
Patterns Of Kinship And Residence Summary

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In chapter five: “Patterns of Kinship and Residence” the book Families in Global and Multicultural Perspective by Max E. Stanston, he goes through the concept of Kin and how the affiliation affects an average person. Starting the reading of the content made perfect sense and seems to be a simple enough concept to understand. I could relate to the points at first, but after reading in further it covered wider grounds on the simple concept of “kin” and how different society interpreted it. Also, the discussion of residence was mentioned later on in the chapter. The notion has a wide variety of rules varying from culture to culture. It’s interesting to see how kinship and residence comes in so many different forms some that I could relate to and a few that are new concept I hadn’t even thought …show more content…

Human connections are how we, as a society evolve. Stanston stated that “Virtually all human beings have a deep need to affiliate with others” (p.79). This is the first sentence in the chapter and it got me thinking “Wow I never thought about that in words.” It's true that humans desire communication and connection with others. Naturally, we want to associate with other humans and build connections. In a family, the people one grew up with, one is most likely to build a deep connection that would last a lifetime, as Stanston mentioned “kinship is, with a few rare exception, the most permanent and has the greatest long-term impact on the life, behavior, and social identity of an individual” (p.79). A situation that I could relate to was the Hopi Indian Reservation that Stanston mentioned. Normally one’s mother’s sister would be called aunt, and the aunt’s children would be called cousins. In the Hopi’s heritage, they would refer to their aunts as “mother” and their cousins as “brother” or “sister.” I could relate to this because in my family

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