
Pauli Exclusion Principle

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Pauli Exclusion Principle
Wolfgang Ernst Pauli was an Austrian theoretical physicist famous for his work on the spin and quantum theory, and for the beneficial finding of the Pauli exclusion principle. Pauli was born on April 25th, 1900 and died on December 15th, 1958. He was a Foreign Member of the Royal Society of London and a member of the Swiss Physical Society, the American
Physical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Pauli helped to set in place the basis of the atomic theory. His suggestion of the hypothesis explaining the behavior of electrons in atoms first came out in 1925. Then in 1945, he was awarded the Nobel
Prize in Physics for his help and contribution to the atomic theory, through …show more content…

Pauli solved a “vexing difficulty” by introducing a new quantum number,

which is a quantity that was later called spin, and that became part of the Pauli exclusion principle. The second contribution he made was on the quantum field theory. Quantum field theory is a combined element of quantum mechanics and subatomic scale, which is a particle that is smaller then an atom like a quark and describes the properties of molecules and atoms of electron, protons, and neutrons. Quantum mechanics deals with the behavior of matter and light on the atomic subatomic scale. These particles are known to interact with each other with electromagnetic radiation. An electromagnetic radiation is the flow of energy at the speed of light through free space. An example of this radiation would be through light or x-rays. The last contribution was Pauli’s discovery of the existence of the neutral particles, later known as neutrinos. It was used to preserve the conservation of energy in nuclear beta decay.
Pauli was born in Vienna, Austria. His father was the chemist and physician Wolfgang
Joseph Pauli and his mother was the writer Bertha Camilla Schutz. He also had a younger sister,
Hertha, who became an actress and author. Pauli’s godfather, Ernst Mach, from whom he got his middle name, was the famous Austrian physicist and psychologist who studied the action of bodies moving and developed a method

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