
Patrick Henry's Speech Analysis

Decent Essays

All of us colonists should be able to rule ourselves we’re all adults here. We have to pay a lot of taxes and we don’t want to it gets all of us mad and we hardly make enough to pay all this money for such high taxes. I have talked to my fellow colonists and all of us are not happy with this change this if you want us all to be happy. Patrick Henry really had opened up a lot of our eyes I've asked the other guys what they think and if they support him a lot of them do. Patrick Henry I support you on what you do and we will stay behind you. I just need all these people around me to be able to support me and you also. We need to find a way to get what we want and need I'm tired of being misused and everyday I wake up I don't want this life. That's why I support everything Patrick Henry is doing we just need help and support. One of the biggest reasons that we should leave Britain's side is because we could finally create our own government and rule ourselves like we wall want to. Nothing can happen though if I don't have support. Do all of you understand that's why I'm here at your feet asking for help that I need. …show more content…

If we take to long all of his speeches will go to waste. Would we want someone like Patrick Henry to get killed because all of us were to scared to make a move. How can we maintain our freedom he asks us if we don't fight back so do we want to be slaves or do we want to be able to rule ourselves. My fellow colonists let's help Patrick Henry out okay he wants all of us from virginia to help him out. Someone who has the nerves to do something so brave he earns my respect. Let's all help him out here though that's the problems not a lot of people want to. I will stay by his side but the question is will any of you. Do you guys even worry about what could happen here? So many possibilities can happen here. So just help us out and it can go our

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