
Patrick Ness' A Monster Calls Essay

Decent Essays

Patrick Ness' A Monster Calls, is truly inspiring and an emotional novel for audiences that changes ones’ perspective towards facing death. Conor’s mother affects the main character of the story (Conor) due to the fact that she has cancer. Conor seems to be maintained and calm since Conors mom is still alive. Because of her sickness, Conor was reunited with his family once again, but he wishes they would both leave since his father and grandmother are trying to make him understand that there’s a good chance she won’t make it. The audience can only understand Conor if they understand what’s going on in his head. Overtime, this “nightmare” is shown throughout the text but is never explained until the final chapter. A nightmare that’s been …show more content…

At this point the reader knows how tight Conor and his moms bond is, Conors mom means everything to Conor, and to have that taken away by cancer, is heart stopping. Time for wacky grandma and annoying dad! Conors grandma is not your everyday normal grandma. “[Conor] met Lily’s grandma...she was how grandmas were supposed to be: crinkly and smiley, with white hair and the whole lot” (Ness 38). Instead Patrick generates Conors grandma as one who; “[wears] tailored pantsuits, dyed her hair to keep out of the gray, and said things that made no sense at all, like ‘Sixty is the fifty’” (Ness 39). Patrick also lets the reader see who Conors grandma really is, such as; “Conors grandma pinched Conor’s cheek so hard he swore she was going to draw blood” (Ness 38). She is seen to be very negative and harsh to Conor throughout the story, saying that Conor must accept the inevitable (in this case, his moms death), but she is doing it for the sake of Conor, he refuses to listen to her since he sees her as a negative vibe that is bad for him and his mom. Not only did his grandmother come to see her daughter, but Conors dad as well, all the way from America. Conors mom invites Conors

father to “visit” for the sake of Conor; Conor

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