
Pedagogy Of The Oppressed Chapter 1 Summary

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In Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire explores the importance of education to the liberation of the oppressed. Education, depending on the approach, can either be an essential tool for the liberation of the oppressed, or a means of reproducing the ideology of oppression, even subconsciously.
In Chapter 1 of the book Freire lays the foundations for his pedagogy. He explains that liberation is a process by which not only the oppressed, but the oppressors as well, become more human. In an oppressive society the oppressed are viewed and treated as commodities rather than people. This process of dehumanization affects both the oppressor, whose own humanity is degraded by their degradation of others, and the oppressed, who internalize their treatment and view themselves as less-than-human. The only way for humanity to be liberated is if the oppressed, not the oppressors, are the core of the …show more content…

In Chapter 2 Freire explores the structure of existing education, the banking approach, which consists of a subject (the teacher) transmitting concrete, inflexible knowledge to a number of objects (students). This style of education is reproduced and encouraged by oppressors because it encourages a view of the world as static and people as objective observers of it. Freire posits the problem-solving approach as an antidote to the banking approach. With the problem-solving approach, the lines between teacher and student are blurred. Everyone is encouraged to constantly examine and re-examine themselves, the world around them and the ever-changing relationships between them. Through this type of education, people come to see themselves as developing human beings who

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