
Pediatrician Personal Goals

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College is something that is very important to me because I want to make a change in my life. I want to become a pediatrician, and possibly want my major to be in biology. Also, I want to maybe become a teacher for younger children. When I grow up I want to become a teacher or pediatrician because I have always enjoyed the company of small children. This is my biggest goal because I know that becoming any type of doctor or teacher requires hard work and dedication, and I really want to show people that my race can also achieve careers such as these. Another personal goal I want to achieve is just being able to provide for my family without struggling because as I was growing up things were not earned easily. As I was growing up money has always been an issue, therefore I want to have a career in order to be financially stable. I remember when I was younger my older sisters did not work, therefore both of my parents would struggle to pay important …show more content…

In the end they always found a way, and it is something I appreciate very much. I am very thankful that no matter what obstacle came in their way, they never gave up just so that we would be okay. I want to be able to pay it forward and give them everything they need when they get much older. I am also very motivated to attend college because my sisters did not have the chance to pursue their dreams, due to family needs. They were forced to work in order to help my parents or provide for their children, so it the end as they had too much on their plate they slowly began to give up on their education. My sisters are always pushing me by telling me to try my best in school so I would not end up like them, and honestly this has really changed my point of view on my education. It has helped me realize that my education is relevant because it will get me far in life and open many doors for me in the

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