This 5K is all about trying to raise money for the Make-A-Wish foundation. With the money we raise, we will make wish bags for children ages 10-13 to try to help brighten their day. There is a $5 registion fee, but all the money will go to the wish bags. Also, there will be a raffle for a signed Carson Wentz and Erin Teschuk picture. And those are just some of the prizes you can
I will refer to a particular service user I support as (A). 2years ago (A) was assessed and deemed a risk to their self in the community and within the house when alone with out staff support during the hours of 8am and 9pm but at night (A) had appropriate measures in place to ensure safety at night, door
“All the cells take in and use nutrients and other substances from their surroundings. Cells of the intestine and the kidney are specialized to carry out absorption. Cells of the kidney tubules reabsorb fluids and synthesize proteins. Intestinal epithelial cells reabsorb fluids and synthesize protein enzymes” (McCance & Huether, pg. 2).
Energy keeps all living organisms alive, as they need a continual supply of energy to function in order to survive. Some of these processes are continuous such as, metabolism, which is the chemical reactions which occur in the body, these occur by using or releasing energy from chemical substances. Another continuous process which use energy is the transporting of molecules in order for them to break down, and to build new ones. The breakdown of large molecules into their simpler forms to release energy is known as catabolism, for example, when glucose is used in a cell to release energy. And the opposite reaction, is called anabolism. This is when energy is used to build complex structures from simple cells, for example, tissue growth and
In this assignment I will be choosing and describing a service user for my case study and I’m going to explain how some factors such as medical disorders, life style and many more may have influenced their dietary intake. Due to the data protection I will not be using their real name.
D1 – Evaluate the impact of war, conflict and terrorism on one UK Public Service
A practical exercise is an option to allow those who do not perform well in traditional interviews to demonstrate that they do have the skills required to do the job role, for example if no mention is made of excellent verbal communication skills as an essential requirement of the job but accurate data entry skills are then this can be demonstrated using an exercise whilst taking account of the candidates limitations in the former aspect.
Looking at the outcomes, which are the result of the support plan, these include inputs, outputs and outcomes. In simplified terms, these items look like:
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator. These look into what support and resources children and young people with special educational needs need whilst at the school. They will meet with various outside school practitioners like speech and language therapists and physiotherapists. They also keep the parents informed of everything that is being done for their child and get any consent for any treatment/therapist/outing the child may need. They also set out Provision maps (formally known as IEPs - Individual Educations Plans) with help from the class teacher and if available one to one TA. The Provision plan sets out what intervention group/individual activity the child will be involved in for the coming term and what the outcome of doing this should be. The child will also be asked to sign
1.2 Explain circumstances when it is necessary to seek specialist expertise in relation to recruitment and selection.
If they move and have to go to a new school, make new friends ect. As a parent or teacher you can comfort them and let them get used to where they are and not feel nervous or scared about being somewhere new and unfamiliar and help them to make friends, by asking them to join in activities, join an after school club or an out of school club where they will meet new people and get to know
1.1 Explain the importance of a holistic approach to assessment and planning of care or support.
Plans would be reviewed and updated at regular intervals to check progress and consider any changes in the situation.
Unit: 654 Manage disciplinary processes in health and social care or children and young people's settings.
2. Working according to the agreed ways means following the organisation’s policy and procedures in relation to pressure areas. It also means following the individual care plans and respecting the instructions in place. For example making sure a resident is turned every two hours, applying Cavilon cream on areas; fill in turning charts, prompt fluid intake. Under the duty of care a care assistant must always be aware of and raise concerns regarding possible pressure areas. Always record information in care plans accurately and in confidentiality.
I achieve this within my role by ensuring residents and their families are informed, kept up to date and by providing clear choices. I will act as an advocate on behalf of the young people in my care, to ensure they are represented and heard.