
Peaceful Resistance Principles

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I believe that peaceful resistance has the ability to have a very positive impact on society if done the right way. Three principles I believe could make a positive impact by peacefully resisting is, staying firm in what you resist despite heavy opposition, resisting respectfully and without crude behavior, and lastly have substantial reasons as to why you are peacefully resisting a law. With these three principles a peaceful resistance has the ability to have a very positive impact on society. The first principle I believe helps a peaceful resistance make a positive impact on our society is staying firm in what you resist despite heavy opposition. Like on December 1, 1955 when Rosa Parks peacefully resisted bus segregation. She was asked to stand up so a white person could sit in her seat, but she said no. Even after she was told she would be sent to jail, she still refused to give up her seat, standing firm in her belief on resisting segregation. She showed she believed in what she was doing by not giving up her bus seat, despite eventually being sent to jail. She stayed firm in what she believed and because of that she is known around the world for the positive …show more content…

In 1930 Mahatma (Mohandas) Gandhi proved that you can resist a law while being respectful, and not having crude behavior. “He lead a peaceful protest against Britain’s imposed law dictating no Indian could collect or sell salt in the country. Followed by dozens, Gandhi walk over 240 miles leading protestors to the Arabian Sea to pick up a small handful of salt out of the muddy waters of the sea. Seventeen years later, after this peaceful yet defiant act, India gained independence from Britain. ” This is a piece of an article written by, “Global Citizen” proving that a respectful resistance can indeed be powerful, and have a positive impact on

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