Euler received his initial education from his father, Paul Euler, a village pastor of modest means who as a young man hadstudied mathematics under Jakob Bernoulli. From 1720 to 1724, L. Euler studied at the University of Basel, where heattended the mathematics lectures of Johann Bernoulli. In late 1726, Euler was offered a position at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, and in May 1727 he arrived in St.Petersburg. The academy, which had just been organized, provided him with favorable conditions for scientific work, and heimmediately undertook research in mathematics and mechanics. During the 14 years of the first St. Petersburg period of hislife, he prepared approximately 80 works for publication and published more than 50. He learned
Charles Alexander Eastman was born in a buffalo hide near Redwood falls, minnesota in the winter of 1858. They named him Hakadah- the pitiful last because he was the only one out of his 3 brothers and 1 sister, and his mother died shortly after his birth. She was the granddaughter of chief red cloud. Hakadah’s father was named Many Lightings- Tawakanhdeota. He was a full-blooded Sioux and later took the name Jacob eastman. Since Hakadah’s mother had died, he was raised in the tribe’s homeland of minnesota by his grandmother. When he was 4, the “sioux Uprising of 1862” occurred, and he became separated from his father, elder and his sister- whom the tribe thought had been killed by the whites. Hadakah was taken into exile into Manitoba with
forward from the University of Massachusetts. As a three time NBA champion, eleven all-star games, two-time all-star MVP four MVP’s, and three NBA season scoring titles, Julius Erving is one of the best players to ever play. While he didn’t win as many championships as some players, he changed the game by introducing a new style of play and, by staying humble
“In the midst of the calm, he was the storm... but more so, among his peers, he was looked upon as an underground icon...” - K. Thompson, 7/2014
Attended Harvard and he graduated 21st of 177. He studied in the fields of sciences, German, rhetoric, philosophy, and ancient languages. (1876-1880)
Who was Henry Flagler? Henry Flagler was a self made millionaire. Henry Flagler was born in Hopewell, New York in 1830. In 1953 he was married to Mary Harkness and had three children. In 1862 he and his brother-in law created a company for mining ice, this was called the Flagler and York Salt Company. After the cold war the need for salt had diminished leaving the Flagler and York Salt Company in dept. Soon after paying back the money he had become acquaintances with John D. Rockefeller. In Cleveland where he live it was staring to boom with oil. Rockefeller and Flagler left the grain business to create an oil business. They later moved to New York the headquarter for oil.
In 2000, neuroscientist Paul Greengard was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for their discoveries that concerned signal transduction in the nervous system, which is the process in which a chemical or physical signal is transmitted through a cell as a series of molecular events. Such a scientific discovery has since impacted and progressed the understanding of how the human body works.
In Portland, Oregon on February 28th, 1901, Linus Carl Pauling was born to Herman Henry William Pauling, a bread salesman and Lucy Isabelle Darling. His fascination with chemistry began when he was very young. He used to help friend and mentor Lloyd A. Jeffress, who owned a small laboratory kit. In high school, Pauling would steal scraps from from an abandoned steel plant to do experiments in secret. At the age of 15, Linus had enough credits to enter Oregon State, so he left Washington High School, without a diploma and entered college in 1917. Linus’ high school granted him his diploma 45 years later. During his first semester of his freshman year of college, Linus took two courses in chemistry, two in mathematics, mechanical drawing, introduction to mining and use of explosives, modern English prose, and gymnastics. He was very involved with campus life and he founded the school’s Delta Upsilon Fraternity. This fraternity is the seventh oldest and all male. Just after his sophomore year in
Many people have dreamed of climbing the tallest mountain on earth, Mount Everest. However one must possess certain physical and mental attributes to accomplish this giant feat. “Courage is not having the strength to go on: it's going on when you don't have the strength.” Ed Viesturs knows first-hand what having courage is all about although you’ve used all your strength. He kept going to reach his goal even after he faced life threatening obstacles.
In her early life, Kovalevsky belong to a wealthy, Russian family who provided her with special tutors who prolonged her newfound fascination with mathematics, many of which were women rights activists and shared their knowledge on the subject with her. Once Kovalevsky moved to Berlin, she began visiting a private tutor – as she was not allowed to attend college at the time. It wasn’t until 1870 that she submitted her papers on Saturn's rings and on elliptic integrals to the University of Göttingen. This forwarded her career as she had earned her doctorate for these studies.
The Euthyphro problem has to do with Plato. Plato argued about piety, which in definition means a belief or perspective that is accepted. Plato asked two questions: “Are right actions good because god commands them? And, “Are right actions commanded by god because they are good?
Leonhard Paul Euler was born on April 15th, 1707 in Basel, Switzerland and died on November18th, 1783 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Even from a young age, Euler was discovered by many, including his father (Paulus) and instructor (Johann I Bernoulli), to be extraordinarily proficient in mathematics. When he was just 15 years of age, Euler concluded his studies at the University of Basel. Euler wrote a prize winning paper explaining the best organization of masts on a sailing ship at 19 years old. The book was entitled Meditationes super problemate nautico… and the award he received was from the Academy of Sciences in Paris. In 1727, he submitted a dissertation regarding sound (Dissertatio physica de sono) in
David Hilbert was born in Konigsberg, Prussia on January 23, 1862 and went on to pursue a career in mathematics in his mother country before receiving a doctorate in 1885 for his study and thesis of invariant theory (David Hilbert, n.d.). Hilbert went on to begin a professional academic career at Konigsberg, where he taught until 1895 when he was "appointed to the chair of mathematics at the University of Gottingen, a post that he would hold for the remainder of his life.
Lagrange accomplished many things throughout his career and life that should not be duly noted. As a professor, Lagrange taught mechanics and calculus. However, his impatience tested his teaching methods as it started to create problems with students liking his classes. The following year in 1756, Lagrange sent some of his work to colleague, Leonhard Euler, who then sent it to the French mathematician, Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, the President of the Berlin Academy, now known as the Prussian Academy of Sciences. Vastly impressed by the work of Lagrange, Maupertuis invited him to Prussia to become a figure there. Such an invitation would probably have made him more widely known in the science world during that time, but Lagrange courteously declined the invitation as he was content with his life in Turin. Nevertheless, on September 2, 1756, Lagrange was elected to the Berlin Academy. The next year, 1757, Lagrange formed the Royal Academy of Sciences of Turin which was much alike the Berlin Academy. “Lagrange’s work during this period covered a variety of topics, such as calculus of variations, calculus of probabilities and foundations of dynamics. Later, he also worked on fluid mechanics, linear differential equations,
departure. Euler lost the sight of his right eye at the age of 31 and
Though he was developing and testing his theories, Galileo was not exposed to mathematics but was intrigued in the subject after attending a geometry lecture. He then began to study mathematics and natural philosophy instead of medicine since right before he earned his degree, the university cut him off due to unpaid funds. Returning to Florence, he lectured at the Florentine academy, where he studied and applied his new interests, and in 1586 he published an essay describing his invention of the hydrostatic balance, when fluid is at rest, which made his name known throughout Italy. With his other interest of philosophy, Galileo studied fine arts and received an instructer position in the Accademia delle Arti del Disegno in Florence in 1588 where he met Cigoli, a painter, who applied Galileo’s astronomical observations in his painting. This led Galileo to expand his mentality to be more aesthetic.