood what has been said. Finally, the care giver can give the patinet the consent form for the patinet to review and sign on

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