College is something that is very important to me because I want to make a change in my life. I want to become a pediatrician, and possibly want my major to be in biology. Also, I want to maybe become a teacher for younger children. When I grow up I want to become a teacher or pediatrician because I have always enjoyed the company of small children. This is my biggest goal because I know that becoming any type of doctor or teacher requires hard work and dedication, and I really want to show people that my race can also achieve careers such as these. Another personal goal I want to achieve is just being able to provide for my family without struggling because as I was growing up things were not earned easily. As I was growing up money has always been an issue, therefore I want to have a career in order to be financially stable. I remember when I was younger my older sisters did not work, therefore both of my parents would struggle to pay important …show more content…
In the end they always found a way, and it is something I appreciate very much. I am very thankful that no matter what obstacle came in their way, they never gave up just so that we would be okay. I want to be able to pay it forward and give them everything they need when they get much older. I am also very motivated to attend college because my sisters did not have the chance to pursue their dreams, due to family needs. They were forced to work in order to help my parents or provide for their children, so it the end as they had too much on their plate they slowly began to give up on their education. My sisters are always pushing me by telling me to try my best in school so I would not end up like them, and honestly this has really changed my point of view on my education. It has helped me realize that my education is relevant because it will get me far in life and open many doors for me in the
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” As a child, we have all been asked this question; and as unrealistic children, we all had dreams of being a superhero, princess, cowboy, or astronaut. Later on in life, as time went by, and as we became more knowledgeable, our answers became more serious. Some of us wanted to be teachers, business owners, or a veterinarian. However, I have always wanted to be a doctor, but not just any doctor. For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a pediatrician. Now, half way through my junior year in high school, I have started to question the details of this career, and all the hard work it takes to become a part of the medical field.
Jumping years ahead, we are stronger in the Lord, there is hope and my kids are grown, and are trying to
Overall, I just want to be contented with my life in the future and not realize that I am miserable and that I have wasted my life. In the near future, I also aspire to do well in all four years of high school. This also applies to college. Another goal for the future that I have is to get a scholarship for college because of the fact that I want to go to college, but I don't want to drown in college debt.
an higher education, Education is very important to me and in order to move ahead in life, not just get by but to really succeed and prosper, I must get a college degree as it can openö up many close doors that a high school diploma couldn’t open for me.
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” (Dr. Seuss) The direction that I choose is a career in the medical field. In order to attain my goal of becoming a doctor, I must first achieve my goals in undergraduate school. As I prepare for college next year, my goals are to graduate from college with a major in Pre-Medicine, to graduate from college with a 3.7 or higher grade point average (GPA), and to volunteer or work for a medical related field for at least six months.
When I was fourteen years old, my grandpa showed me how to start my own painting and landscaping business. Starting my own business showed me how to work hard for my money and that if I wanted something, I had to work hard for it. I never had anything handed to me. Everything I have, comes from me. When I turned sixteen, I applied and got a job at In-N-Out Burger. I work thirty hours a week while going to school full time so that I can pay for my education. I was able to do this and stay out of student loans for my first two years at Pima Community College. Now that I have graduated with my Associates Degree in business, I have to move on to the University of Arizona. My financial situation is a lot more difficult now that my tuition went from five hundred a semester to around six thousand.
While having no financial revenue and relying on our savings, we turned broke. Of all my brothers, I was the oldest. Traditionally, who supposed to be the boss of the family and financially support the rest of the family members as well. Having a shared goal, I and my mom started working, but we were earning insufficient money. For instance, we had to spend all our earnings to provide my brothers with food and clothing, but could not cover the schooling cost of all of my five brothers. Although I successfully graduated from high school, but by working out of necessity I remained a few years away from my school education. Which I guess was a waste of my education time.
something and you needed some money to pay for it then you could do some extra chores to
I grew up in a time when life was simple. I did not get all the things other kids got so I
After creating a family at such a young age, assimilating to a new country at the same time, and dealing with the constant battles of being a teenager, my parents were not able to further their education. My mother went straight to work in a factory, while my father went into carpentry. The most that I remember from my childhood was jumping from one baby sitter to the next until my grandmother finally decided to take that responsibility. Responsibility over me and my little sister was distributed between my grandmother and older sister. We pretty much raised ourselves, which is the reason we
Furthermore, the Biology department, specifically the Pre-medicine program will help me along my journey as I strive to become a Pediatric Surgeon. I am confident
The career I chose from the health sciences pathway is a pediatrician. I chose this career because I like helping people especially children. This career requires a bachelor degree with many classes in advanced science. In order to become a pediatrician you must pass the Medical College Admissions test and get into to medical school which takes four years to complete to earn a doctor of medicine degree (Career Cruising, 2018). In addition to medical school pediatricians complete a residency that usually lasts for three years (Career Cruising, 2018). Some good colleges to attend are Harvard Medical School, John Hopkins University, School of Medicine, and Stanford University, School of Medicine (The Best Schools, 2011).
different cities. I have worked my tail off to help my family because we are not very wealthy. I
My parents dropped out of high school, once my older brother was conceived. My father worked strenuously at any job he could find, while my mother became a housewife. After the passing of my mother, my father needed someone to stay at home with his children while he worked late into the night and early in the morning. My stepmother took care of us and taught us how to support ourselves, while she prepared to work late in the night alongside my father. They have been working odd jobs with my father working two jobs, during my childhood, to support four children. We moved from Florida to Texas for the cheaper living and education for my brother. Our parents had made sure to never let us witness their struggle, but forced us to graduate
When I got my job I was unaware of the financial responsibilities that would lie ahead. My parents had never been the type to have extra money they could just give me whenever I asked, so initially I was getting a job to have money so I could do what my friends already could do with their parents’ money. At first, that is exactly what happened; I used my money to go to Buffalo Wild Wings, to buy a