Patriotism is defined as: “the quality of being patriotic; vigorous support for one's country”. While stereotypically actions of patriotism show extreme pride, some show patriotism in the vision of what a country should be. They simply want the equality that the greatest country on the face of the Earth should be able to provide. Equal opportunities, not necessarily equal outcomes, but everybody should have the same opportunities to be successful. The most unpopular patriots of our time are those who kneel for the National Anthem. It came into light last football season with Colin Kaepernick. He knelt for the Anthem and the country went crazy. The fans at home sitting on their couch that don’t stand when it plays on the television expressed
citizens. These fans are sad and enraged over their teams acts. Fox News reported that all of the Pittsburgh Steelers stayed in the locker room for the National Anthem a few weeks ago except for the former Army Ranger Alejandro Villanueva. He was standing up for his rights and Steelers fans single handedly said “ Alejandro Villanueva I salute you.” Alejandro Villanueva did the right thing and all of the NFL players that kneel need to look up to him and his braveness.
Many National Football League players started kneeling during the National Anthem to protest the injustices against African Americans, police brutality, respect, unity, and equal opportunity. They are protesting with untrue statements, such as police brutality. In 2016, 233 African Americans were shot by police, but the vast majority were armed and dangerous. Only 16 African American male victims of police shootings were unarmed. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer. Many African American National Football League players believe they are being treated unequally. Kneeling during the National Anthem is disrespectful to the flag, the soldiers, and the people of the United States.
“An athlete silently protests during the national anthem. People respond with taunts of "traitor," "you're a disgrace" and "leave our country!" Are these angry tweets aimed at National Football League players kneeling during the national anthem?”said by writers Lonnie Bunch and David Skorton.Due to half of the 49ers team kneeling during the National Anthem 49ers fans are burning their jerseys due to the refusal of the players to stand during the National Anthem.Many fans are outraged and boycotting National football because of the fact that football players are disrespecting the flag by kneeling during the National Anthem.The reason players should stand for the National Anthem is because the United States Flag stands for the individuality and
In the article, “National Anthem Protests”, written by Steve Byas on The New American, on October 24, 2016, states that when the San Francisco 49ers backup quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, decided to kneel during the national anthem that his protest wasn’t about the police brutality on blacks but to disrespect this country. Texas senator, Ted Cruz, states in the article that “it’s very easy when you’re sitting there, rolling in millions of dollars to disrespect this country” (13 Byas). Kaepernick and many other NFL players have stated that they are not disrespecting our flag but kneeling in protest to the police brutality on black people across the country. Although the players have said this, people beg to differ.
Doing the National Anthem is a way to show to honor to the U.S, but sitting down or kneeling can be disrespectful. Not standing during the National Anthem isn't a sign of silent protest. According to Document A it says ¨The National Anthem pays respect to the people who have risked their lives, been injured, or died defending the U.S.¨ Another piece of evidence is also in Document A and it says ¨As a general matter, when it comes to the flag, the National Anthem and the meaning that it holds for our men and women that it and those who fought for us.¨ These observations mean demonstrate that if a person doesn't do the National Anthem, it means the person is disrespecting the flag and the country. In summary, the evidence clearly suggests that
Kneeling for the National Anthem is like yelling in a buddhist Temple. People are kneeling to the National Anthem because they are saying that America is still racist and that social injustice still exists. Kneeling for the National Anthem is not an Appropriate form of silent protests because it would disrespect your family or others. For example the data on Document A states the National Anthem pays respect to millions of soldiers who died for this county.
Many people believe that they are patriotic people. But, what truly makes one patriotic? In “Saying Goodbye to Patriotism” Robert Jensen critiques the effects of patriotism on today’s modern society, the United States, and globalization after the attacks on 9/11. Jensen defines patriotism in his talk delivered to the Peace Action National Congress as “love and loyal or zealous support of one’s own country.” (Jensen 741) But, that is not the only definition of patriotism. One may love living in the United States so does that make them patriotic? Patriotism is probably one of the hardest words to define in today’s society.
The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league consisting of 32 teams. It is the most popular sports league in the United States. While the NFL mainly consists of football, some players find the need to bring politics into the league. These politics include racial discrimination and police brutality. Even though these issues need to be taken care of in this country, the National Football League is not the place to deal with these political problems.
P - patriotic; Patriotism is a quality that shows one's love for his or her country. By being patriotic, a person is being loyal to their country. It shows that they support and care for the things others have fought to give them. I display my patriotism by something as little as saluting the flag to say the Pledge of Allegiance daily.
American Patriotism can be defined in different ways. When people think of the word patriotism, most often say "to love one 's country". That is true in some aspect, but being patriotic means much more than that. In the words of Mark Twain, he states, “Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.” True patriotism is to support what 's best for this country and contribute in ways to help that can be beneficial for everyone. However, to a socialist, patriotism can be viewed within three main perspectives: the functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist perspective.
One of the things that stand out in in Anthem is the little amount of freedoms they have. The society has been completely turned on its head every little thing they do in life is dictated and controlled down to who they can like. They aren't even allowed to be taller or different looking from their brothers. One of the freedoms missing that stands out to me is the freedom of speech. For people here in America, the freedom of speech is something we all take for granted and don't think about all that often. We know it's one of our rights and we know that some other countries don’t have it, but we don't tend to stop and think about what it would be like if we had that taken away. That is something that everyone needs to think about from time to time.
All Americans should find their opinion on patriotism and voice that opinion. There are many different views of patriotism and many will clash, but if we continue to talk and use our minds instead of our fists or guns, we can eventually come to a compromise of both ideas, which will best represent everyone’s opinions on patriotism. Through more clearly and fairly defined ideas of patriotism we can better understand the actions of our fellow Americans and avoid more unnecessary conflicts caused by extremist ideas being the only ideas heard.
Americans have been standing for the National Anthem since 1891. This tradition started in the military, before The Star Spangled Banner became the National Anthem. Players in the NFL weren’t always required to stand on the sideline for the Anthem; it became a regular occurrence for players and teams to stand in 2009. Recently, many teams and players in the NFL have disrespected the flag and the unity within the country that is portrayed in the song. They do this by kneeling, sitting, and not coming out of the locker room during the playing of the National Anthem. All American citizens should always stand for the National Anthem, in respect for the flag and for the men and women who fought for the freedom we have.
I believe that athletes should be required to stand during the national anthem. The way they are protesting is incorrect, not working, and extremely disrespectful. First off, the way they are protesting is incorrect for what they standing for. The protesters are trying to protest against black oppression, with the recent black shootings motivating them. Not standing for the national anthem is not the right way to protest this. The events of the shootings are local problems, not problems caused by the entire nation. This was stated well by NewsELA Pro/Con | National Anthem Debate, “There have been some tragic events lately involving black men and the police. America did not cause these tragedies, though. They occurred in Charlotte, North Carolina,
In August of 2016, Kaepernick began his protest during a NFL preseason game where he initially sat during the singing of the national anthem. At the time, his rebellious efforts became unnoticed, but he soon enough made headlines when someone took a photo of him sitting during the anthem. Thus a social issue was born from the public’s reaction from the photo.The negativity of the public’s reaction stemmed from the norm that it is customary that people raise their right hand over their heart while facing the flag when the Star-Spangled-Banner is playing, so if one does not follow this norm it is identified showing disrespect. Inevitably, the prediction of the people’s reaction were to be expected as they were outraged when Kaepernick broke the norm. Although, it is legal for individuals not to follow these sacrosanct protocols, citizens of the United States find this norm obligatory.Would you stand by and constantly watch the same social issues to keep reoccurring in your neighborhood? Not only that but it keeps happening to different people by the same organization? When numerous acts of police brutality occurred, Colin Kaepernick decided to protest. He could no longer stand by and do nothing; he decided to take a knee. For professional National Football League (NFL) player, Colin Kaepernick, his response was “no”. One of the last waves that came toward the end of the summer is the kneeling while the national anthem played during sporting events. When Kaepernick decided to