I believe that peaceful resistance has the ability to have a very positive impact on society if done the right way. Three principles I believe could make a positive impact by peacefully resisting is, staying firm in what you resist despite heavy opposition, resisting respectfully and without crude behavior, and lastly have substantial reasons as to why you are peacefully resisting a law. With these three principles a peaceful resistance has the ability to have a very positive impact on society. The first principle I believe helps a peaceful resistance make a positive impact on our society is staying firm in what you resist despite heavy opposition. Like on December 1, 1955 when Rosa Parks peacefully resisted bus segregation. She was asked to stand up so a white person could sit in her seat, but she said no. Even after she was told she would be sent to jail, she still refused to give up her seat, standing firm in her belief on resisting segregation. She showed she believed in what she was doing by not giving up her bus seat, despite eventually being sent to jail. She stayed firm in what she believed and because of that she is known around the world for the positive …show more content…
In 1930 Mahatma (Mohandas) Gandhi proved that you can resist a law while being respectful, and not having crude behavior. “He lead a peaceful protest against Britain’s imposed law dictating no Indian could collect or sell salt in the country. Followed by dozens, Gandhi walk over 240 miles leading protestors to the Arabian Sea to pick up a small handful of salt out of the muddy waters of the sea. Seventeen years later, after this peaceful yet defiant act, India gained independence from Britain. ” This is a piece of an article written by, “Global Citizen” proving that a respectful resistance can indeed be powerful, and have a positive impact on
Peaceful resistance to laws has a positive impact on society. Because it's not harming anybody and they're standing up for what they believe in and they have equal rights to every one else. One example was Rosa Parks. At the time, blacks had to go to the back of the bus and one day she decided she was going to stay in the front of the bus because she was tired. She was also making a statement that people should be able to sit wherever they choose to.
Peaceful resistance in the United States of America, done with the right intentions, has a positive impact of a free society. I hold this belief because as humans we can be flawed in our ways of thinking and require something to draw our attention for us to realize our flawed views. Peaceful resistance is positive because it draws attention to an issue in society, it communicates a level of civility, and it attempts to initiate a positive way of addressing issues in society.
Disobedience is inevitable. It is an overtaking urge you to express when you encounter something that you disagree with. However, some of the greatest acts of disobedience have lead us to a path of improvement. Some examples can lead to a path to Rosa Parks and the “Tank Man”. These bold people were seen as rebels in society, but they were rebels of justice.
Peaceful resistance to laws positively impact a free society. As a society there is nothing stronger than "We the people". Our silence and words speak louder than any actions of ours ever could. Rosa Parks did not scream or fight back against the policemen or the people who tried to make her go sit in the back of the bus. She just sat there quietly which scared people.
Peaceful resistance to laws positively impacts our free society. It allows us to make our voices heard and spread a message if there is a law that we find is either unfair or goes against our protected freedoms. Peaceful resistance has helped our country grow on multiple occasions. It has always been a part of our countries history and is well protected by our First Amendment rights. Due to this, There is little to know doubt that peaceful resistance has positively effected the lives of many Americans.
I believe that peaceful resistance positively impacts a free society. Peaceful resistance has been used by activists for hundreds of years, examples being Mahatma Gandhi and even the founders of the United States. Peaceful resistance has consistently been used as a way for people to convey to their government their views and their feelings in a nonviolent and amicable way. It has been used as a tool for people such as the women of the Suffragette Movement, the people of the Civil Rights Movement, and even for people today to stand up for what they believe in and to make their voices heard.
Does peaceful resistance to laws positively or negatively impact a free society? In your answer, incorporate the principles and specific examples (including current events) that support your conclusion.
Peaceful Resistance has had its place in many societies around the world for centuries. Examples of this powerful political tool exist from the Roman Plebeians refusing to work in order to bring change to the harsh Roman consul to the notorious Indian Independence movement led by Mohandas Gandhi. Peaceful Resistance is not only effective through its influential and compelling tactics, but it is absolutely necessary when those in power refuse to acknowledge the issues in front of them. In order to advance anything, attention has to be brought to the issue at hand. Without people willing to be peacefully passionate, there will be no LASTING change. Laws are put in place to protect people, however when that protection discriminates or takes away
Peaceful resistance or civil disobedience, is a method of expressing disapproval of certain laws in the form of non-violent activities and protests such as marches, boycotts and other non-violent methods with the aim of bringing about a change to the opposed law. Although the approach of peaceful resistance is sometimes defiant in the way which the participant’s strong beliefs are communicated, it is in complete respect of the law rather than the denouncement of it. Hence peaceful resistance does not negatively impact the society, it rather positively impacts the free society by providing a channel through which unjust situations and laws left in the dark may be heard, seen, and dealt with accordingly. Throughout the years’ peaceful
Peaceful resistance impacts a free society in a positive way. There are times when the government is blind towards what is going on in the world and even the country in which we live in. Peaceful resistance is an action that takes place to bring awareness to the public. An excellent example of a time in which peaceful resistance impacted the free society in a positive manner is the Civil Rights Movement. This was less than one hundred years ago.
The world has been driven by a force of civil disobedience by many different well known leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. , Rosa Parks, Alice Paul, and Mahatma Ghandi. Civil disobedience, the act of disobeying the law in a peaceful manner for one’s own rights and thoughts, has been used for the greater good for centuries past and will most likely continue to do this through the many centuries to come. The Constitution itself states that congress can make no law prohibiting religion, media, speech, the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances and the right to peacefully assemble. Civil disobedience is also shown vividly through the Civil
One of the most well-known civil rights activist is Rosa Parks. She stated that “You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right,” (Korpe). I feel as though this statement is undeniably true. Without standing her ground against segregation in Alabama, people may have never realized how truly wrong everything was. Parks was considered to be the leader of the “…earliest substantial demonstration against segregation…” (Korpe). This shows that standing up for what is right has a domino affect. Those who have the same views will support a cause in which they are passionate for, even if it is considered illegal. Rosa parks stood as an exemplary figure for one who was exercising her rights in a free society and brought to attention what rights she was not being given, even though they were technically
Governments are established to create and uphold laws that are meant to preserve an orderly society and keep a population in balance. This system helps provide structure and laws for its citizens, while allowing its citizens to appoint who is in control of the government. Unfortunately, this system can be corrupted, causing government officials to create oppressive regimes over their subjects. No government is safe from this risk, and these events still happen today. In order to keep governments in check, people must be able to form coalitions to fight overreaching power. Peaceful resistance positively impacts a free society by checking government decisions that may not fit with the population’s general ideals.
The characteristic of non-violent resistance are quite gentle, they do not require having a strong or negative actions to express the discontent of people that are oppressed. Actually, the characteristics imply purpose to change a society or a politics in a nation. They usually involved with ethical because their goal is to modify the society without using violence, which means that the characteristics allow us to achieve the goal through symbolic protest, civil disobedience, or other methods that are not related to violence. These characteristics have made non-violent resistance become a powerful tool for protest. This method of non-violent is so effective that the author Martin Luther King says, “There is the more excellent way of love and
Peaceful resistance to laws positively impacts a free society. Rather than having violent movements and harming citizens, it is better to peacefully resist. Once a violence is used, the resistance to the law becomes nulled. People tend to not follow a violence protester. Once a violent riot starts, chaos is everywhere. People forget what they are truly fighting for. They unconsciously run away with the fear of getting harmed and dare not to go back. A peaceful resistance on the other hand leads citizens to join and support. People are able to see what they are fighting for and their real intentions. They are able to stand and cause no problem to people passing by as they are showing their support through silent voices. Many famous activists and leaders are for nonviolence. Mahatma Gandhi, a primary leader of India’s independence