
Paul And Barnabas: A Thematic Analysis

Decent Essays

Paul and Barnabas had their fair share of opportunities to dispute their faith and Acts 15 is no different. They were not in a strange position when a situations arose with men from Judea. In this chapter Luke gives us the account of a conflict that was settled by the council at Jerusalem. It is hard to tell if the men from Judea were being legalistic or if they were sincerely trying to obey the word of God but was taught incorrectly until now. But either way there was a conflict that needed resolved, a solution that was presented and who better to be in this debate then the apostle Paul himself. Acts 15 verse one states the conflict, " And certain men which came down from Judea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved." These men are siding with one must follow the law to be saved and Paul and Barnabas were not pleased with this. Christians should not seek out conflict and debates but there are more important issues that need to be addressed at times that require standing up. This was one of those time where one would speak up on this issue. These men were clearly misled on how one is saved and were teaching others the same incorrect doctrine. When the wrong doctrine is being taught then one should …show more content…

Paul was defeated Christians and imprisoned them and he changed to defending the word of God. Paul's life is a living example of the power and life changing ability that the gospel can have in someone's life. Paul's heart was saved and changed on the road to Damascus. Once his heart changed then his lifestyle and motivation would

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