
Patterns Of Multiple Killers

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Multiple murderers are people who have killed more than one victim. Based on the patterns of their murders, multiple killers are classified into three basic categories mass murderers, spree killers, and serial killers. As there are several types of murderers I will be discussing mass murderers and what urges them to kill. What motivates them to keep killing and do these killers get satisfaction from killing, and how they choose their victims and some of their characteristics.

What is a mass murderer?
According to Bartol (2014) mass murderers involves killing of four or more people at a single location with no cooling off period between murders. A mass murderer typically occurs in a single location in which a number of victims …show more content…

They often store many of the disappointments, grievances and frustrations inside until one incident makes them explode with violent rage. After carrying a burden of the many elements of anger and sadness that keep inside, he or she reacts like a bomb setting out for the people the murderer blames for his burden. Although many of these murderers kill out of hate and anger, many kill out of love and passion. Most people who have been rejected by a lover or spurred by a spouse and have been heartbroken and humiliation eventually get on with life. For a few, however the injured lover’s emotion turns inside out and takes on lethal proportions. The price expected for betrayal is death, in some cases from faithless partners, in others from an unsurprising rival. However the victim, a crime of passion is a reverse act of devotion, a murderous testament to the killer’s depth of feeling that is as powerful as any declaration of love. Crimes of passion are a perfect example of insecurity. These killers who commit these crimes seem to turn against their lover because they feel like their lover hurt them intentionally. The killer does not understand how someone they cared about so much could turn on them. This passion becomes frustration and hate takes over, the killer feels that killing the perpetrator will bring him ease the pain. However, murders of passion, along with any …show more content…

The majority of them are loners with no friends and few acquaintances has an adoration for guns and most likely has no criminal record or any lengthy history of mental record. They also tend to be married with children and have a career. Have had a childhood pass of being physically and sexually abused and are from broken homes. As children they often wet the bed, were infatuated with masturbation, were cruel to animals, and liked playing with fire. Because of their childhood, they often developed a psychopathic nature and do not know how to feel sympathy or be involved in a relationship. Because of their insecurity a compulsive need to feel like they are in authority becomes a vital part of their well-being, even at no cost to others lives. Also, their motives for murder vary. A notable motivation for mass murder is revenge, but other motivations are possible, including the need for attention or fame. The murderer’s incident can last for a few minutes or as long as several hours. In order to qualify as a mass murder, the incident must be carried out by one or few offenders. Highly organized or

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