
Pearl Harbor: FDR Leads The Nation Into War

Decent Essays
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Emily Hollifield
4 April 2016
Pearl Harbor: FDR leads the Nation into War. By Steven M. Gillon. (Basic Books, A Member of the Perseus Books Group, 2011.) Pearl Harbor, the horrific event taking place in Hawaii on December 7th of 1941, was largely devastating to the United States; it led to a heavy depletion of war supplies, ships, and American soldiers. The attack on Pearl Harbor came as a surprise and it was up to our commander in chief, Franklin D. Roosevelt, to stay calm and deal with the harsh matters in an orderly fashion. In these times his leadership is critical; he makes sure that his decisions are intelligent as he takes an American disaster and generates the growth of this nation as a national super power. This viewpoint is demonstrated by Steven M. Gillon who successfully provides various compelling examples of FDR’s leadership in a time of great disaster. Gillon effectively shows the actions taken and decisions made to lead the country through difficult hardship; with this he provides an enticing account of the various complications it takes to lead a country in situations of great despair while proving the anti-American theories about FDR to be false.
Gillon begins his book following a typical day in FDR’s presidency, he then continues to communicate …show more content…

The book is formatted satisfactorily and provides great detail to the events that happened on this unexpected and devastating day in American history. Gillon also focuses on the after effects of the attack to the States as a whole providing the readers with a fresh view on FDR’s presidency, leadership, and his impact on America. Through his writing he is also able to terminate all of the anti-American conspiracies against Roosevelt. Steve M. Gillon has the sound knowledge of this event to publish and explain the happenings and full effects of Pearl

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