
Peaceful Resistance Research Paper

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Peaceful resistance to laws has positively impacted a free society and will continue to in the future. Although there will always be minor issues involving group assemblies and beliefs, the positive impacts that they have outweigh the negatives. As in the past with Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., and others, even though there were a few negative contributions to society, their positive contributions were able to help shape society for the better. Therefore, peaceful resistance to laws believed to be unjust does have a positive impact on a free society. Throughout the years numerous stories of peaceful resistance has been documented and shared with other. One very influential story of peaceful protest is of Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks refused …show more content…

Martin Luther King Jr.. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested while participating in an anti-segregation march. While jailed, he responded to "A Call for Unity" by several white churches and their leaders. They criticized King Jr. for numerous reasons including interfering with the city of Birmingham as an "outsider," that it was inappropriate for him to stage public protest and that protestors should have tried negotiating and waiting until the country gradually moved towards civil rights because they were breaking laws in the process. He responded to them with several well-organized thoughts such as how injustice anywhere threatened justice everywhere, that the white justice system allowed no other way to be heard than to protest, and that oppressors were not just going to hand over rights especially when there were laws, just and unjust, that said otherwise. Through all of these hardships and cruel letters, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. persevered and continued on in his journey of peaceful protest until the day he died. This shows that even when attacked, peaceful protests can still work and that one did, giving rights to all Blacks. This may have never happened had people not protested the way that they

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